Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 71 Is this f*ck playing with dolls? (The 3 update, ask for subscription, ask for data suppor

You must know that in the Awakened Association, the talent level test will only be conducted when the Awakened has reached the first black iron star for certification and enthronement.

Therefore, the beasts used for testing in every Awakened Association branch are black iron one star.

And it's recyclable.

So the stone armored lizards in today's test were temporarily caught from other cities.

And in order to ensure that there is no accident to achieve the effect of the test, this stone armored lizard is still injected with petrochemical agents, and the whole body cannot move for a short time.

But now, this stone armored lizard moved directly.

Normally it's impossible.

The only explanation can only be the influence of Chu Huan's soul skill.

But the next moment, in the sight of the middle-aged man, the stone armoured lizard, who had just taken a step, seemed to have untied the shackles on his body. After a step, he directly ejected and jumped into the nearest coffin.

In this way, no matter how you look at it, it is the same as the Erha raised by the middle-aged man who saw the toilet every time he went to the toilet, for fear that the food he ate late would be flushed away by the water.

After the stone armour lizard jumped into the coffin, the coffin lid lifted by the four shadows that were still twisting on the edge of the coffin quickly fell.

"Oh, these phantoms are quite humane! Should the coffin be covered?"

The middle-aged man secretly praised himself in his heart, and the four shadows carrying the coffin on his shoulders were already shaking together with the other shadow holding a baton.

I don't know if it's been a long time since I listened to it, but as the sound of the "Suona" continued to reverberate, the man's head actually shook a few times along the beat of the song.

The middle-aged man didn't react until Fu Wenbo looked at him strangely.

Then he coughed lightly: "Well, the song is quite magical."

After speaking, the middle-aged man continued to look through the mirror to the opposite testing room.

Soon, with these phantoms stepping on the rhythm, they walked slowly in front of another coffin-carrying gang in this three-step dance.

A few seconds later, looking at the overlapping coffin and the other five coffin-lifting phantoms that were lifted up like a relay, even Fu Wenbo glared at him, not to mention the middle-aged man.

"I'll go. The two extra coffins are played together like this?"

When he saw that Chu Huan's soul skill had produced three coffins, Fu Wenbo was still guessing what the extra two coffins would do.

Is this f*ck playing with dolls?

A coffin can be put into another coffin.

At this moment, Fu Wenbo felt that his three views had been greatly impacted.

Soon, in the astonishment of the two, as the last coffin-carrying gang started to carry the three-layered coffin on their shoulders, wisps of black smoke began to emerge from the coffin and quickly. Cover the whole coffin.

After dozens of seconds, as the coffin landed again, the stone armoured lizard that jumped into the coffin jumped out again.

It's just that when the stone armored lizard jumped out, it slowly walked to Chu Huan's side and stood still.

Even through a glass, the middle-aged man and Fu Wenbo could clearly see the eyes of this stone armored lizard, which had changed from green to gray now.

There is no anger and agility in it.

It was also after the stone armored lizard successfully became Chu Huan's puppet, and after a pause of about ten seconds, the artificial sound was already echoing around.

"Chu Huan, a four-star awakened apprentice, current tool soul - auxiliary type, tool soul skill damage: S, tool soul skill control effect: S level, tool soul skill has a special effect - undead transformation."

"Soul Potential Evaluation: SSS Grade"

"Another SSS-level evaluation."

Looking at the data displayed on the screen of the machine in front of him, Fu Wenbo took a light breath.

Not to mention Fu Wenbo, even the middle-aged man next to him narrowed his eyes slightly.

After pondering for a while, the middle-aged man turned his head and asked, "What's going on in this kid's house?"

Hearing this question, Fu Wenbo couldn't guess the meaning of the middle-aged man's question.

He immediately shook his head and said, "His parents were awakened before, but they died in the secret realm of beasts! The family is not in the business of dead people like coffins."

Getting an answer from Fu Wenbo, the middle-aged man touched his chin and said, "Hey, if it turns out to be an ordinary person, how come the awakened artifact soul and artifact spirit's skills are so evil?"

"It's obviously an auxiliary weapon soul, but it not only has damage and control effects, but also has the ability to transform into undead. It feels like it's combined with the three S-level tool soul skills."

Fu Wenbo nodded and said, "Yeah! Such an auxiliary weapon soul has such powerful skills! What do other combat-type weapon souls think?"

At this moment, the middle-aged man's interest was completely swayed by Chu Huan.

After pondering for a while, the middle-aged man pressed the button on the machine again.

As the button was pressed, in the test room where Chu Huan was, a fresh stone armored lizard was raised again from the previous corner position.

"Please test awakeners continue to use the soul skills on the new test beasts."

Hearing the artificial sound in the room and looking at the stone armored lizard in the corner, Chu Huan couldn't help but hesitate.

The second tool soul skill that Chu Huan said to Fu Wenbo was a BUFF effect.

But now Chu Huan's health is full.

Now, if you use Erhura Song, the effect is an area-based damage effect.

Doing so is equivalent to saying in disguise that his second artifact soul skill is a dual-effect thing.

After all, although Chu Huan doesn't mind showing his strength, he will always keep one hand in his hole.

But on second thought, Chu Huan shook his head again.

After all, he is now an awakened apprentice, and when he is promoted to the black iron level, there will naturally be new weapon soul skills.

At this time, there is no need to hide and tuck.

Anyway, it's just the exposure of the artifact soul skills, and it's not that the existence of the system is known to others, so what are you afraid of?

Thinking about it, Chu Huan put the soul of the "suona" in front of him into his body, and then took out the soul of the "erhu".

But this time, Chu Huan did not let the erhu play the tune by himself.

Instead, he let the undead stone armored lizard that had become his puppet walk behind him and lie down, while Chu Huan was sitting on the stone armored lizard's book.

After holding the erhu in his hand, he pondered for a while before starting his own performance.

Soon, as the bow gently plucked the strings, the slightly sad and tactful music slowly resounded.

While Chu Huan was pulling the erhu, with the consumption of soul power in the body, in Chu Huan's field of vision, the stone armored lizard in the far corner began to have a "-30" damage value. emerge.

HP decreases at a rate of 90 per second.

In another room, looking at Chu Huan, who was sitting on the beast while pulling the erhu and shaking his head, the middle-aged man turned his head and asked, "His second tool soul skill also requires a certain amount of time like the first tool soul skill. start time?"

Fu Wenbo shook his head and said, "I don't know, this kid only told me that the second tool soul skill can increase the "Agility" attribute by 100%, but I was too surprised at the time and didn't try it myself."

The middle-aged man thought for a while and said, "That's right, it's me, I'm afraid I'll lose heart when I know which Awakener's tool soul skill can double the "Agility" attribute, so you... ..."

However, just before the middle-aged man finished speaking, in the sight of the two, the stone armoured lizard that was sticking to the edge of the glass at the moment suddenly tilted its head and lay on the ground like this, its body shaking. After a few moments there was no movement.

Based on the experience and knowledge of the middle-aged man and Fu Wenbo, it is certain that this stone armored lizard has cooled down.

Immediately afterwards, in the room, some new data appeared on the display screen of the machine in front of the two of them.

"Chu Huan, a four-star awakened apprentice, current tool soul - auxiliary type, tool soul skill damage: S, tool soul special effect - area damage."

"Tool Soul Potential Evaluation: S Grade"

Middle-aged man: "??????"

Fu Wenbo: "??????"

Looking at the stone armored lizard whose neck suddenly crooked to death and the data displayed on the machine, the middle-aged man looked at Fu Wenbo with a question mark on his face.

"Didn't you say that this kid's second tool soul skill is a BUFF type? Why is it a group damage type?"

At the moment , fu wenbo is also confused , completely unclear about the situation 0 .

"I don't know either! I said that I was so surprised when I heard it that I didn't try it myself."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man's eyes widened.

"Good guy, one dares to speak and the other dares to believe, you haven't gotten your silly and sweet attributes for so many years?"

Listening to what the middle-aged man said, Fu Wenbo said with a bitter face: "Teacher, I'm in my thirties anyway, don't use "silly white sweet" to describe me like that!"

When it was over, Fu Wenbo said to himself, "But this kid won't lie to me with the effect of the tool soul skill! Otherwise, he told me before, why is his appearance different now?"

In the murmurs and doubts of the two, they did not notice the passage of time at all.

Soon, as the room passed 30 seconds, the corpse of the dead stone armoured lizard was slowly descending after listening to the song.

A few seconds later, another fresh stone armored lizard was lifted up again.

Chu Huan in the room glanced at the new stone armored lizard over there, and wiped his right hand on his watch.

The next moment, Chu Huan was already holding a medicine bottle with blue blood pills in his hands.

"I hope Mr. Fu didn't lie to me, it's really good, otherwise it would be a loss to expose like this!"

Although Chu Huan's muttering in the room was small, it was clearly transmitted to the room where Fu Wenbo and the middle-aged man were located by the broadcasting equipment.

Hearing Chu Huan's voice, Fu Wenbo and the middle-aged man quickly raised their heads.

Looking up, the two of them just happened to see Chu Huan poured a handful from a medicine bottle and stuffed it into his mouth, then took out a bottle of water from the space watch and ate the medicine.

"What did he eat?" the middle-aged man asked.

Fu Wenbo: "It looks like medicine!"

The middle-aged man's face darkened and he said angrily: "Nonsense, I can see it, what kind of medicine is that what I asked?"

Fu Wenbo shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

The middle-aged man took a deep breath and continued to ask, "Then why is he taking medicine now?"

Fu Wenbo: "I don't know!"

Faced with this question, Fu Wenbo, who didn't know anything, the middle-aged man clenched his fists slightly and then looked at Fu Wenbo with disgust and said, "My students don't know anything, what kind of teacher are you? Are you mistaken?"

Fu Wenbo: "........"

Looking at the somewhat unreasonable middle-aged man in front of him, Fu Wenbo wanted to cry without tears.

One is asking three questions, and the other is blank.

Since nothing was clear, the two had to continue watching.

Soon, after about 20 seconds, in the sight of the two, Chu Huan who took the medicine once again took the erhu floating in front of him with 3.6 in his hand and pulled it up.

Looking at Chu Huan pulling up his soul again and the tune playing, at this moment, an idea suddenly sounded in the middle-aged man and Fu Wenbo's mind.

"Could it be that this kid's second tool soul skill is a dual effect device soul skill?"

In such speculation, the two carefully observed.

Thirty seconds later, while a lot of soul power was consumed, a golden note began to drill out from Chu Huan's erhu and then slowly floated into the body of the stone armored lizard in the distance.

It was also after this note was integrated into the body of the stone armored lizard that Chu Huan loosened his hands, and the erhu was also incorporated into the body.

At the same time, the evaluation results of this Chu Huan test echoed in Chu Huan's ears.

"Chu Huan, a four-star awakened apprentice, the current tool soul - auxiliary type, tool soul skill effect - increase agility attribute by one percent, tool soul special effect - scope."

"Soul Potential Evaluation: SSS Grade"

After the voice fell, Chu Huan said, "No more! The second tool soul skill only has two effects."

The voice fell, as if responding to Chu Huan, and the artificial prompt slowly emerged.

"Name: Chu Huan, Level: Four-star Awakened Apprentice, Awakened Time: 7 days, Awakened Potential: SSS, Awakened Soul Skill Potential: SSS, Overall Talent Rating: SSS."

ps; Because it takes a long time to write a chapter of 4,000 words, the update will be slower! Not much to say, keep coding! I beg for subscription and data support! .

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