Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 60: If I don't live long, I have to take shortcuts (410 for the 1 order)

Because Chu Huan was stunned at the moment, the second coffin-carrying gang in sight slowed down again.

Even the sound of music echoing around was a little smaller.

Seeing this, Chu Huan regained his senses and began to put the suona to his lips again.

As the soul power was rapidly consumed, the frequency of the coffin-carrying gang in front of them swayed faster.

A few seconds later, as before, the second coffin carrying gang successfully placed the coffin on the shoulders into the third coffin.

Seeing that the third coffin-carrying gang once again carried the coffin to the left and the right like a slow shake.

Sun Lanshan, who had been waiting for almost a minute from beginning to end, finally couldn't help but speak again.

"Little brother, ~ is it not over yet?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan said, "Come on, a few seconds at most, if you don't interrupt me, it's already over!"

Sun Lanshan: "......"

Facing Chu Huan's somewhat complaining tone, Sun Lanshan's eyelids twitched.

"Dammit, you have such a weird tool soul skill, do you still blame me?"

To tell the truth, after so many years of living, Sun Lanshan is the first time he has seen a healing-type soul skill like Chu Huan.

Get some dark shadows to come out and dance with something like a coffin.

No matter how you look at it, there is a breath of hell.

Looking at Chu Huan's innocent and innocent appearance, Sun Lanshan couldn't help but wonder if Chu Huan's tool soul skill was a serious tool soul skill.

It's just, looking at a few black shadows that are jumping up and down not far away.

Sun Lanshan couldn't help but wonder if the shadows would carry the box that looked like a coffin in the next moment and sneak into the ground to bury Zhao Xiang on the spot.

It was also when Sun Lanshan looked at the five shadows in front of him that he couldn't help but think wildly.

In Chu Huan's sight, with the handover of the three coffin-carrying gangs.

At this moment, Zhao Xiang's HP in the coffin has successfully dropped to 0 points.

In an instant, Chu Huan played even harder as he played instinctively.

Even with the song "March for Carrying the Coffin", it became even more cheerful.

In the height of the music of this song, wisps of black mist began to emerge from the coffin containing Zhao Xiang at a speed visible to the naked eye and surround the coffin.

And the number has continued to increase over time.

Looking at the black mist that rapidly increased until the entire coffin was covered, a strong sense of coldness also rose in Sun Lanshan's heart.

Under this vigilance, Sun Lanshan couldn't help but say, "No, this kid's artifact soul skills are not right."

The moment the words came out, Sun Lanshan himself quickly rushed to the coffin-carrying gang that was only a few meters away from the front.

During the movement of the body, the rapid agitation of the soul force caused a ghost that looked like a white sword to appear in Sun Lanshan's hands, and then slashed at the five shadows carrying the coffin.

But when Sun Lanshan's horse-cutting knife just touched the moment when the five coffin-carrying phantoms.

The horse-chopping knife actually passed through these five phantoms directly, and cut a loneliness directly.

Sun Lanshan himself couldn't help staggering because of this knife fall.

After stabilizing his body, Sun Lanshan roared out, looking at Li Na and the three who were still stunned on the spot.

"Dammit, why are you still stunned? This kid's artifact soul skill is not a healing type, do it!"

This time, Li Na and the others who had reacted also set off and rushed towards Chu Huan.

"Oh! I just found out now? It's too late!"

Taking the reactions of Sun Lanshan and others into his eyes, Chu Huan sneered.

Soul power quickly circulated from the body.

The toes tapped lightly, but in an instant, they retreated nearly ten meters.

"How fast? This guy has been playing with us?"

Seeing the speed displayed by Chu Huan at this moment, the expressions of the three of Li Na changed slightly.

It's not clear where Chu Huan could have guessed their purpose from the beginning, and has been acting with them to find opportunities to start.

The previous shyness and innocence were all fabricated by Chu Huan.

It was also at the moment when Chu Huan moved, when Chu Huan's last note fell, the coffin carrying gang on one side also put the coffin on the shoulders on the ground again and opened the coffin lid.

Immediately afterwards, a black shadow rushed out of the coffin.

It was Zhao Xiang who had been lying in the coffin before.

However, compared to before, at this moment, Zhao Xiang was covered in black mist.

And on the wooden face, the two eyes are gray, where are the black and white and angry eyes of normal people?

Looking at Zhao Xiang, who has become three-pointed like a human and seven-pointed like a ghost, Sun Lan's eyes shrank suddenly.

A few seconds later, Sun Lanshan scolded angrily: "Damn it! That kid is a summoning awakener, and the things summoned by his artifact soul skill turned out to be able to transform a living person into a undead spirit."

When these words came out, Li Na, who was chasing after Chu Huan, were in the same heart for a while, and instinctively turned their heads and glanced at Zhao Xiang.

Seeing this, the three of them were all dumbfounded.

The surroundings were inexplicably plunged into a strange silence.

It's just that I haven't waited for this kind of tranquility to last long.

A burst of loud music resounded over the area where everyone was located.

Hearing this burst of music, Sun Lanshan and the others quickly turned their heads.

Sure enough, Chu Huan on the side actually took the suona in his hand again.

At this moment, whether it was Sun Lanshan or Li Na, the word "fuck" popped into their minds.

Very sincere kind.

I saw with my own eyes Chu Huan's song, one of my companions was transformed into a undead.

Now when I hear this song again, whether it's Sun Lanshan, Li Na, or the other two, they all feel a cool air rising from the spine and echoing throughout the body.

At the same time, an uncontrollable question appeared in the hearts of the four of them.

"Who is that guy targeting this time?"

After his body shook violently, Sun Lanshan roared: "No, kill that kid, don't let him continue to play! Otherwise, he will die here today."

But it's okay not to say this, the voice has just opened, and Chu Huan on the side makes a sound.

"Kill him!"

The next second after the fluttering three words came out, Sun Lanshan found that Zhao Xiang, who had been standing still the previous second like a puppet, suddenly moved.

With the rapid movement, combined with the black mist around Zhao Xiang's body, at this moment, Zhao Xiang, like a ghost, instantly rushed to Sun Lanshan's front with a hand and quickly grabbed it towards Sun Lanshan.

Sensing that something was wrong, Sun Lanshan flashed aside almost as soon as he reacted.

But Zhao Xiang reached 16 points of "Agility" attribute, which is the highest "Agility" attribute in their team.

Even in normal times, Sun Lanshan couldn't compare to Zhao Xiang in terms of speed.

Not to mention that it is still dodging in a state of hindsight.

Even if it was the first reaction, it was a little slower after all, and was directly grabbed on the shoulder with his hand.


Suddenly, a strong pain came from Sun Lanshan's shoulder.

He quickly turned his head to look, but saw that the clothes on his shoulders already had a few more strips, as if they were separated by a knife.

Inside the torn clothes, blood from the wound quickly came out.

Looking at the wound on his shoulder, Sun Lanshan looked at Zhao Xiang's hands.

Only then did I notice that the nails on Zhao Xiang's right hand were ten centimeters long.

The key point is that this didn't shock Sun Lanshan.

What really shocked Sun Lanshan was that Chu Huan was able to control Zhao Xiang, who had turned into a undead at this moment.

"This guy, not to mention turning a living person into a undead, can he still control it? What kind of ghost artifact skill is this abnormal?"

At this moment, Sun Lanshan suddenly felt a bit of regret in his heart, and at the same time, a touch of unease began to quietly breed in Sun Lanshan's body and quickly multiply and spread.

Sun Lanshan was targeted by Zhao Xiang, while Li Na and the three continued to kill Chu Huan non-stop after a pause.

There was madness and urgency in his eyes.

Chu Huan's Tool Soul skills are too weird and weird.

But none of the three of them knew which of the three Chu Huan's soul skill was targeting.

Often times, the unknown is the most fearful thing.

Just like the three of Li Na at the moment.

Listening to the music that kept reverberating in my ears, I always felt that the next moment, those black phantoms would appear again with the coffins and put them in.

"Stop blowing, bastard, Laozi told you to stop blowing!"

While chasing Chu Huan, the sallow-faced man roared sternly.

But no matter how the sallow-faced man, Li Na and the man with the spear chased after him, the difference in attribute points and the registration of "Basic Fighting Techniques" was that the distance between them and Chu Huan could not be shortened by even one meter.

A few seconds later, in the panic of the three, black notes began to flow out from the "suona" in front of Chu Huan.

0 ·For flowers

Noticing this, the man with a sallow complexion was so frightened that he could no longer hide his entire face.

"Please, stop blowing, stop blowing! I know I'm wrong, let me go..."

The original roar and abuse in the three mouths also began to turn into pleading.

But Chu Huan showed no signs of stopping or even responding to the three people's pleas for mercy.

Chu Huan has always believed in the iron rule of "you punch me and I'll pay you back".

The word "let go of the past" is too hypocritical. I don't take it too seriously. I like the kind of feng shui that turns around and turns to death.

It seems that these guys in front of them turned their attention to Chu Huan.

If these people can still be kept alive, it is estimated that Chu Huan will not sleep well at night.

Constantly adjust the breath player "carrying the coffin march".

During the continuous consumption of soul power, the notes began to spread out and converge again into three coffin-carrying gangs.

There was no intermittent situation like before. The three coffin-carrying gangs had just appeared, and they had already started to approach Li Na and the three of them quickly.

Then, regardless of how Li Na and the three moved, the three coffin-carrying gangs seemed to be moving very slowly, but they followed them like dog-skin plaster.

And the distance is still getting closer.

"Don't come here!"

Facing the three coffin-carrying gangs that were getting closer and closer to them, Li Na couldn't help screaming.

...... 0

She even stopped chasing Chu Huan and grabbed the weapon in her hand to attack the coffin-carrying gang beside her.

But the result was the same as before Sun Lanshan, the weapon slashed completely in the air.

It is impossible to touch those ghosts carrying the coffin at all.

Not to mention Li Na, even the sallow-faced Awakener and the other Awakened with a spear turned pale at this moment because of the fear in their hearts.

Finally, after the Awakened with a spear in his hand screamed, his body turned and rushed towards the location of the entrance of the secret passage in the distance.

Apparently, he lost his mind and wanted to escape directly.

With this person taking the lead, the sallow-faced Awakener and Li Na also turned around and rushed towards the entrance of the secret realm.

However, just as the three of them ran out of 100 meters one after another, the two coffin-carrying gangs that were originally beside the three suddenly moved in front of the three of them like teleportation.

Afterwards, the black phantoms in the two coffin-carrying gangs smiled at the three of them.

Showing off the teeth that were so white that they gave a feeling of being bright.

Under this smile, the speed of the three people who were running fast actually slowed down until they stood there dumbfounded.

Five seconds later, the three of them lay in the coffin one after another.

The three coffin-carrying gangs that were originally 100 meters away just stepped on the beat of the music and took a step 10 meters before returning to Chu Huan and starting to shake with Chu Huan as the center.

After more than ten seconds, the song ended, and the three people who had just been lying in the coffin fell to the ground freely from midair as the three coffin-carrying gangs disappeared, causing the three to let out a cry of pain.

Just like Wang Qiang was thrown into the coffin before.

When they woke up, the three of them were a little confused.

But when the three of them looked around and saw Chu Huan on one side, Zhao Xiang and Sun Lanshan who were fighting fiercely in the distance, the three immediately woke up.

However, before the three of them could make any further movements, in the eyes of the three of them, one after another note began to float out again in Chu Huan's playing.

At this moment, whether it was Li Na or the other two, their eyes were quickly filled with despair.



Three minutes later, Sun Lanshan on one side, under the condition that his original speed was inferior, faced Zhao Xiang's hard steel, who was not afraid of death and pain. He was successfully stabbed in the chest by Zhao Xiang's sharp fingernails and fell to the ground. Like a landslide, it fell segment by segment until it reached the bottom of the valley.

After Sun Lanshan, Li Na and the three also returned to zero in the continuous cycle of Chu Huan's playing.

Suddenly, a good awakening team fell into the hands of a new awakener like Chu Huan.

Looking at the bodies of Li Na and several people on the ground, Chu Huan sighed lightly.

"Some people, who don't live long, have to take shortcuts, can't they be more down-to-earth?"

ps: The fourth chapter is a 4,000-character chapter, and there are still six chapters today, continue to code words! Continue to beg for the support of the first order! Ten thousand.

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