Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 58 A song with Jun, please lis10 to me (210 for the 1 order)

At the same time, in a sparse small forest about a kilometer from the entrance to the secret realm, a five-person Awakened team quietly stood on the spot or stood or leaned on a tree stump, with a trimmed appearance.

What was more noticeable was a man with three scars at the corners of his eyes leaning on a tree stump behind him, a large mass of red blood on his abdomen, and even his face was a little pale.

A seriously injured state.

It's just that if someone approaches, you can notice that although this tall and thin man looks seriously injured, the line of sight is not on him at all, but looks around from time to time.

And the other people around him didn't pay any attention to this picture of a seriously injured man looking back together.

After looking into the distance for a while, the man with a long gun in his hand looked at his watch and then looked at a man in his forties with a look of vicissitudes on his face.

"Boss, it's been more than five hours, this kid won't leave like yesterday, right?"

Sun Lanshan also glanced at the man who was talking and said, "Don't worry! Before I came here, I specially bought the tracer powder. Only this direction is the footprint of a person. That student must be going in this direction, just wait."

At this time, the sallow-faced Awakened suddenly said fiercely: "Dammit, yesterday, I didn't say anything about the failure of us to return, and I was injured a little bit. I caught that kid today, and I have to torture him again and then kill that kid. Just do it."

Faced with this, the woman standing next to him said, "Oh! You are amazing now, Qiangzi! If someone is eligible to repeat the study, he must be a top student who can be admitted to the college. When you say it, you are tortured and killed. You have enough confidence. Foot!"

The sallow-faced Awakened sneered: "Oh, the high-caliber life, it's not the dead one!"

The ascension and cultivation of the awakened require resources.

If even the basics of life become a problem, naturally you can't care about other things.

Just like Chu Huan before, when the deposit was only a thousand yuan left, he had to think about his livelihood.

And those stationed in the secret realm of these low-level beasts can be said to be those who were selected from the college entrance examination because of their talent.

If you want to go a long way on the road of the Awakened, you will consume more resources than the ordinary Awakened.

Therefore, the awakened ones stationed in the secret realm of these low-level beasts have basically given up their plans to go further.

Better to save money, get married and have children, and put hope on the next generation.

The more mixed is to spend all the money on enjoyment after fighting desperately with beasts every day.

Naturally, there are also many people who cry every midnight dream about the injustice of fate and jealousy.

On the other hand, Chu Huan, who has just started his senior year of high school, dares to go alone to this bloodthirsty dwarf beast secret realm.

It seems to these awakened people that Chu Huan is definitely a genius who can become a high-level awakened person in the future.

In contrast, how can we prevent those jealous people from becoming more and more jealous?

There is a saying that people are divided into groups by clusters.

These people can walk together, naturally they are not good birds.

In the face of what the man said, the people around him all smiled coldly, obviously thinking the same as the man with a sallow complexion.

Excited to kill such a bright future seed as Chu Huan.

Listening to a few people, I said at a glance, Sun Lanshan frowned slightly.

"You better be careful, that kid dares to enter this bloodthirsty dwarf beast secret realm alone, and his physical attributes are much higher than ours. Once the gutter capsizes, the kid escapes and reports to the Awakened Association or the picket office. , you know the consequences 々ˇ."

As soon as the words fell, the sallow-faced man said with disdain: "What are you afraid of? It would be better if this is the case. As far as I know, the minimum standard for this year's repeaters is a four-star awakened apprentice.

If that kid is really a repeater, he is restricted in this bloodthirsty dwarf beast secret realm and cannot use his soul power and tool soul. With the strength of the five of us, are we afraid that we can't solve it? "

The middle-aged man did not refute what the sallow-faced man said.

"Huh? Look over there, here it is!"

Suddenly, the only woman in the five-member team suddenly lowered her voice.

Hearing this, several people turned their heads quickly.

Turning their eyes around, the rest of the people saw Chu Huan approaching quickly from a distance.

Looking at Chu Huan's figure, the middle-aged man also lowered his voice and said quickly: "Li Na, it's still the old rules later, you go up and talk to me first and then lower the kid's psychological defense."

"it is good!"

After being answered by the woman who became Li Na, several people withdrew their attention, and then quickly squatted beside the man with blood on the ground, the coldness on his face instantly switched to anxiety.

Soon, when the distance got closer, the woman called Li Na raised her head and glanced at Chu Huan, then ran towards Chu Huan with joy.

Although Li Na is not very beautiful, but to be honest, her figure is really good.

And there is a bit of a mature woman's charm all over her body.

During this fast running, that figure looks even older.

If it were an ordinary younger man, facing a woman like Li Na, I'm afraid it would make him a little distracted and could not help but look at him secretly.

But is Chu Huan a normal person?

Seeing Li Na step forward, Chu Huan just stared at him recklessly.

He even nodded slightly like a tasting.

Taking Chu Huan's reaction into his eyes, the woman named Li Na's face stiffened.

But in the next second, Li Na rushed to Chu Huan and said anxiously: "Little brother, our team has run out of hemostatic bandages. If it doesn't stop bleeding, I'm afraid it won't last long. Do you have any hemostatic bandages on your body?"

The so-called hemostatic bandage is a medical item commonly used by awakened people.

Some medical bandages are coated with drugs to stop bleeding quickly and are inexpensive.

That appearance, pear blossoms with rain, people can't help but feel distressed when they look at them.

After Li Na's words fell, the others on the side looked at Chu Huan anxiously.

In response, Chu Huan, who had just approached, raised his hand and scratched his head: "Well, I don't have a hemostatic bandage, but I'm a healing awakener. My tool soul skill can heal injuries, or I'll give your teammates a weapon. Try soul skills?"

"Healing Awakeners?"

Hearing what Chu Huan said, Li Na was stunned for a moment, and a glimmer of joy flashed in her eyes.

Later, Li Na doubted: "You are a healing awakener, so how dare you come to this bloodthirsty dwarf beast secret realm alone?"

You know, Chu Huan has been staying in this bloodthirsty dwarf beast secret realm for two consecutive days.

And now there is no injury on his body at all, it is a bit unreasonable to say that he is a healing awakener.

In response, Chu Huan said: "Well, I was automatically awakened when I was a sophomore in high school, and now I happen to be an apprentice of the Samsung Awakener, but I have recently improved the skill level of the tool soul, so I just came here to test the effect of the skills."

While speaking, Chu Huan's face still showed some vague pride and pride.

At the same time, he stimulated the soul power in his body, and showed the authenticity of his words through the fluctuation of soul power.

Feeling the soul power fluctuations from Chu Huan belonging to the apprentices of the Samsung Awakened, Li Na's eyes were even more smiling.

"It turns out that brother, you are a heavenly awakener! It's amazing!"

Facing Li Na's compliments, Chu Huan cooperated and showed a bit of shyness and embarrassment.

Even with a glance in front of Li Na's chest.

Seeing all this, Li Na raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and at the same time made her stand a little straighter without a trace.

For fear that Chu Huan could not see clearly.

A few seconds later, Chu Huan said as if his eyes were full: "Cough, um, don't talk about it, sister, isn't your friend injured? It's important to treat the injury quickly!"

"Ah! Good, good."

While speaking, Li Na turned around and walked towards Sun Lanshan.

With her back to Chu Huan, Li Na still made a secret gesture to Sun Lanshan and the others not to do anything for the time being.

Soon, Li Na said to Sun Lanshan with joy on her face: "Boss, although this younger brother doesn't have a hemostatic bandage, he is a healing awakener. Let him use the tool soul skill to treat the third child first."

As she said that, Li Na blinked one eye and signaled to several people.

Seeing Li Na's expression in his eyes, Sun Lanshan said immediately: "That's great, little brother, as long as you can save my brother, I will definitely thank you afterwards!"

Chu Huan still had a shy look on his face and said, "Uncle is too polite, the doctor's parents heart, my awakened healing artifact soul skills will naturally not die, don't worry!"

"Is it a student who is still in the school, I don't know the dangers of society!"

Looking at Chu Huan's simple appearance, Sun Lanshan and the others had a gentle look on their faces, but they sneered in their hearts.

Especially the man with a sallow complexion looked at Chu Huan as if he were a fool.

After taking a few glances at the injured person mentioned by several people, Chu Huan said a little embarrassedly: "Well, you are all surrounded by this, I am a little nervous."

Seeing Chu Huan's somewhat embarrassed appearance, Sun Lanshan immediately waved his hand and said, "' . Stand away, the little brother who was influenced to save the third."

Having said that, Sun Lanshan and Li Na both stepped back.

When he was a little further away from Chu Huan, about three or four meters away, the sallow-faced man said, "Li Na, what's going on? Why did you just signal us not to do it."

Hearing this, Li Na also lowered her voice and said, "This kid is a Heavenly Awakener, but his level is not high, he's just an apprentice of a three-star Awakener."

"Huh? Awakener?"

Hearing this, the sallow-faced man was stunned for a moment, and the jealousy in his eyes quickly grew, as if it was about to overflow.

After shaving a few times on Chu Huan, the sallow-faced man said dissatisfiedly, "If that's the case, why don't you let us do it? It's just a Samsung Awakened apprentice. Are the five of us still afraid of him alone?"

Li Na glanced at the sallow-faced man and said, "Oh! You forgot the student who was also an apprentice of the Samsung Awakened two years ago? If it wasn't for the boss, you would have been killed by that student at that time."

"Now the students are all very strong. This kid is still a Heavenly Awakener, and his talent must be higher. Anyway, he is a Healing Awakener. It's better to wait for him to release the skills for the third child. When his soul power is exhausted, then it will not be a chopping block. fish meat?"

Sun Lanshan nodded lightly and said, "That's right, Li Na's thinking is quite thoughtful. Let's wait for this kid's soul power to be exhausted and start working!"

Sun Lanshan spoke, and the man with a sallow complexion naturally stopped talking nonsense.

Chu Huan, who just turned his eyes to the side, murmured expectantly, "Hey, I've killed a lot of students over the years, but I didn't expect that one day I would be able to kill a Heavenly Awakener."

the other side.

After Sun Lanshan retreated a few meters, a coldness flashed in Chu Huan's eyes.

Then, he turned his eyes slightly and placed it on the Awakened lying on the ground in front of him.

"Zhao Xiang"

"Level: Three Star Awakened Apprentice"

"HP: 1180/11 80"

"Hate Value: 21"

Looking at the panel on Zhao Xiang's head, Chu Huan sneered in his heart.

"Do you really think you are stupid?"

As early as when Chu Huan saw these people, he was the first to notice the abnormal "hatred value" on their heads.

You know, those people you met at the gate of the base before, even if the hatred value is not "0" point.

But it's only a single digit.

Among the five people here, the one with the lowest hatred value is Zhao Xiang in front of him, reaching 18 points.

And the hatred value of the sallow-faced man among the five is as high as "38" points.

Obviously, such a hatred value is enough to show that the goal of these five people is clearly themselves.

It's just that Chu Huan has a system, and immediately determined that these five people are enemies or friends.

These people did not know Chu Huan's true attitude and thoughts.

You can turn the beast into a necromantic puppet by performing the "coffin-carrying march" by yourself.

What if it was used by humans? Is it the same?

Although Chu Huan had thought about it before, there was no goal.

Now, the target of the test is actively delivered to the door.

Chu Huan is naturally not polite.

With a sneer in his heart, Chu Huan's soul power surged.

The next second, the tool soul "Suona" appeared in front of Chu Huan.

After holding the "suona" in his hand, he glanced at Zhao Xiang who was still pretending to be unconscious in front of him, and the corner of Chu Huan's mouth twitched.

"Are you pretending to be in a coma? Then let you pretend it's enough!"

Then he put "Suona" in Zhao Xiang's ear.

Sing a song with you, please listen to me.

Hmm, really listening.

ps: The second four thousand-word chapter, continue to beg for the first order! During the new book period, we cannot do without your support! .

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