Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 176 Why do you still have a protruding lumbar disc? (15 ask for subscription, ask for data s

At this time, Chu Huan didn't realize that his words had hurt the self-esteem of the awakened people around him.

Still maintaining the standard service with a smile.

Of course, many of the people present also had relatively bulging pockets.

For these awakened ones, the grief in their hearts is naturally not that serious.

Instead, he despised Chu Huan and looked down on people.

After a little pondering, there was already an Awakener named Ma He in this category of Awakeners and said, "How much do you need to pay for the intention fee?"

Hearing this voice, Chu Huan turned his eyes slightly.

"Yo, are you so confident?"

When his eyes were on Ma He, he noticed Ma He's inadvertently raised slightly calm expression, Chu Huan raised his brows.

With a smile in his eyes, he said, "Not much, just all the beast crystals on your body now."


Hearing Chu Huan's words, the other Awakeneds present were shocked.

A few seconds later, the surrounding Awakeners suddenly boiled.

Originally, they thought that the intention gold was just a few or a dozen black iron-level beast crystals.

Who would have thought that Chu Huan opened his mouth to shave off all their belongings.

This changes who can agree.

In particular, Ma He, who was so confident a second ago, stared at him and almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood.

Subconsciously clutching his space watch, his face was full of disbelief.

Facing the crowd who was a little bit upset, Chu Huan said angrily: "I said, why are you all so fussing? It makes it seem like you gave the intention money!"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, and an Awakened couldn't help but said, "What do you mean?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan said, "Can you afford this source spar for you yourself? To put it bluntly, this intention money is paid for the forces behind you. With this thing, you will be eligible to bid after you go out. "

"That is to say, you can still reimburse these interest payments! So what are you anxious about?"

"Eh! It seems, it makes sense!"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, the awakened people around blinked their eyes, and suddenly felt that what Chu Huan said was fine.

They didn't buy the source crystal by themselves. How much they spent now, they can go back and pay for it directly. The beast crystal given to Chu Huan will naturally be compensated at that time.

In general, they don't pay for it.

This thing is really no rush.

Looking at the Awakened people in the field, Wei Tao and others on the side twitched at the corners of their mouths.

Obviously, Chu Huan is now interested in the beast crystal in their pockets.

But he also gave a reason to let everyone feel at ease and hand over all the beast crystals on their bodies, and then let the forces behind these awakened people pay the bill.

It's not an ordinary fine!

After thinking about it, Chu Huan continued: "Of course, in order to prove that you have indeed given the intention money, I will give you some pen and paper in a while, and you will write down the amount of intention you have paid, and I will give you a proof, just treat it as It's an invoice."

Having said this, after a pause, he seemed to point: "Of course, it's not impossible for you to write a little more on this."


As soon as these words came out, the Awakened people present were stunned for a moment.

But when he put his eyes on Chu Huan's face and noticed the intriguing smile on Chu Huan's face, three words suddenly popped into the minds of other awakened people around him.

"Make the difference!"

All of a sudden, these Awakeneds who were excited and dissatisfied just a second ago gave Chu Huan an unspoken smile.

In an instant, the surrounding atmosphere became inexplicably harmonious.

Feeling the instantly softened atmosphere, Chu Huan's mouth twitched slightly.

Anyway, the final result is that the forces behind these awakened people paid for it, not Chu Huan. It gave everyone a chance to benefit now.

The money we earn together.

Hello everyone is really good!

Here, when the smiles on Chu Huan's face kept on, looking at Chu Huan who was smiling at this moment, everyone felt that Chu Huan's smile at the moment was still... sincere.

It looks oddly pleasing to the eye.

There was peace here, Chu Huan even took out a pen and paper from his space watch and handed it to others.

After each team divided the pen and paper, they started to discuss in a low voice with their respective teams as the center.

And Chu Huan is looking at the harmonious scene at the moment with a smile.

As for Wei Tao and the others on the side, they were completely dumbfounded at this moment.

Previously, when Wei Tao and others learned about Chu Huan's purpose, they all felt that it was impossible for Chu Huan to willingly get this gift from these awakened people.

Coercion is almost there.

How could Chu Huan come up with this method now?

Good guy, everyone is suffering from lumbar muscle strain, why do you still have a little lumbar disc herniation?

After a while, Zhou Qiangcai, who had come back to his senses, said with a strange expression: "The operation of the boss is really arrogant!"

Wang Xinyue nodded and said, "Yeah! I never thought I could play like this, it's almost gone!"

Wei Tao sighed, "Show off the sky!"

Li Yuanzheng pondered for a while and then said faintly: "I think if I were placed opposite the boss, I might be sold by him and help him count the money, the routine is too deep!"

The other three nodded in approval.

At this moment, Chu Huan's actions were enough to give the four people one, so that the four people truly understood what is called the depth of urban routines.

Really deep.

Here, after the surrounding Awakened people took the written notes and wrote it on it, one of the Awakened people suddenly opened his mouth as if thinking of something.

"Wait! If you go out and turn around and tell us what we have done with this gift money, what should we do in 3.6? Then don't we lose your wife and surrender?"

Hearing this, the other Awakeneds also felt a sense in their hearts.

As the Awakened said, if Chu Huan goes out and makes trouble, then Chu Huan takes the money and pats his butt and leaves, then it will be them who will be in trouble.

Therefore, all the other awakened people looked at Chu Huan for a while, wanting to see what Chu Huan had to say.

Facing the doubts of the Awakened, Chu Huan said casually, "What are you doing? Why don't I know, you, you don't have any real - truth - evidence - don't talk nonsense! Otherwise, I'll sue you for slander!"

While speaking, Chu Huan's accented words with a slight pause in the middle suddenly made the other awakened ones understand.

Seeing such a vague hint from Chu Huan, the other Awakened took a deep look at Chu Huan.

"This guy is definitely a repeat offender!".

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