Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 175 This reason hurts self esteem a bit (55, please subscribe for data support!)

It was also when everyone was uneasy, Chu Huan touched the space watch with his right hand.

The next second, the source spar appeared on Chu Huan's right hand.

When he saw the source spar in Chu Huan's hand, the eyes of an awakened person around him couldn't take his eyes off.

Taking the reactions of the awakened people around him into his eyes, Chu Huan said with a chuckle in his heart, "I know that the purpose of your entry into the secret realm of this beast this time is this source-spar."

"However, this thing is useful to the forces behind you, but it is of no use to me personally, so I am going to auction and sell this source spar as an auction item."

Hearing this, the eyes of the surrounding Awakened people lit up.

But when looking at Lin Zhiwei whose corpse was probably not cold enough next to Chu Huan, one of the Awakened said, "Since you don't need it, why don't you hand over this source spar to your Awakened Association?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan shrugged and said, "I don't object to handing in, but the question is handed in, and the association can only give me 30 platinum one-star beast crystals as a reward, I feel a little bit of a loss! "


On the other hand, when they heard Chu Huan's words, Wei Tao and the others all let out a disgusting hiss in their hearts.

Others don't know, can they not know?

Before entering the secret realm of beasts, they clearly heard what Fu Wenbo said.

If this source crystal is handed in, the Awakened Association will give at most one platinum one-star beast crystal.

But when it came to Chu Huan, it turned into thirty.

This is clearly to drive up prices.

It means that Chu Huan set the auction starting price at 30 platinum one-star beast crystals from the very beginning.

This approach is simply evil.

The problem is that other Awakeneds don't know this.

Faced with the reasons given by Chu Huan, although the doubts in the hearts of the awakened people around him were slightly reduced, they were still a little wary.

Seeing this, Chu Huan said casually, "Don't worry! I'm also a member of the Awakened Association. If I really want to harm you! Don't be too simple."

"For example, I asked my four companions who learned from the picket to block the entrance to the secret passage, and then I solved all of you. After I solved the picket, we will hurt ourselves."

"Finally, let this all go to the pickets!"

As he said, Chu Huan took out his mobile phone from his pocket and played a video in the mobile phone.

With everyone's eyesight, even at a distance of tens of meters or nearly 100 meters, they can still clearly see the content playing on the screen of Chu Huan's mobile phone.

It was the content that the picket had just blocked the door and demanded a body search.

"Fuck! When did the big guy record the video, why didn't I find it before?"

Seeing the content playing on Chu Huan's mobile phone screen, Wei Tao's eyes widened.


But the question was exported, but there was no response for a long time.

Turning his head to look, Wei Tao found that Zhou Qiang, Li Yuanzheng and Wang Xinyue were also bewildered. Obviously, like himself, he did not know when Chu Huan performed this operation.

Wei Tao and several others were like this, let alone the other awakened ones.

Looking at the video played on Chu Huan's mobile phone and the situation just described by Chu Huan, everyone present was shocked.

If Chu Huan really did what he had done before, even if they slaughtered all the people they were there.

With this video, aside from the rest, relying on this video as irrefutable evidence, Chu Huan was indeed able to push everything to the picket's side.

Good guy, kill people to make more money, and finally put all the pot on the people who were killed by themselves.

This one-handed operation, even just talking about it, is enough to make everyone feel a little cold when they look at Chu Huan.

Some people couldn't help but curse in their hearts.

To be honest, just looking at Chu Huan's immature face and the shy smile on his face at the moment, it is difficult to associate Chu Huan as a black-bellied and shrewd person.

Sure enough, the more handsome boys are, the more deceptive they are.

The other Awakeneds are like this, not to mention the pickets and others who are the targets of blame in Chu Huan's words at the moment.

Facing what Chu Huan said at the moment, when the people in the picket office put their eyes on Chu Huan's hands, their hearts could be described as panic.

Even the previous screams were quiet.

For fear that Chu Huan would be displeased and then he would really kill them according to what he had just imagined.

Looking at the nervous Awakened people around at the moment, it seems to ease the atmosphere.

Chu Huan waved his hand, and said with a shy smile on his face, "Don't be nervous! I just gave an example."

"If it sounds uncomfortable to you, I'll give you another example to prove that I don't have bad intentions for you?"

"Another example."

Hearing Chu Huan's words, the eyelids of the surrounding Awakened people jumped.

"Is there more than one plan to co-author this guy to kill us?"

Just saying one thing has already made everyone feel cold.

If you say it again, everyone is afraid that it may exceed their psychological tolerance.

Therefore, when Chu Huan opened his mouth and looked like he was really about to say the second method, an awakened person said, "Wait, stop talking, I believe you for the time being."

As he spoke, the Awakened smiled wryly in his heart.

"What kind of person is he! Why is he so young and looks so cruel? When did the Awakened Association have such a number one guy?"

Although the level of the awakened people present is not high, there are some people who have seen the world.

They are not unfamiliar with geniuses with outstanding talents and even good methods.

But like Chu Huan, they were really seeing each other for the first time.

It feels like my heart is running into bad water.

But the strength is still strong, and if you don't like it, you can't do anything about him.

It's just downright uncomfortable.

Hearing this, Chu Huan smiled and said, "That is, if there is more trust between people, the world will be a better place!"

Everyone: "........"

Listening to Chu Huan's words at the moment, everyone felt that the brain was in pain.

I really want to ask, "How on earth did you have the nerve to say this?"

Here, after making the surrounding Awakened people temporarily trust him, Chu Huan continued: "Of course, I also know that I'm not that familiar with everyone, so everyone here will definitely not be relieved."

0 ·For flowers

"So in the future, there are friends who want to participate in this source spar, you can pay me the deposit first."

The voice fell, and an awakened person couldn't help but wonder: "Intention money? What is this? Are there rules before the auction?"

Considering that the other party is now his half-guest, Chu Huan is surprisingly patient at this moment.

He smiled thoughtfully and said, "I don't know about other auctions, but I have this rule here. Do you have any comments?"

As he said that, Chu Huan made the smile on his face a little more gentle.

Facing Chu Huan's smiling service at the moment, the Awakener, who had just subconsciously muttered, twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "No, no opinion."

Chu Huan smiled and said, "If you have any comments, please let me know!"

"Don't dare, don't dare! You go on!"

Taking their eyes away from the clearly frightened Awakened, the others sighed in their hearts.

After a few seconds, an awakened person asked: "Can you explain what this intentional payment is? Is it a deposit?"


Hearing this, Chu Huan chuckled lightly: "Of course not, the so-called intention money is actually made by a friend who is interested in this origin spar."

"After all, considering that you are now in the secret realm of beasts, you have insufficient funds."

"If it is auctioned, it will not be able to bid on behalf of the forces behind you."

"So, teach some intention money. In this case, it is also convenient for everyone to contact the forces behind you to discuss the psychological price of your auction and then bid benignly."

At this moment, Chu Huan successfully put his purpose out of the tray.

Through what Chu Huan said, the expressions of the surrounding people were suddenly stunned.

According to Chu Huan, in fact, this intention fee is somewhat similar to the entry fee that real estate companies give when bidding for land.

However, after pondering and analyzing what Chu Huan said, Wei Tao on the side muttered: "Why did I hear what the boss said, it seems that if the funds brought by these awakened people are enough now, there is no need to conduct an auction. Just do it directly?"

When these words came out, some Awakened people around also felt a little strange.

And Chu Huan looked at Wei Tao who was making trouble and couldn't help but glared at Wei Tao and said, "Don't talk if you don't know what to say. Tell the truth in front of outsiders?"

When Chu Huan glared at him, Wei Tao also shrank his neck and quickly showed a pleasing smile.

Everyone: "........"

On the other hand, looking at the other people around, listening to Chu Huan's accusation to Wei Tao, the eyes of the people around him looked like they had seen a ghost when they looked at Chu Huan.

"f*ck, does the co-author really have this plan? Is he really a person?"

Thinking of this, everyone first breathed a sigh of relief.

"so far so good......."

It's just that everyone felt fortunate that it didn't take long, and there was a trace of grief inexplicably.

At first glance, getting away is not bad.

But the reason for their escape is a bit of a self-esteem injury.


Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help feeling a little sad.

I don't know if I should be happy or sad.

ps; 囧, don't keep fat for too long! It can be slaughtered every few days or a week! Ten thousand.

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