Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 150 Strong strength is willfulness (55)

After confirming that Chu Huan will go to the special beast secret realm tomorrow, Fu Wenbo picked up the phone on the table.

"Let them in!"

After hanging up, wait a minute or two.

As the door of the office was opened, three men and one woman appeared to be in their twenties, and people dressed in Awakened Association costumes also entered the room.

"Pay the team!"

After a few people entered the room and greeted him, Fu Wenbo said, "Is everything ready?"

One of the four had reached the nine-star level of black iron. The Awakened named Wei Tao nodded and then stepped forward and placed a space watch in front of Fu Wenbo.

After checking it for a while, Fu Wenbo directly threw the Space~watch to Chu Huan.

"The situation of this special beast's secret realm is unknown. Maybe there may be a time limit. It won't be able to come out before a certain time. Some things should be well-prepared."

I took the space watch and checked it, and found that there were actually some food and some bronze-level beast crystals and clothes and water sources in the space watch - and so on.

In addition, there are dozens of primary therapeutic agents.

With these primary therapeutic agents, basically any injury to the eyes can be quickly recovered.

After Chu Huan checked the contents of the space watch, Fu Wenbo pointed to the four people and said, "These four people will join you in a team to enter the secret realm of beasts tomorrow. In addition, I will arrange the other three Awakeners. Squad in."

After finishing speaking, Fu Wenbo said to the four: "Tomorrow, you and this kid will enter the secret realm of beasts. Remember, in the secret realm of beasts, everything is dominated by him, and his words are orders."

Hearing this, the four couldn't help but look at Chu Huan.

When their eyes were placed on Chu Huan's tender face, the four of them couldn't help but glance at Chu Huan.

But when they looked at Chu Huan, whose face was obviously immature, the four of them couldn't help frowning slightly, and there were some doubts in their eyes.

As if he didn't understand why Fu Wenbo made Khan their captain.

Noticing the reaction of the four, Fu Wenbo didn't say much.

Anyway, after a few people entered the secret realm of beasts, they would naturally find out that Chu Huan was unusual.

Sometimes it's useless to just talk about it.

Immediately, after explaining to everyone, Fu Wenbo first asked Wei Tao and the four to leave.

When there was no one else in the room, Chu Huan said, "I said, Mr. Fu, you can find a few people for me temporarily. We haven't cooperated before, so it's not in sync!"

Knowing Chu Huan's potential meaning, Fu Wenbo waved his hand and said, "I know that your kid is strong, but it's hard to support alone. Sometimes one more person means more hope."

"What's more, the four I found for you have good strength and experience. If you have four of them with you, it can also be used as a cover. Otherwise, it will be too dazzling for you to go in alone."

Chu Huan had never done anything like this new kind of wild beast exploration.

Since Fu Wenbo said so, Chu Huan didn't say anything more.

If it's a big deal, you can feel at ease as an assistant, and when there is no problem, you can just paddle by yourself.

With a slightly awe-inspiring expression, he said, "Remember," instead, he said to Chu Huan, "When you enter the secret realm of beasts tomorrow, your BUFF-type weapon soul skills can be used on four of them, you can trust them!"

Wait until everything is settled.

Fu Wenbo took a light breath and said in a low voice: "Six years ago, I just arrived at Linhai City, and I was going to gild and get some resumes, but I didn't expect that the next day I would be here in Linhai City. A new special beast secret realm has appeared."

"At that time, I led the team, and at that time, all the elites I brought in died inside, and only I came out alive!"

Speaking of this, Fu Wenbo first gave a wry smile, and then said to Chu Huan: "Boy, if you can, if you meet someone from the Awakened Association, you can help if you can."

Seeing the loneliness on Fu Wenbo's face, Chu Huan fell silent.

Equivalence of power is responsibility.

If you just want to enjoy power and don't want to take responsibility, whether it's the Awakened Association or the picket office, I'm afraid it's just a corrupt machine.

It is also because the Awakened Association and the picket office are now the first line of defense in the Yan Kingdom, and any matter is resolved by the two departments in the first time.

This is what can keep the Yan Kingdom prosperous and stable for hundreds of years.

No matter where it is, it is pure nonsense that the years are quiet.

The reason for such an illusion is that someone is blocking the front and carrying the load.

On the Yan Kingdom's side, the Awakened Association and the picket office were the ones who carried the burden on behalf of most people in the country.

All things have been explained, and it is impossible for Chu Huan to play with a single rough man like Fu Wenbo in the evening.

After leaving Fu Wenbo's room, Chu Huan returned to the house in the Awakened Association's car.

A few seconds later, with an excited heart, he quickly took out the fifteen platinum one-star beast crystals that Fu Wenbo had given him before.

Soon, as the fifteen platinum one-star beast crystals were all depleted and turned into powder, Chu Huan's system points also successfully increased by 15 million.

In addition to what he gained from hunting in the beast secret realm for an afternoon today and what was left before, Chu Huan's system points jumped to "1612.1000" at this moment.

Looking at the more than 16 million system points, Chu Huan's eyes narrowed with a smile.

What is impermanence?

This is.

Originally, Chu Huan was still thinking about the next day today, and it was estimated that he would have to work hard.

I didn't expect something like this to come to my door at night.

"Sure enough, life is full of surprises!"

Thinking about it, Chu Huan's eyes quickly settled on his system panel.

With the last experience, Chu Huan is now also taking into account the matter of "gene lock".

If Chu Huan has directly raised all the overall attributes to 200, then the remaining 120,000 system points will definitely not be enough for Chu Huan to support the energy needed to break the genetic lock for the second time.

Thinking about it, Chu Huan first piled up all the system points on the "Physical" attribute.

In an instant, Chu Huan's "Physical" attribute was beating rapidly like an electric meter under the consumption of system points that Chu Huan looked at.

0 ·For flowers

Soon, Chu Huan's "physique" attribute successfully reached two hundred.


Almost ten seconds after the "Physical" attribute reached 200, a sound suddenly came from Chu Huan's body.

It was as if some invisible barrier had been broken through.

The same as the last time Chu Huan's "Physical" attribute reached 100.

Under this sound, Chu Huan's brain was filled with this strange sound.

But before Chu Huan figured out what was going on with the abnormal noise in his body, the soul power in Chu Huan's body began to drain rapidly.

In less than three seconds, all the soul power in Chu Huan's body was consumed.

Immediately afterwards, a feeling of extreme exhaustion and weakness echoed from every position of Chu Huan's body.

"Di, it is detected that the host is in a special state, does it consume soul power to replenish energy?"

At the same time, the system prompt sounded quietly in Chu Huan's mind.


With the first experience, this time, facing the prompt of the system, Chu Huan chose "OK".

As soon as the thought fell, Chu Huan's system points began to consume a lot under Chu Huan's attention.

At the same time, in Chu Huan's body, there is a pure energy reverberation.

Half an hour later, as Chu Huan's system points consumed a full one million, a vibration that seemed to come from his soul suddenly sounded from Chu Huan's body.

Immediately afterwards, an indescribable feeling echoed from Chu Huan's body.

Feeling the plentiful vitality in my body, I couldn't help humming softly.

After waiting for a while, the feeling of indulging in the body that can't help but gradually subsides.

"Heh, the second gene lock is broken. Next, as long as another one is broken, the level of life can be improved, and the lifespan can be increased accordingly."

Thinking that his lifespan could be extended, Chu Huan's heart was even more looking forward to it.

Then, after thinking for a while, Chu Huan turned to the "Strength" attribute and the "Agility" attribute to 200 points respectively through the system points.

Only the "spiritual power" attribute is still a few hundred thousand to be able to reach 200 points.

In this regard, Chu Huan did not care.

Anyway, it’s only a few hundred thousand system points. Even if you don’t pay Wenbo’s end of fifteen platinum one-star beast crystals, Chu Huan alone can get them out in an afternoon.

Feeling the sense of strength and lightness that fills his body at the moment, Chu Huan felt a little certain in his heart.

Not to mention the rest, the physical attribute data of Chu Huan is completely within the reach of ordinary silver-level awakened people.

Even other A-level talent level or even S-level talent level Awakened, it is only possible to reach the late bronze stage.

In other words, with Chu Huan's current physical attributes, even if he doesn't use his soul power and tool soul, tomorrow's special beast secret realm, Chu Huan is definitely a dimensionality reduction attack.

If you're not happy, it's over.

Strength is willfulness. Ten thousand.

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