Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 149 If you want to say this, then I will be excited! (45)

Fu Wenbo also felt a headache for Chu Huan's reaction at the moment.

If you change to an ordinary student, even if the talent is good, but the young man is full of vigor, coax, stimulate, and say a little bit of righteousness to make him do things willingly.

But what about Chu Huan?

Obviously only eighteen years old.

But shrewd is like a monkey.

But the key is that Chu Huan is still stable.

Before looking for Chu Huan, Fu Wenbo knew that it would not be easy to persuade Chu Huan.

But now it seems that it is more difficult than I thought.

After a while, Fu Wenbo said with a bit of helplessness: "Boy, we are all our own people, be sincere to each other! Don't make so many falsehoods."

Although Chu Huan is an auxiliary awakener.

But others don't know, and Fu Wenbo doesn't know Chu Huan's strength.

It is said that it is an auxiliary Awakener, but whether it is the tool soul skill or the strength of its own body, it is enough to crush those fighting Awakeners without the slightest temper.

After speaking, after a pause, Fu Wenbo said: "Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't look for you when I say anything about these things, but this time I encountered a special situation, so I want to look for you just to be on the safe side. "

Chu Huan didn't say anything but looked at Fu Wenbo and waited for Fu Wenbo's follow-up words.

Seeing this, Fu Wenbo said solemnly: "I received news two hours ago that the picket office has begun to mobilize people to rush to Linhai City, and they will be able to arrive tomorrow morning at the latest, waiting for the passage of the entrance to the secret realm of beasts. After a little bit of stability, I'll go in."

Chu Huan shrugged and said, "Isn't it great that someone took the initiative to go in and solve the problem of the secret 823 realm of this special beast?"

Fu Wenbo shook his head and said, "Do you think the people at the picket office would be so enthusiastic if it was just something that was dangerous and not beneficial?"

Chu Huan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Huh? You mean there is still a chance to enter this special beast secret realm?"

"more or less!"

Fu Wenbo first responded positively and then continued: "Although this special beast secret realm is very dangerous, the energy source in it contains another kind of thing! A kind of spar."

"Spar? Beast crystal?" Chu Huan asked curiously.

Fu Wenbo shook his head and said, "No, it's a spar containing a special energy liquid, and the energy liquid in it is also the most important component of S-level healing potions."

"S-Class Healing Potion? Isn't that thing just an idea?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan was really surprised.

Along with the various otherworld plants in the beast secret realm and the special ingredients contained in the beast's body.

After hundreds of years of research, therapeutic medicines were naturally conceived.

And now it can be said that the conditional Awakened are used to buying a little for a rainy day.

Among the therapeutic medicines, the A-level therapeutic medicines are the existences that claim to be able to regenerate short limbs.

The price of a piece has reached 90 million.

It is equivalent to the value of a diamond nine-star beast crystal.

In this case, there is still no market price.

It is even said to be an S-rank therapeutic drug.

The effect can be imagined.

Absolutely far beyond what ordinary people think.

Fu Wenbo said: "After so many years, it is of course impossible for an S-class medicine to be conceived. As early as a few years ago, the first S-class therapeutic medicine was researched!"

"And it's not just our country of Yan, but also the country of Europe and the country of Bai who have developed S-level therapeutic agents."

"Oh? What is the effect of the S-class healing potion?" Chu Huan asked curiously.

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo said solemnly: "It can treat all the injuries on the awakened person, and it can also raise the talent by a level."


Hearing what Fu Wenbo said, Chu Huan was stunned.

A few seconds later, Chu Huan couldn't hold back and said, "How can the talent be upgraded by one level? Didn't you say it's an S-level healing potion? What about the talent?"

S-class healing potion, you have to tell me that it can be consumed in a short period of time, and then it is full of blood to be resurrected. Chu Huan thinks it is acceptable.

But the question is, what the hell is the talent promotion among them?

The talent is still in charge of the treatment?

Seeing Chu Huan's surprised appearance, Fu Wenbo said, "There used to be a saying that the human body is actually the purest and most perfect at the beginning of its birth, with almost no impurities in it. Call it innate."

"As people continue to grow up, this process inevitably causes more or less defects in some parts of the body, and the talent level will naturally decrease."

"And the S-level healing potion is to make the body of the awakened return to the most perfect state as it was when it was just born, thereby increasing the talent level."

"Eh? Is there such a statement?" Chu Huan asked in a daze.

Seeing Chu Huan's stunned expression, Fu Wenbo said, "Although the statement is a bit metaphysical, the previous S-level healing potion was indeed a success for a person who was originally only A-level on the verge of death. Not to mention being rescued, the talent level has also changed from A to S."

"Huh! It's a bull pen! It's true after seeing you for a long time."

Not to mention, what Fu Wenbo said at the moment really made Chu Huan feel stunned for a while.

At the same time, Fu Wenbo continued: "Although your boy is only one star of black iron, his physical attributes have already reached one hundred and one."

"In addition to your two weird tool soul skills and BUFF skills, and your current full-level "Basic Fighting Technique", even if you enter it, there will be no danger at all."

"So this time, as long as you are willing to do it, this time the appearance of this super beast secret realm means that for us, it is completely a courier delivered by God."

Hearing what Fu Wenbo said, Chu Huan frowned slightly, but he still didn't speak, a look that was obviously reluctant.

"This stinky boy, don't scatter eagles without seeing rabbits."

Seeing this, Fu Wenbo murmured in his heart and then gritted his teeth: "As long as your kid can complete this task, I will give you ten platinum one-star beast crystals as a reward."

"Huh? If you want to say that, then I'll be excited!"

Facing what Fu Wenbo said, Chu Huan's eyes lit up and said, "One hundred pieces, no bargaining!"

Fu Wenbo glared at him and said, "Damn, boy, you're a lion! One hundred? Why don't you grab it? Thirty at most."

Chu Huan: "Deal!"

After all, Chu Jian had never come into contact with this special beast secret realm before.

In addition, this special beast secret realm was originally brand new, and no one knew what danger would be inside.

Therefore, under this unknown and uncertainty, for no reason, Chu Huan naturally does not have much interest in taking risks.

But if you add money, it will be different!

Anyway, Fu Wenbo said, these special beasts are only equivalent to the black iron level!

With one's own strength plus the tool soul skill, how big of a problem can there be?

Thirty platinum one-star beast crystals are 30 million.

If you can get them all, you will have enough system points for Chu Huan's black iron level.

Fu Wenbo: "........."

Looking at Chu Huan who nodded decisively in front of him, Fu Wenbo fell into silence.

After a while, Fu Wenbo said timidly, "Boy, why don't we call the price again?"

Just facing Fu Wenbo's request, Chu Huan snorted coldly.

"Oh! A manly man, spit and nails, Teacher Fu, don't let me despise you!"

Fu Wenbo grinned fiercely.

"dammit, sloppy!"

Up to now, Fu Wenbo is not clear, in fact, Chu Huan's psychological price at the beginning is obviously not so high.

It may be at most to allow yourself to add a few more.

But damn, you were frightened by the value of "100" when you pressed Fu Wenbo and instinctively lowered the price.

But looking at Chu Huan's feeling of being out of the water just now, he is clearly overbidding!

Thinking of this, Fu Wenbo raised his hand and wanted to slap himself.

But after thinking about it, I still can't get it.

At this time, Chu Huan said, "Alright, give half of the deposit first, and then give the other half later."

Now, Chu Huan is still about 16 million system points short of being able to raise all his physical attributes to 200 points.

Since it is said that the next step is to go to the special beast secret realm.

Of course, Chu Huan still wants to improve his strength as much as possible.

Fu Wenbo rolled his eyes and said, "You still need a deposit? Boy, how much do you distrust me? I'm your class teacher?"

Chu Huan curled his lips and said, "Oh, if it weren't for you, the head teacher, I'd bet a few more times and I'd have everything. As for being as poor as I am now?"

Fu Wenbo almost laughed angrily.

"Boy, you are still poor. When I took over the Jintang Club this morning, the people below me said how much you earned from the two bets. You told me that you were poor? Would you like to face me?"

Chu Huan rolled his eyes and said, "Brothers are clear, let alone we are just teachers and students!"

Seeing this, after gritting his teeth, Fu Wenbo took out fifteen platinum one-star beast crystals from his space watch.

It's just that when Chu Huan put these beast crystals on the table and pushed them in front of Chu Huan, Fu Wenbo couldn't help but closed his eyes and took in a breath of cold air as he watched Chu Huan happily put all the beast crystals into his space watch.

Hard to breathe. .

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