Global Sky Online

Chapter 1147: The correct usage of super artifact gold hoop

[Skynet] and [Legion] two artificial intelligence eventually developed, suitable for the survival of artificial intelligence mechanical life world, for ordinary humans, are disasters.

The quality of these two artificial intelligences can only be regarded as half a catty.

But Rick looked at Grace, the fortified man, now looking at his longing eyes.

Reck still decided not to tell Grace that they were on this timeline. [Skynet] People under the rule of the same tragic fate, at least let Grace look forward to fight against the [Legion].

Reek thinks that he has been in this world for many years before. He has been hunting REV-type terminators, and he has not been discovered by [Legion].

It should be because when I hunted the REV terminator before, I used the weapons that the world owns.

But not long ago, when he went to the factory to deal with the terminator who attacked Danny, he used a gold hoop.

[Legion] knew his gold hoop. When he destroyed the Titan Base of the [Twelve Monkeys] in the previous copy of Terminator, he used this weapon when he turned into a Hulk.

"This hotel can't live anymore, evacuate now. Go downstairs now, no need to check out, go now, be quick!" Rake said aloud.

Grace also agrees that the hotel they are staying in is not far from the previous factory where Danny was.

If a large number of REV-9 type terminators are sent to this world and start searching, the hotel on the edge of the city is not safe.

The three of Rake, now wearing scarves, go downstairs, lest the surveillance equipment in the city will shoot down the three, and be discovered by the army of the Terminator of the [Legion].

"I want to try driving, okay?" Danny said.

"Have you driven before?" Rake asked.

Danny shook her head, "Am I not the leader of the Human Resistance Army in the future, I feel I need to learn to drive as soon as possible!"

"Okay, I'll take the co-pilot. Change the car, and I will teach you that the previous car can't be used anymore and it's easy to be traced!" Grace said.

Reck nodded and agreed.

"Change to a seven-seater SUV car, I have some helpers, and I will come over later!" Lek said.

In order to allow the restarted small net to locate the timeline where it is located, Rake can't use the magic portal now.

However, Gu Yi and others used the magic portal to teleport, there is no problem.

After Rick was ready, let Gu Yi and them come over.

If you encounter the interception of the "Legion" army, the battle situation is very dangerous. At least Gu Yi can still send Danny away.

After all, in the main task in [Terminator 6], you must ensure that Dani is not dead.

More than ten minutes later, Grace was in the hotel parking lot, and found a seven-seater SUV car that drove away from the hotel for a while before allowing Danny to drive.

Rake was sitting in the back row, watching Danny just start to get confused, but after half an hour left, he was already able to drive normally.

Dani is at least very brave, with Grace teaching herself, and she learns quite quickly.

"We need heavy firepower weapons, and now the weapons in our hands can't deal with the REV-9 Terminator!" Grace said to Rake sitting in the back row.

"You look for the location of the T800 through my mobile phone, tell me what equipment you need. Go to the next town, I let my hands, bring all the equipment and weapons you need!" Lek said with a smile.

After listening to Grace, she said the names of several instruments.

Lei Ke informed Gu Yi directly through the communication ability of the mind.

Now Danny is driving and is driving out of the city.

Half a day later, Rake found that on the road ahead, a broken car parked sideways in the middle of the road, blocking their way.

Lake's fire-eye gold-eye perspective skills looked at the two REV-9 type terminators in the car.

This terminator came really fast.

"You protect Danny in the car, the enemy is coming! Just stop and I will get off the car to warm up and solve them." Rick said.

"Are you alone?" Grace asked with some suspicion.

"I'm Skynet's husband, I don't have any strength. By the way, in fact, I still have an identity. It is my timeline, the strongest combat leader of the Human Resistance Army." Lek said with a smile.

Reck was just in the car, thinking that [Legion] recognized his gold hoops, and finally a flash of light, Reck even thought of the upgraded gold hoops, the really correct method of use.

The gold hoop now upgraded to a super artifact can be changed to any weapon state.

This melee combat artifact should be stronger.

Lake smiled and lamented that before, he did not expect the correct usage of the upgraded gold hoop, so that this melee artifact gold hoop was shamed.

Lake now turns the gold hoop into a transparent stealth long stick.

Lei Ke makes the gold hoop in his hand into an invisible state of stealth weapon.

In Zhutian Online's introduction to the super artifact gold hoop, the gold hoop can be turned into any weapon.

Lek tried it, and as long as his user wanted it, the gold hoop could really become transparent.

Reek took up the invisible gold hoop. From the perspective of Danny and Grace in the car, the No. 2 Venerable raised his right hand.

With the right hand of Venerable No. 2 falling, "Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the car in front of it sagred and was beaten.

Flew out of the car, and quickly climbed out two middle-aged people.

These two middle-aged people, with their hands changed into sharp sharp knives, rushed towards No. 2 Venerable.

But No. 2 Venerable, standing there far away, waving his arm twice.

"Bump", these two terminators, as if they were hit by a heavy object, flew back more than ten meters.

Lake continues to pick up the golden hoop behind the stealth ~ ~ bump! "Smashed down.

Two REV-9 type terminators that fell to the ground, their bodies were crushed on the ground, attacked by a gold hoop with a god-extinguishing attribute, and many auxiliary passive skills, even high-level terminators such as REV-9 , Can't bear it either.

Under the inspection ability of Rake's fire eye gold eye identification, he was smashed into a liquid by the large and thick gold hoop after stealth. Two REV-9 type terminators have been completely dead.

The gold hoop behind the stealth is really still in use. It can grow longer and shorter as you want, so that the enemy can't defend against it.

"Okay, it's all solved, drive!" Rake retracted the gold hoop and returned to the SUV!

"Sir No. 2, are you a powerful mental controller?" Grace asked Rake excitedly.

"that's about right!"

Lei Ke said with a smile, did not explain to Grace that she had made the gold hoop stick transparent to fight.

"The Terminator sent by this legion is not too strong!" Danny continued to drive, sighing softly.

"No, it's very strong! Don't be careless, Dani, don't underestimate the strength of the [Legion] Terminator. The two REV-9 model Terminators just now, any one of them, can kill the existence of the city. The person is stronger! "Grace said with a serious expression.

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