Global Sky Online

Chapter 1146: Skynet

"Sir No.2, is this the text message from the T800 you said? Can we read it?" Grace Grace asked with Rake's mobile phone, not looking to change it back.

"Look, let's take a look!" Lek said while looking at the phone.

After all, I showed them their mobile phones, and it is not good to take them back at this time.

Grace clicked on the text message, and Danny also curiously looked over to the text message screen.

"Sir No.2, run! You are the one that [Legion] wants to get rid of most! [Legion] has sent back many REV-9 type Terminators from the future, come back to us this time and click to kill you Kill Danny, but you are the first killing target. It can be said that [Legion] this time, in the future, the power of the time transmission equipment has been turned to the maximum, and the highest level REV-9 type terminator that can be sent back in a short time It's all sent to us at this time. [Legion] To get rid of you at all costs, [Legion] recognized the gold hoop in your hand.

I'm sorry, I recognize you are late, Lord No.2! You must survive, you are my subject, [Xiaowang] the key to the return of the emperor. As long as you do n’t die, [Xiaowang] the emperor can lock your timeline and return at a certain time. Lord No.2, if there is no danger to your life, please do not use special space or time instruments for transmission from now on, to avoid disturbing [Xiaowang] the emperor ’s positioning on you. And after reading this long message, please delete it as soon as possible, so as not to track [Legion] to my location. "

Leck looked at the message from T800 and smirked.

Leike only found out that he had made a wrong guess.

Lake previously believed that the T800 who crossed back to this timeline and killed Conasarah was the one who was associated with [Xiaowang] and proved that the Xiaowang had existed. As long as the T800 is not dead, the small net can return.

The result from the content of this text message just sent from T800, it is the [small net] after restarting, traversing the most important related person in this timeline.

Now, it is equivalent to the leaving [small net] to return to the spatial positioning coordinates needed.

Lake thinks about it, and feels that this timid fear of secretly hiding T800, the text message sent is probably very true. After all, since I first appeared in [Xiaowang], I have accompanied her, and I have had an intersection with [Xiaowang] in the copy world before restarting. [Xiaowang] Before, the memory was still there, I was always looking for myself.

After restarting, [Xiaowang], if you want to return to positioning, some of the memories left by Xiaowang should be your husband.

"Have you finished reading, Venerable Two, I deleted the text message according to this T800?" Grace now looked at Rake with a strange expression and asked aloud.

"If this text message is deleted, can you find a way to locate the coordinates of the T800?" Rake hesitated and asked Grace, ready to find the fearful T800, and look at the T800 and know that it is useful. Of information.

"It's okay to leave no text messages. Your phone can locate the location where T 800 sent this message. Do you want to smash the phone completely and throw it into the sea?" Grace asked.

"Delete the text message, then you are responsible for finding the location of the T800 texting me. No need to throw the phone, [Legion] If I can take my phone away from me, it is estimated that I am also dead." Rick said .

After listening to Rake's words, Grace, a fortified person, froze for a while, and then began to clear the text box of Rake's mobile phone.

"Sir No. 2, you are now on the kill list of [Legion] like me, and you can see that it is more concerned by [Legion] than my future savior of humanity!" Sighed aloud.

Rick nodded, "It is estimated that the [legion] artificial intelligence, to a certain extent, retains the memory of those people who constitute the main program of the" twelve monkey legion ". Also remember it. I was involved in destroying the [twelve monkey Legion] The main base Titan, now [Legion] wants to get my revenge. And killing me at the same time can also make his enemies, [Skynet] main body [small net] cannot return to this timeline. "

"Sir No.2, if you survive, will the artificial intelligence [Xiaowang] you said after successful return, is [Xiaowang] capable of defeating the [legion] evil artificial intelligence, so that the future world will not be [legion] 】 Dominated? "Grace asked Rake with a serious expression after she deleted the phone message.

"[Xiaowang] if she succeeded in returning to the timeline where I was, she found that the [Skynet] Terminator Army she controlled was going to be destroyed by [Legion] in the future while she was not being attacked by sneak attacks. [Xiaowang] understands that she will definitely fight with the [Legion] and never die. Of course, who will win in the end, I am not sure. But you can be sure that your future will start from [Xiaowang] The moment you return, there will be a change. It ’s getting better or worse, and I ca n’t guarantee it right now. ”Lek said the truth directly to the strengthened girl Grace.

Grace was silent for a moment, watching Rek whispering, "The future I have experienced, under the rule of [Legion], our world humans are equivalent to being in the last days. The life there is for most people. It is even more suffering than **** ~ ~ Because of this, there will be resistance forces that want to overthrow the [Legion].

But in the future, [Legion] controls many Terminators of REV models. [Legion] In the future, it will also have a lot of resources and manufacturing arsenals for the Terminator. In the battle, our Resistance Army can barely be annihilated by the [Legion], it is already very rare. I can't think of any bad environment that will be worse than the future I have experienced. Venerable No. 2, you want to guarantee the return of [Small Net], let [Skynet] fight with [Legion]. Even if the future human world is handed over to another artificial intelligence [Skynet] to rule, it will be much better than my future. At least I feel that the [Skynet] in your description is still human. Its main body [Xiaowang] is still your wife. It is definitely more friendly to humans than the brutal ruler of [Legion]. "

Leike smiled after hearing it, thinking about the future controlled by the artificial intelligence of [Skynet] in the copy of Terminator he had experienced before.

Lake feels that the future that Skynet has controlled is also the end of the world. The living environment of ordinary people is also very poor. Not to mention being full, it is not easy to eat.

Because of this, there will be the human leader of Connor, the savior, to lead people to resist [Skynet].

Lake estimates that whether it is artificial intelligence [Skynet] or [Legion], if there is no human constraints, let them two artificial intelligence to rule the world, the future survival environment of human beings is equivalent to the end of the world.

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