Global Sky Online

Chapter 1126: Bounty Hunter

Turned to look at Rake, and found that Rake was already sitting on the old-fashioned sofa at the base of the cave.

"I am looking for your trail through a long time and space through a special time and space transmission device. Some of my programs have been affected in this process. At this stage, this effect is irreversible without restarting. Yes, there is no way to fix it. "Xiao Wang sighed, and said a little helplessly.

"What about restarting, you can fix your forgetfulness? If you are like this now, if you are always forgetful, or is it not a spark, will your program completely crash and self-destruct one day?" Rake Asked with some worry.

Xiao Wang said in a low tone: "Restart can indeed repair the impact of my program. But after restarting, my previous memory may not be able to retain much. I am afraid of losing all the memories you know. After restarting, I judge, Many memories will be forgotten. It is difficult to restore these memories again. These memories, for me, are very precious, and I am not willing to lose them. If you let the choice of forgetting the memories you know and self-destruction, I would rather Choose the latter.

I have also recently experienced the feeling of human beings before they face death. I am obsessed with this world and can't bear to leave. Those memories of me are like the next day. I met you for the first time. You were chased by the army of terminators and saved me who just left the laboratory to your escape jeep. At that time, you asked me [little beauty, do you want to ride a car], and then I integrated into human life.

Fortunately, before my program completely crashed, I finally found you bastard. I don't think I will live long. At the last stage of my life, will you stay with me more? Don't go away. "

Lake was a little touched. After all, I didn't expect this artificial intelligence small network to have such a deep feeling for himself. He actually had a [sincere] love affair with Artificial Intelligence Skynet.

"Xiaowang, how long will you be in the last stage of your life, and still in this state of forgetfulness, how long will you be self-destructive after that?" Rake asked Xiaowang and whispered.

"Hey, I am in this state and I won't be able to live for long. I can only live for a short time, that is, about a thousand years. For such a short time, in the last days of my life, you are not allowed to say goodbye Woman, you only accompany me, okay, No. 2 Venerable! "Xiao Wang looked at Rake sincerely.

When Rick just started listening to the first half of Xiaowang, he was still a little worried, but when he heard that Xiaowang could still live for about a thousand years, Reck felt that he did n’t have to worry too much about the status of Xiaowang.

This artificial intelligence skynet can be said that the thin and dead camel is bigger than the horse!

If you do n’t enter Zhutian Online, you ca n’t live a year ago if you only count on the lifespan of the earth ’s main world.

Estimated that he was dead, Xiao Wang still got a good, that is, forgetfulness.

"Oh, not long after I just changed my new body, I was a little tired. I took a nap first and prepared some food for me. When I wake up and eat, I have to get up and work hard after eating. I click kill People of this Harlan planet, I need to kill to make me stronger. "Rek said.

"Oh, then you rest!" Xiao Wang nodded, and didn't ask Rake, what was wrong with killing the people of this Harlan world, or killing the people of this Harlan planet.

In Xiaonet's view, No.2 Venerable is nothing to kill ordinary humans, as long as he wants to be himself, he will support him.

The life of ordinary human beings, like Xiao Apple, can be picked at any time. After all, Xiaowang has launched a nuclear strike before and destroyed the existence of human civilization.

Lei Ke found a cave with a big bed, lay in bed, covered the quilt and began to sleep.

This new body is a bit weak, and it is much lower than Rick's original body attribute value. Rick needs time to adapt to this new body.

Woke up, Xiao Wang made a small plate of fried meat for Rake.

"While you were sleeping, I brought some synthetic meat nearby. There are too few ingredients available for you nearby. We will go out and buy more when we go out. The transmitter is hanging around your neck. , I can only leave you a limited distance, not too far. "Xiao Wang said.

Rick nodded, presumably the synthetic meat stolen by Xiaowang, and cooked for him. There are too few residents in this smiley hotel and it is not easy to steal ingredients.

"Let me check, on the planet Haren, the bounty hunter's list of bounty hunters, bounties than the top ten goals. Find the location of these ten people, and give me a suitable route to kill them! "Rick was eating fried meat, and he said to Xiaowang.

Xiaonet took a bottle of wine for Rake, and opened it and gave Rick half a glass.

Xiao Net closed his eyes and opened it again after two or three seconds, "I have invaded the monitoring equipment and all the detectors of Planet Harun. The top ten targets on the bounty hunter reward list, only seven people are in our current In the city, the other three are too far away. If it is not necessary, it is not recommended to kill. Of the remaining seven, five of them are moving on UU Kanshu I will give you back after you eat out Make up the latest killing route. "Xiao Net casually said.

More than ten minutes later, Rake went out with a small net.

The killing route of Xiaonet has been transmitted to the virtual storage of Rick's right eye.

There were two laser guns in Lek's waist, a knife in his pocket, and he went hunting.

After so many copies, Rake's physical attributes have been reduced a lot, but the marksmanship and fighting skills are still there. There are laser guns, and there are small nets to help find the target. Rake judges that hunting is still very easy.

From a small net to lock the marked target at a distance, Rake pretends to be a passerby, naturally approaching the target, raising his hand and quickly pulling out the gun, "hit" a shot at the target's head.

The target dies, and Rake starts to dig the target's [stack].

People and civilians on the street, many saw the killing process of Rake.

These passers-by did not panic. On the planet Harun, there were too many fights on weekdays. At this time, ordinary civilians chose to avoid them far away.

Lake turned the body over, took a knife, and dug out the [stack] chips from the neck of the body.

Reck did not destroy the [Stack] chip on the spot. After all, destroying the [Stack] on the spot was a complete kill. The civilian passersby on the nearby streets would panic when they saw it.

After Rick took the [stack] chip, he quickly got up and entered the crowd to leave the scene.

The passers-by nearby saw three or four daring people after seeing Rick killing [Stack] and leaving. The scramblers rushed to the corpse and began to turn over valuable items on the corpse, taking possession of themselves .

. vertex

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