Global Sky Online

Chapter 1125: Cave base

"Sir No. 2, what are you looking for me? Why are you back to Planet Harun?" Peng Setiu Village turned around and looked at Rake.

"I need a place to stay, Smiley Hotel, how about staying for a while? On the planet Harlan, there has recently been news of Guell. I'm looking for it. The recent planet Harlan seems to be calm, and I am now in this body , Is the pre-prepared remuneration for the Marx on the planet Harley Exxley. Exxley hired me to protect him, but after I changed out of this body, Exxley was dead. "Rake Talking.

Lake first prepared to take the place of Smiley Hotel, and walked down according to the original story.

This hutasexiu village should be able to provide him with the status of a senior member, so that he can later come into contact with Guell, the young girl of the interstellar warrior leader with the resurrection fairy in his body.

"Oh, Planet Harlan has not been peaceful for a long time. But the death of Mars is a big deal. I will check the news. As for the Smile Hotel, stay here. I will let my grandson move now!" Talking to Hidekimura, he picked up the communicator.

Pentase Hidemura first called his grandson to let the contents of the Smile Hotel be emptied immediately, and all the pharmaceutical items were moved out, where they were used by Lord No. 2 His Holiness.

Afterwards, Peng Setiu Village dialed a number again and began to ask about the news of the murder of Exxley.

During the last call, the hut of Shunxue began to become more dignified.

A few minutes later, Tsune Hideo hung up the phone and looked at Rake.

"Exley ’s death was a complete death. Not only was the [stack] in the cervical spine destroyed, but even his consciousness and memory stored in the satellite were completely destroyed by unknown viruses. Exxley had really died. It ’s impossible to be resurrected. Your bodyguard mission is over. The murderer or the organization of the murderer is very dangerous. I am afraid that you are already involved. I suggest you to leave Harun Planet as soon as possible. Village looked serious, and said to Rake.

Reek was not too surprised to hear this. After all, he already knew that the Axley who hired him was completely dead.

And Rake also knows that the murderer is the elder revenge elf who controls Queer, the female interstellar leader, and assassinated.

Of course, these information, Rake is not going to tell the present shed set Hidemura.

Told him that there was no way to explain the source of the news, and he could not leave the planet Harun.

After all, the main online missions of the heavens, but to stay on this Harlan planet to survive for a year.

"I have been looking for Quill for many years. On the planet Harlan, there is a rare message of Quill. I will not go. Going to other planets, for me, the danger also exists. If you can, help me investigate. , And the person who has been in close contact with Exley, Mars recently, to see who wants to assassinate him, or to be close to him. "Rake said with a firm expression.

Peng Setiu Village listened to Rake's words, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, "Well, you go to the Smile Hotel first, there is news, I will contact you again!"

Leike turned around and left with a small net.

"Sir No. 2, the leader of the Querna Star Wars Uprising, and your woman again?" Xiao Wang asked Rake with an angry look.

"This is really not true. She has a special relationship with me, but it can only be regarded as a friend!" Rick explained to Xiaowang after thinking about it.

This Quill, the leader of the Star Warrior, hasn't seen him.

Although, according to Zhu Tian's online identity, this Guell is his girlfriend of this identity!

"That's good!"

Lake and Xiaowang walked down the street and returned to the Smile Hotel again.

Pushed open the metal door. In this smiley hotel, those people and pharmaceutical equipment have been moved away.

Smiley Hotel is empty, just like a small empty warehouse.

"Can you change the internal environment of this smiley hotel, we will be staying here for some time recently. Turn here into a hotel and make me a comfortable room, can you do it?" Rick asked in front of him Small net.

After all, in the original book, the [wave] of the artificial intelligence black crow hotel can turn this empty smiling hotel into a real hotel in a few minutes.

Lake judges, Xiaowang, in this copy, it is now a similar mode of existence of artificial intelligence waves, which should also be able to change the environment in this hotel.

"Can it be done, but do I have to change to a hotel, I can change to another residence." Xiao Wang smiled and said to Rake.

"It's up to you, just let me live comfortably," Rek said.

Xiao Net nodded, walked into the empty hall of this smiley hotel, and began to connect the network inside this smiley hotel.

The ground inside the smiley hotel, the walls and ceiling began to change rapidly, the ground began to rise up the stone walls, and the ceilings also became stone walls. Beds, daily necessities, and seats all grow as if they grew from the ground.

After a few minutes, the renovation of this smiling hotel was completed.

Lake looked at this familiar and somewhat strange environment.

"You turned the Smile Hotel into the cave base structure we lived in before." Lek looked at Xiaowang.

Now the interior structure and furnishings of this smiling hotel are exactly the same as the several caves in front of the cave base where Rake lives in Terminator World ~ ~ Even stone tables and mahjong machines have been transformed by small nets. .

Xiao Wang nodded, "Here is the happiest and most painful place I have ever lived in. This is also my most memorable residence and [home]. My life is too long, I only like one person in my life, hey!" Xiao net finished, looked at Rake.

After listening, Rick smiled, "If life is too long, don't you like a lot of people in your life, why would you like only one person. Of course, I don't mean anything else, I just ask curiously."

Sitting on the stone chair on the side, Xiao Net looked at the large metal door at the base of the cave. "Life is too long and there are also distresses. If you like ordinary people, the people you like will die slowly before you die. Only pick Well, I like the last one, who has a very hard life, who can never die. The bad guys live for thousands of years, and you, people, are estimated to be able to live longer than my artificial intelligence. "

Leike smiled bitterly after hearing it. He didn't know if Xiaowang said that he praised him or said he was bad.

The body of the small net appeared an electric spark again, and then the appearance of the small net became confused again.

"How did we go back to the cave base, Venerable No. 2?" Xiaowang asked Lek, looking surprised.

"We've always been here, go to sleep, and we will play Mahjong with Conasarah, Dad, and so on!" Rake said with a smile.

Xiaowang looked around in doubt, and after a few minutes, he found the reason and glared at Rake.

"This is a smile hotel, huh, don't mention Conana Sarah anymore!"

"Right, is there any way to cure your forgetfulness, Xiaowang?" Rick's serious expression this time, looking at Xiaowang, no longer joking with her.

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