Global Sky Online

Chapter 1092: Journey to the West opens

"Yes, Lord No.2, this monster monkey is crazy!" The fairy elder Taishang Laojun also reacted, agreeing that he must not let the big Buddha take the monster monkey away now.

"Sir No. 2, are you crazy? You talk about, why did you steal the heavenly flat peach, fairy elixir, and lead the monster monkeys to die in the heavenly court?" The big Buddha asked Lek directly, and did not go to Taishang Laojun, Yang Jian and other great gods dialogue.

Lake thought about it, why did he, in order to start the journey to the West Journey and get the energy value of the food reserve summoning the 300 Spartans to return to the main world to fight against the meteorite!

But the reason cannot be explained.

But at this time, Rake also knew that he could not directly let the Big Buddha take himself away.

Otherwise, he went to the land of the Big Buddha's power, it is estimated that he will be detained there, and he belongs to staying directly at the end of the Journey to the West.

When he was there, he stayed in the land of the Buddha and waited for Jin Jianger, who was reincarnated, to find him.

It is estimated that Jiang Liu'er, without his protection, could not reach the land of the Big Buddha, and this task of taking the classics and passing the scriptures to the west was completely abolished.

"I live for the world and stop the war! I have eaten the forces of the heavenly realm and the strategic reserve of healing resources. In the future, your power of the Buddha will be able to capture the heavens more easily. The forces of the heavenly realm are facing the attack of the power of the Buddha. Possibly surrender! "Rick said loudly.

Hearing Rake's answer, the gods and Buddhas were stunned.

"Yes, this No. 2 Venerable Monkey is indeed crazy!" The fastest responding Buddha announced this time, and agreed with the previous views of the big brothers

"Crazy, really crazy!"

"Yes, Venerable Qitian No. 2 is crazy!"

Many fairy elders also echoed.

Now, this kind of person who directly confronts the forces of the Big Buddha and the forces of the heaven and the future, and who will fight in the future, even if he is the Qisheng, can only be defined as a lunatic, in order to continue to maintain the power of the Buddha and the heaven. The peace of forces.

"Am I crazy, I just read it thoroughly, I'm not crazy!" Rake yelled, but now it is defined as crazy, and Rake feels vaguely not bad.

"Crazy Qi Tian Da Sheng No. 2 Venerable, since he is crazy in Heaven Realm, he should stay in Heaven Realm for treatment!" Heaven Realm Taishang Laojun spoke again.

"The place where I am a buddha, the mad Qi Tiansheng has gone, and can better self-cultivation and self-cultivation!" The big Buddha whispered.

At this time, a red cloud was floating in the sky, and the Emperor Jade Emperor, who was in power in the sky, came.

"Have seen Jade Emperor!"

"Big Buddha!"

Big Buddha and Jade Emperor greeted after thinking.

"Sovereign No. 2 Qi Tian Da Sheng will stay, what is the judgment of the Jade Emperor?" The Big Buddha asked the Jade Emperor, the highest person in power in the heavenly court.

After listening to Jade Emperor, he looked at the green-haired big demon monkey.

"He originally belonged to the stone monkey of the human world. How about letting the Qitian Dasheng No. 2 Venerable Demon Monkey return to the human world for treatment? Hundreds of years ago, the agreed journey to the west will soon open. Venerable No. 2's madness can be cured in the human world, so he represents the heavenly court and walks the road of the westward journey in the world. The hardship of the nine hundred and eighty-one is regarded as his atonement! The Celestial Realm has suffered heavy losses and has been irreversible. In the Journey to the West, the Celestial Great Emperor will take more luck and merit, and the Big Buddha will not mind it! And in addition to this Qitian Great Saint, Celestial Realm needs to send three more assistants Participate! "Jade Emperor, the ruler of heaven, said slowly.

After listening to this, Rake was a little puzzled, but it seemed that things were better than he had expected. During his journey to the west, he was now about to be appointed to protect Jinliu, who was reincarnated by Jin Chanzi.

"The Journey to the West, originally set the heavens, each one in the Buddha Realm!" Said the Big Buddha.

"The Celestial Realm is suffering from this disaster today and needs to be recuperated for at least a hundred years. If the Big Buddha insists on the Journey to the West Court and the Buddhist Realm to participate in the Journey to the West, the journey to the West Journey may be delayed for another hundred years!" Jade Emperor said calmly, looking at the Buddha.

The Buddha pondered for a moment, "The journey to the west has been decided, and the three worlds of luck have been re-divided, and it is not appropriate to postpone! According to the jade emperor, Venerable Qitian Dasheng, immediately went to the human world to treat madness and heal. Afterwards, start the Journey to the West! However, there are three other people participating in the Celestial Realm. They can no longer be selected from the Celestial Realm. They have to choose from the existing Immortals in the Human Realm! Once the Journey to the West is successful, after the difficult merits of 1989, Qi Tian Da Sheng No. 2 Those who will turn to my Buddha! "

"Feasible!" Jade Emperor said.

Many celestial beings in the realm, after watching Jade Emperor's statement, nodded one after another.

"Have you agreed on such a big thing, have you asked me my opinion! Tell me first, the reason for the Journey to the West!" Rake shouted while holding a gold hoop, and also wanted to know some information about luck.

"Severe No. 2 Qitian Dasheng, if you want to hear the reason, let's make a bet. If you can jump out of my palm, I will tell you the reason for the Westward Journey. If you can't jump out, go to the human world and recuperate Waiting for the start of the Journey to the West! "The Buddha turned his head and said to Lek.

Didn't wait for Rake to answer, the big Buddha raised his hand and shot at Rake.

"Are you trying to make me jump, or do you want to take the opportunity to shoot me to death!" Rek shouted violently, immediately activated the red magic floating cloak, and quickly flew away from the envelope of the golden palm.

Can fly for more than ten minutes before getting out of this golden hand.

Lake landed again, and he could already see that there were five large stone pillars in front of him, and he stood on a huge stone stair.

After seeing Journey to the West, it is clear that he is still in the palm of the Buddha. These five large stone pillars are the five fingers of the Buddha ~ ~ is not the end of the world.

Take out the gold hoop, and Rake directly sculpts "Heavenly Lord No. 2 to this one" on a large stone pillar in the middle.

【游】 The word hasn't been carved yet, and Rick instantly activated his teleportation ability of cursing the jump knife, and teleported directly through the gap of these five stone pillars.

Rick is now in his body, appearing outside the five stone pillars and steps.

"Big Buddha, don't act anymore. I know this is your palm. I have jumped out of your palm. According to the agreement, tell me the reason for the journey to the West!" Rake shouted to the sky.

"Oh, you don't! My Buddha is everywhere, and I have two hands!" The big Buddha smiled, palming his hands, and Rake found that there were stone steps on his feet.

The stone steps under the five stone pillars disappeared.

This big buddha fooled, and secretly added a hand.

"Go to the human world for treatment!" The big Buddha's palm reversed, and he threw the green-haired big monkey in the palm of his hand directly to the human world.

Rick shakes his body, wrapped in golden light, and quickly falls in the air.

When Rake stood firm, he found himself in a stupa opened at the top.

The top of the pagoda that was originally opened was soon covered by a large golden Buddha text. .

The environment inside the pagoda, Rake looked a bit familiar, and after thinking about it, Rake remembered, [Lei Fengta], the residence of Jin Chanzi reincarnated Jiangliuer.

"Let you not save me from leaving before, but now you are locked in too, this is retribution!" A familiar voice came from the next floor, and the bald man in his twenties, slowly walked down the stairs Go up, walk up, look at Rake.

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