Global Sky Online

Chapter 1091: Trouble in Tiangong Temple failed

Reek looked at the battle and knew that his monkey demon had lost power, and it was completely defeated.

Heavenly Court, has been in charge of the Three Realms for so many years. In addition to possessing the fighting power of the Heavenly Soldier and the General, the Heavenly Realm also exists in the ordinary days.

Now these celestial gods in heaven are fighting, they have top-level magic weapons and magic weapons.

The attack effects of these magic weapons and magic weapons are not something that you can only use for ten years to accumulate and forcibly lift up the accumulated Huaguo Mountain monkey demon groups.

Even if he is faced with the magic weapon attacks of so many elders in the realm, it will not last long, not to mention those monkeys who are only big demon level.

The background of the Huaguo Mountain Monkey Demon is still not enough.

"Go! You will retreat first, this King, to cover you! Withdraw all to the human world, do not return to Huaguo Mountain!" Rake yelled, and immediately contacted Master Gu Yi through his mind communication ability.

Let the ancient master mage help to open many magic portals in the heaven, and let these monster monkeys evacuate from the heaven.

Lei Ke flew to the gathering place of the largest group of big demon monkeys, took up the golden hoop, activated the green light ring energy, and transformed into a green shield to cover the evacuation of these big demon monkeys.

Lei Ke knew that he, the initiator of the monkey clan uprising, could not leave this time.

Even if he returns to the human world, Tianting will not stop his hunt.

In that case, even if you have n’t been caught by the realm of heaven, the way to learn the story of the Journey to the West ca n’t be opened at all.

Now, in this situation, Rake can only let himself be caught by the forces of the heavenly court, and then adapts randomly.

Lei Ke bravely stood behind the monkey demon, helping the monkey demon to resist the magic weapon attack from the fairy elders from all directions.

The battle continued. After the immortal crowd of immortal world was dispatched, against the monkey demon, almost unilateral slaughter, tens of thousands of monkey demon, were constantly being wiped out, fighting to death.

"Hurry up, leave the fire of the monkey clan, you are the hope of the monkey clan in the future, don't let the king be sacrificed in vain!" Rake shouted, dispersing the big monkey demon who refused to leave.

Some monkey clan monsters were moved and wept!

In the end, tens of thousands of monkey demon, through the magic portal, ran back from the heavens, leaving no one, less than a thousand.

Huaguo Mountain was then counterattacked by the Celestial Heavenly Soldier and was captured.

The robbery on the hilltop of Huaguo Mountain, which has harmed the human world and the demon world for nearly ten years, was set on fire by Tianbingtian.

Lei Ke, Xiao Qing Xiao Bai, Fat Girl Zhong Ling, Gu Yi and Doppelgang were all taken back into the body at the same time.

In this battle, Rick also knew that there was no way to reverse the summoning creatures alone.

Leike held up the gold hoop and continued his final resistance in the heaven.

As for summoning the food reserve energy value of the 300 Spartans, Rake is not willing to use it now.

After all, the power of the Big Buddha has not yet appeared. Even if a part of the energy value of the food reserve that summons the 300 Spartans of Sparta is used, it must be left to the power of the Big Buddha.

Rake now knows clearly that he still needs to retain most of the energy value of food reserves to bring out this copy of the world. Otherwise, even if you pass through this final copy of the Journey to the West, you will not have a big harvest, and the killing of the meteorite that will come to the main world next Tuesday is also a mortal ending.

The kill value of the Hulk transformation ca n’t be saved in this final Journey to the West. At this time, you ca n’t use it to your will. You ca n’t help but steal the flat peach and the elixir, and save the food reserve that summoned the Spartan 300 warriors. The energy value is enough.

Lek is constantly being hit by magical tools and immortal forces. Fortunately, the god-level Hulk is in a state of transformation, with his own possessive skills and absolute defense skills.

In addition, after the upgrade of Xiaoqing and Xiaobaidubai, the basic attribute of Rake has been increased, and the attributes of the former Peach and Immortal have been improved. Gram is now terrifying with high attribute values.

Reck is very bad now, that is, he is very resistant, and he also puts a real secret word recovery circle from time to time, holding a gold hoop to attack the magic weapon from all directions.

"Second Sovereign Demon Saint, just grab your hands, don't make fearless resistance again!" Came a familiar voice.

Lake saw that Yang Jian, the **** of war with a white cloth on his head, and a three-pointed two-blade gun, had flown from a distance and was about to join the battle.

Lake glanced at his demon monkey forces, and he was defeated.

The demon monkeys still alive have already fled from the fairy world. The monster monkeys left in the fairy world are also beheaded by the heaven soldiers and the elders of the fairy world. The fairy world now only has the body of the monster monkey.

"Surrender, only the venerable Qitian Dasheng No. 2 who died in battle, no surrender!" Rake shouted, and did not put down the gold hoop.

Lake has seen through the fire-eye gold eye skills. In the distance, a familiar golden body is approaching this heavenly battlefield.

Big Buddha's power comes to heaven.

Lake finally waited for the Big Buddha. At this time, he was not prepared to surrender first.

"Demon Monkey No.2, my Buddha is merciful, you have caused a mass murder, and you have not regretted it!" A thick voice, from far and near.

The end of the speech, the Golden Buddha, has come to the position where the green-haired big demon monkey is 100 meters away.

The magic portals opened by Ryke and Gu Yi Master in the heavens immediately shattered.

The arrival of the Big Buddha, cut off all the passages of the green hairy monster monkey who escaped from the fairy world through the portal.

"Big Buddha!" ​​The big brothers in the fairy world, withdrew their magical tools and magic weapons, and greeted the big Buddha ~ ~ No.2 Venerable Demon Monkey, put down the gold hoop and returned to the land of my Buddha, confess the rest of my life! "The Big Buddha said loudly.

"Don't!" Didn't wait for Rake's answer, Taishang Laojun, the fairy world leader, took the lead to speak.

After all, the demon monkey No. 2 has eaten almost all his elixir. Taishang Laojun now wants to refinish this demon monkey, maybe he can recover some losses!

No.2 Venerable Demon Monkey, it can be said that now it is full of treasure, once the green hair demon monkey body completely digests those elixir, it is too late.

Moreover, the elder prince of Taishang Laojun judged that the big Buddha came at this time and said that he took the green demon monkey back to confess, obviously to pull the green demon monkey into the Buddha's own power.

"Why?" The Buddha asked.

Taishang Laojun "He--"

Erlang God Yang Jian suddenly stepped forward and shouted, "He is crazy, Venerable No.2, the green demon monkey is crazy! Normal Venerable Qitian Dasheng No.2, if he is not crazy, will not do this kind of stealing All the flat peach in the Peach Garden, all the elixir in the alchemy room, and the stupidity of leading the group of demon monkeys to the heavens are equivalent to suicide! Before, the No. 2 Qi Tian Da Sheng has spent ten years in the heaven, and should know the strength of the heaven. It is not possible to defeat the monster monkeys in the human world. If he is not crazy, he cannot do this! A lunatic is not suitable for bringing the Big Buddha back to my Buddha ’s land, or it is good to be held in our heavenly court! "

After listening to it, Rake was stunned. He didn't think he hadn't spoken yet, so he was defined as a lunatic.

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