About an hour passed, and everyone's physical strength and injuries finally fully recovered. At this time, the teammates looked at each other with a smile.

Before you know it, everyone has been fighting together for a month, and the friendship between them is still very deep.

However, after the bloody battle just now, the strength of the team members has been improved.

At this time, Qin Yi's level is the highest, his level has reached 8 and a half, because he killed Saipan directly, so his experience value is the highest.

And Luxie's level followed closely, and his level reached level 8.

Sally's level has reached level 7 and a half.

Lei Jun and Jin Qi's level reached 30% of level 7.

Jiang Yihe's level reached level 7 and 20%.

And Winnie's level has reached level 7.

Everyone's abilities have improved, and some people have mastered new skills.

Qin Yi's controllable minimum temperature at this time has reached minus 180 degrees, and the temperature control range has reached 50 meters around. Moreover, his most powerful skill at present, the ice fall technique, can already be summoned at this time. Fifteen tons of ice cubes.

The maximum kinetic energy given by Luxie at this time has been increased to 30,000 joules, and he has acquired a new skill - kinetic energy transfer, which is to transfer the kinetic energy of one object to another object. However, this Kinetic energy transfer requires contact between objects.

Sally's invisibility CD was shortened again. At this time, the interval between his two consecutive invisibility was shortened to 2 seconds, and his current invisibility was also longer, and he could be invisible for up to 45 seconds.

Lei Jun's body surface metal hardening degree has also been improved. At this time, his body surface hardness has reached the standard of ordinary steel, and his own strength has also been greatly improved.

Jin Qi's rubber man ability has also been greatly improved. At this time, the ductility of his body has been further enhanced. Intuitively speaking, he can now extend his arms to 30 meters.

Jiang Yihe's mind control ability has also been improved again. The ultimate skill, Spirit Bombardment, has been greatly improved, and he can attack stronger targets. Moreover, he also acquired a new skill, which is the ability to tamper with his thinking. This is an inconvenience to his strength. Small enhancements.

As for Winnie, his language talent has grown again, and he can interpret the language of other species faster, and he has a new ability to analyze other people's psychology more quickly through the other party's language.

It seems that although this battle has paid a lot of hardships, the rewards are also very rich.

Just a BOSS-level NPC in Saipan, the experience value he provides is as much as 100,000, and this experience is distributed to everyone according to the performance of each member of the team in the battle.

Because Qin Yi was the one who directly killed Saipan, he got 30,000 EXP by himself, and the remaining 70,000 EXP were distributed to other team members.

Everyone didn't notice the surge in strength just now. At this moment, they remembered Saipan's corpse, only to see that his corpse had turned into dust and was scattered into the wind, and after the dust dissipated, he could see the ground. A red thing that looks like a headphone.

That thing caught the attention of Qin Yi and the others, they walked over, and Qin Yi picked up the thing on the ground.

At this time, the sound of the male high school system sounded loudly and said:

"Congratulations, Qin Yi's player team defeated the BOSS-level character Saipan and won the prize brain speed meter. Note: This device is shaped like an earphone. After wearing it on the ear, it can improve the host's brain response to the extreme, and there are no complete side effects. , but it will consume a lot of mental energy."

Obviously, every member of the team heard the sound of the system, Qin Yi smiled and said:

"Brain speed meter, it's really a good thing. Doesn't this mean that in melee combat, there is a nearly rapid response?"

Jiang Yihe looked at the things in Qin Yi's hands, and his eyes also showed joy, and said:

"Obviously that's the case. Saipan just used this thing to fight seven against one, and still not fall behind."

The other members of the team showed smiles in their eyes. It was obvious that the items dropped this time were very good. After all, it was a BOSS-level character. It seemed that the dropped items did not disappoint everyone.

"Since this Saipan was killed by Qin Yi, the brain speed meter should be given to Qin Yi, what do you think?"

Winnie looked at everyone and said.

"Of course we have no problem.

The rest of the team members also spoke.

"Winnie, you can't say that. Although I killed Saipan directly, every member of the team has worked hard. Without your help, I wouldn't be able to kill Saipan."

...for flowers..

Qin Yi looked at Wei Ni and said very seriously.

What Qin Yi said was not unreasonable. Although his ice fall technique directly caused Saipan's death, his spellcasting process completely relied on the cover of other teammates.

Moreover, in Qin Yi's opinion, no matter what item is dropped, no matter how precious it is, he will not take it for himself. He feels that the dropped items should be given to those who need them most.

"I think this thing should be given to those who need it most, right?"

Qin Yi looked at everyone and said very seriously.

"Then, in our team, who needs this brain speed meter the most?

Lei Jun said with doubts in his eyes.

"Obviously it's for the melee team members. Although Qin Yi also relies on melee combat, he also has good long-range strength. Among our team, those who rely entirely on melee combat can be said to be Luxi, Sally, and others. Winnie.

Jin Qi looked at the others, and after some thought, he said seriously.

"Jin Qi, what you said is very reasonable. It should definitely be given to melee combat, but I think the advantages of our team members should be strengthened. No matter who it is given, I hope to maximize the strength of the team."

Qin Yi looked at Jin Qi and said seriously.

"I'm free, you can discuss, anyway, even if I don't have a brain speed meter, I can play my strength well. 39

At this moment, Luxie said indifferently.

"Although I am also a melee player, I have never been good at speed. Since Qin Yi said that to strengthen the strengths of the members, I think it should be given to the fastest person."

Lei Jun looked at Qin Yi and said seriously.

"Then, who is the fastest in our team?"

Winnie glanced at the others and said.

"I think it's Sally. Sally is attacking completely with the advantage of speed. After fighting side by side for such a long time, I have already seen Sally's fighting method, and I think it is the fastest reaction, with stealth. Ability, it will definitely give people unexpected results.""

Jiang Yihe suddenly looked at Sally and said seriously for a long time.

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