But at this moment, Qin Yi suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Saipan angrily, he shouted loudly:

"Ice Falling Technique!!!

Saipan, who was in the air, felt that something was wrong, because since Qin Yi shouted that, he felt that the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, and his speed also slowed down a lot.

And he clearly heard the bursts of crisp sounds from the top of his head. What was the sound? He looked up and saw that the large ice crystals above his head began to condense together, forming a huge ice block.

And the ice cubes are getting bigger and bigger, and they are actually several cubic meters in size.

Today, Qin Yi's greatest ability is to transform ice cubes that weigh ten tons.

At this time, Qin Yi was desperate, releasing all his spiritual power.

Although Saipan has an extremely fast response, Qin Yi relies on the low temperature control around him. Even if Saipan has a fast reaction speed, his speed cannot keep up.

At this moment, everyone saw that under the control of Qin Yi's right hand, the huge block of ice smashed towards Saipan's head.

At this moment, the whirling-tailed flying squirrel in the distance seemed to realize the danger of its owner, and he swirled his tail and flew towards Qin Yi quickly, trying to interrupt Qin Yi's control.

At this moment, Luxie took out the last flying card from his hand. He used up the last of his mental strength to attach a little kinetic energy to the flying card, and then threw 370 to the flying squirrel.


With a piercing cry, the whirling-tailed flying squirrel was cut into two pieces by Luxie's flying card.

And Qin Yi's ice cubes also smashed towards Saipan's head. Saipan can fully predict this kind of ice cubes. There is no such thing as nerve transmission speed.

In other words, although he could react, his body speed simply couldn't keep up.

"Boom!!! 35

With a loud bang, the ten-ton ice cube smashed on Saipan's head, and then smashed him into the ground.

His body showed a large character, fell from the air, and was smashed into the ground by ice cubes, his limbs fluttered weakly, and finally said a sentence:

"What the hell, how is it possible."

Then he closed his eyes and died.

Qin Yi looked at the ground, his body had begun to turn black and white, and he finally took a deep breath and said:

"It's so dangerous, this guy is finally dead.

At this time, the others followed Qin Yi and heaved a long sigh of relief. If this last trick didn't work, then they might be wiped out by this Saipan's men.

"Yes, Qin Yi, you have never let us down."

With a smile on Jiang Yihe's face, he gave Qin Yi a thumbs up and praised.

"It seems to be another huge experience."

Luxey tried his best to smile, although his face was pale, it was not difficult to see his joy.

"I'm really convinced, you're about to die, and you're still caring about your experience.

Sally shook her head, expressing her helplessness to Luxie.

Qin Yi glanced at all his teammates, they all had injuries of varying degrees, Jin Qi basically lost both arms, Lei Jun had one arm cut off, Sally had multiple stab wounds, Jiang one injured his right foot , Winnie was also injured by shrapnel, and Luxie was the most seriously injured, and his chest had become a bloody mess.

Now, the top priority is to heal everyone's injuries, otherwise the follow-up expedition will not be able to continue.

Qin Yi looked at Sally and said:

"Sally, how many oranges are left now?"

Sally opened the backpack, looked at it, and said:

"There are 10 left.""

Qin Yi nodded and asked again:

"So, what about vanilla?"

Sally looked at Qin Yi again and said:

"Exactly seven remaining. 35

Qin Yi glanced at everyone, and after some thought, said:

"Now, we will allocate oranges and vanilla according to the degree of injury. Do you have any opinions?"

(bcei) At this time, the rest of the people all shook their heads, and everyone fought here together. Whether it is tacit understanding or affection, they are all very deep.

Qin Yi saw that Sally's face was pale at this time, and it was estimated that it would be difficult to take out the oranges and vanilla from the backpack, so he walked to Sally's side and took the backpack from Sally's hand.

He looked at it and said:

"I don't have any injuries at all, so I don't need oranges. Luxie's injury is the most serious, give him three, Lei Jun and Jin Qi are also more seriously injured, two of you, the rest Jiang Yihe, Sally, Wei Ni, the three of you, one for each.

Jiang Yihe smiled and said:

"Everyone has nothing to do with it, so don't be so divided. We don't have any opinion on how you divide it."

Then Qin Yi distributed all the oranges to everyone, then he looked at the vanilla again and said:

"Just one piece of vanilla per person, it happens to be seven people, after all, our spiritual power has been spent.

Luxie smiled slightly and said:

"Suddenly found that Qin Yi has become such a mother-in-law. 35

Qin Yi smiled slightly and didn't speak, but from his eyes, he could see his love for everyone.

After everyone received the oranges, they began to sit cross-legged and began to treat their injuries.

The first to change was Luxie, because after all, he ate three oranges, and the healing effect of this orange was still very powerful.

The flesh and blood on his chest began to heal, and his pale complexion finally began to improve.

Then Lei Jun, his broken arm also began to grow out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then came Jin Qi, the shocking wound on his hands began to heal.

Then there were Winnie, Jiang Yihe, and Sally. Their wounds began to heal gradually.

At this time, although everyone's injuries have begun to recover, they have not fully recovered because there are not many oranges left.

The scars could still be seen on Luxie's chest, and Lei Jun's newly grown arms also looked inflexible.

Therefore, everyone needs to take care of themselves in situ, so that they can fully recover.

At this time, everyone ate the herbs and started to recover their mental power. After all, the recovery of these injuries also requires the help of mental power.

A group of seven people are sitting cross-legged, eyes closed to adjust the breath. Although Qin Yi did not eat oranges, he also had injuries on his body. After eating herbs, he also needed to concentrate on taking care of himself, so that he could recover to the highest level. good condition.

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