Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 692 Little Red Riding Hood

It is extremely difficult to crack the real prophecy, because it is something that is destined to happen and has nothing to do with the prophet himself.

But this kind of big curse is relatively simple. Even Tianyu, who knows only a little about magic, knows that killing the caster will solve the problem.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Rose, for your help, otherwise the end would be unimaginable."

King Rose trotted over, looking at the body of the great prophet Kara with lingering fear, his eyes a little erratic.

Obviously, he is a powerful magician like a god, but under the hands of this king who is famous for his love of wearing beautiful clothes, he can't last for more than ten minutes, just like slaughtering chickens and dogs without any ability to fight back.

"You're welcome, Your Majesty, please explain what happened back then." Tianyu said lightly.

"Back then. Back then, it was actually the prophet Elena who approached me and asked me to hold a princess's birth party."

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"Originally, I didn't want to hold it, but Elena was quite determined, so I had to obey."

"Then Elena didn't allow us to invite Kara to participate."

"Kara's strength was extremely strong, and we were unwilling to participate in such things between prophet's who were angry with each other at that time."

"But Elena showed unimaginable strength and promised to block Kara's revenge for us, so we agreed."

"As a result, Kara, under Elena's guidance, issued a prophecy to destroy the Rose Principality, which was greatly backfired."

"Elena left and has been missing for many years, causing us to have to live day by day, waiting for the arrival of Kara's curse."

"Unexpectedly," the king looked at Tianyu with some emotion and sighed.

If I had known that things were so easy to solve, I would have gone to the Rose Kingdom earlier to visit this hidden king.

Kneel down and get a princess of unknown origin.

Then the Principality of Rose would not end up like this!

Thinking of this, the king was a little depressed.

"Okay, so Elena lied to you, but actually she wanted to cheat Kara?"

Tianyu thought about it and sorted out the relationship between the characters.

"It is also possible that she wants to deal with us!" The king said bitterly.

"She actually has the strength to fight Kara. If she wants to deal with you, does she need to be so roundabout?"

"No." The king sighed and was a little bored.

"Tell Alice to ask the magic mirror what Elena is related to him later." Tianyu glanced at Snow White and ordered.

Alice is the name Snow White gave to the little match girl.

Although Tianyu occasionally thinks of the heroine of Alice in Wonderland, he is generally satisfied.

"I understand."

"The delegation will return to the Rose Kingdom tomorrow. The Magic Mirror and I will go to the deep forest on the way. You and Xiao Hei will be in charge of this place."

"Okay, be safe." Snow White smiled shyly.

There are villages near the forest, with more or less residents.

Many of them are citizens of the Rose Kingdom, who were forced to leave their homes because of the curse fifteen years ago.

But Little Red Riding Hood is an exception. She grew up in a small village on the edge of the forest and has never been exposed to the outside world.

Because she always wears a red hat given by her grandmother, she is lively and cute, so everyone calls her Little Red Riding Hood.

There are some strange people and some strange things in the small village.

But Little Red Riding Hood has never seen the normal world, so she doesn't think it's strange.

Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother was sick these days. This morning her mother gave her a piece of cake and a bottle of wine and asked her to take it to her grandmother for treatment.

Although Little Red Riding Hood didn't quite understand why she had to eat these things when she was sick, she still jumped into the forest.

"Hello, Little Red Riding Hood."

In the forest, a huge wild wolf suddenly appeared in front of Little Red Riding Hood, with a faint light flashing in the wolf's eyes.

"Hello, Mr. Wolf!" Little Red Riding Hood smiled and returned the greeting.

It seemed that a wolf that could speak was a normal animal.

"You left the village so early, where are you going?"

When the wolf mentioned the village, he trembled slightly, revealing a fearful and greedy look.

At the same time, in this forest, Tianyu passed by with a leather bag containing a magic mirror.

Half a day ago, he and others parted ways on the road, and the envoy group was led by Snow White and went to the Rose Kingdom from the main road.

Considering the strength of the Nightmare Beast, Tianyu was still relatively relieved.

Accompanied by the King, Queen and Princess of the Rose Principality, this envoy group has more than a thousand people.

They will represent the Rose Principality to promote in the Rose Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom, and help the people who are willing to return to their country to confirm their identities and land.

"King Rose, I admit that you are very powerful, but don't you understand what the Daughter of Luck represents?" The magic mirror couldn't help complaining in the skin.

"What does it represent?"

"It represents this kind of people, there are only six of them in the whole continent!"


"Indeed, you are very lucky. You asked me to predict a little girl selling matches, and she turned out to be the Daughter of Luck. She is also a peerless genius in the Shaping Department."

"But you can't treat this kind of luck event as normal!"

"Now you actually asked me to predict a little girl wearing a red hat in the depths of the forest. Are you the prophet or am I?"

"No one has ever judged the daughter of luck based on such a neurotic dress!"

"Do you know that doing such boring divination is very exhausting for me!" The magic mirror was a little annoyed.

"Speaking of which, Alice or your daughter Elena, who has a stronger talent?" Tianyu asked nonchalantly.

"Of course it's Alice!"

The magic mirror thought for a while and said, "But Elena is also very good. I didn't expect that she would come to help me get revenge after enduring for so long."

"Kara doesn't know that she is your daughter?" Tianyu asked casually.

If you think about it carefully, this kind of fight between prophet masters is quite crazy.

A gambling fight is just sacrificing the lives of a country. For ordinary people, fairy tales are not a good place. There is murderous intent at every step.

"Of course I don't know. The impression I give people has always been a handsome, young and promising single great magician!" The magic mirror was a little proud.


"You don't believe it?" The magic mirror said angrily.

"Looking at you like this, do you think you are handsome?" Tianyu sneered.

"When I don't need to be a mirror, I will scare you to death!"

"Can you be that ugly? It's not easy!"


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