Although this Rose Princess is pretty and cute, her origin is strange and she caused such a big incident.

Maybe her parents not only don't care about their daughter's life or death, but even think that it's better for her to die, as long as the principality doesn't follow her.

But Tianyu actually cares a lot, and it doesn't matter whether this girl is pretty or not.

If she dies, it will be considered a mission failure, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

"Let Xiaobai take care of the Rose Princess first." Tianyu thought about it, and with his left hand, he pushed the Rose Princess into Snow White's arms.





The king and the queen were startled at the same time, showing a relieved expression, and nodded.

"She fainted temporarily due to mental fatigue, it's nothing serious."

Snow White flipped the eyelids of the Rose Princess, seemed to think of something, and glanced at Tianyu.

"Don't worry about it, let her sleep."


"Come out, your strength should have recovered, right?" Tianyu said lightly, looking at the gradually drying flesh and blood debris outside the fortress.

"Your Majesty is indeed powerful, but this tower is also alive. Each brick seals a living person. Under the effect of magic, the bricks can move and splice by themselves."

"But just now, the power of your Majesty's sword killed at least hundreds of innocent people. Now you are facing all this, facing these innocent souls, do you still have the courage to take action?"

Some weird voices came from the core of the ruins of the ancient tower. It seemed to be the voice of the old woman just now, but it was more than ten years younger than the old woman.

At the same time, the sound of countless people crying came from the flesh and blood debris, mixed together, and it was extremely noisy.

"Great Prophet Kara, you will go to hell like this!"

The face of the Rose King turned pale. He looked at the dense bricks that seemed to be alive in disbelief, and almost vomited.

"Hahaha, do I still care about going to hell? Stupid and self-righteous king, vicious and proud queen, weak and humble ministers, are you afraid?"

"Come here, merge with the ancient tower, and you will gain eternal life!"

The distorted mental power of Horror An overflowed from the ruins of flesh and blood, densely filling the void, as if it was an invitation to evil.

The queen and several ministers not far away subconsciously covered their mouths, staring at the constantly squirming flesh and blood fortress, their eyeballs bulging, almost bursting out.

The flesh and blood fortress is extremely terrifying and chaotic, but it has an inexplicable attraction that makes people want to merge with this twisted ruins of the ancient tower.

"King, I feel a little uncomfortable."

A faint white light flashed on Snow White's body, purifying the evil power that overflowed.

Although her spirit was not affected, seeing this scene, Snow White's little face was still a little pale, and she subconsciously picked up Princess Rose and hid behind Tianyu.

"It's really noisy!" Tianyu nodded.

The demon-suppressing sword was unsheathed. This was the first time he saw some Cthulhu-style magic creations, and he was a little curious.

But after seeing it, Tianyu was a little disappointed. Obviously, this great prophet Kara did not comprehend the depth of scientific elements.

The ancient tower did not have the evil and twisted beauty in the legend, nor did it have the indescribable pollution that caused spiritual pollution.

On the contrary, it was extremely bloody and disgusting, which made Tianyu a little disappointed.

"Since Snow White doesn't like this thing very much, let's destroy it."

The next moment, a purple sword light flashed through the void, and the man and the sword became one, piercing into the flesh and blood fortress like a meteor.

The purple sword energy surged just above the fortress, cutting out a huge crack.

The purple light flickered in the crack, emitting a dazzling brilliance.

The sword light suddenly exploded, and dozens of majestic sword lights intertwined into sword nets, tearing the huge wreckage into countless pieces.

The extremely strong and yang thunder light swept across the ground, turning all the struggling flesh and blood into ashes.

"How can you be so strong?"

A scream sounded, and a woman in a black robe flashed more than ten meters away.

The woman was about forty years old, barely beautiful, but there were white hair on her head, as if she was aging prematurely.

A purple sword mark appeared on her abdomen, making her breath a little weak.

"Kara, the great prophet?" Tianyu glanced at the other party and said lightly.

The other party's strength was much weaker than he imagined. Tianyu guessed that it was probably because the effect of the other party's prophecy was too strong, which led to his pit.

Cursing a principality at the same time must have a great impact on oneself!

Tianyu even suspected that she was set up by the prophet who did not take action, King ***.

"King Rose, you are really hidden."

"It's okay."

Tianyu was too lazy to explain. When he was dressed as a weak chicken, he was often questioned by people for pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, but he obviously didn't have such a bad taste.

If he always dressed as Lu Bu, Ye Gucheng and other tough characters, there would be no such troubles, and others would think it was natural for him to be invincible.

"You killed so many people!"

The great prophet Kara looked at the ruins of the ancient tower that had turned into ashes, his face turned pale.

"You killed these people and made them into bricks. I just saved their souls." Tianyu said indifferently.

"They... They are not dead, but they are still afraid and crying!"

"That means you deserve to die more!"

"Savage warrior, you don't understand the greatness of this magic at all!" Kara was furious.

"Indeed, I don't understand it very well, but you are one of the few people who disgust me, so go somewhere else and slowly study this magic!"

A purple sword light flashed in the air, and the dark black magic wand condensed, blocking the sword energy.

The next moment, the demon-suppressing sword suddenly slipped out of his hand and fell on the magic shield.

Under the collision of huge forces, the sword light and the magic wand disappeared at the same time, and the demon-suppressing sword pierced in without hindrance, staying at Kara's throat, emitting a bright luster.

The moment Kara died, the remaining flesh and blood debris simultaneously issued a cheer of liberation, and then rapidly withered and turned into black ash.

Tianyu's magic power rolled up, blowing away the black ash, and white light spots rose from the black ash.

Rising in the air, it kept shining around Tianyu, like fireflies.


Tianyu waved his hand, and the breeze blew, and the light spots gradually dispersed.

He didn't know much about the soul, so he could only guess that each light spot should be the soul of a dead person.

To some extent, he also helped them to avenge themselves.

"What happened? Where is that old lady? Who saved me?" Princess Rose opened her eyes and looked at everyone in a daze.

"Xiaobai, you talk to her."

Tianyu thought about it and found it a bit troublesome to explain, so he pushed it to Snow White.

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