Then Tianyu directly launched several invisible sword qi, completely defeating the sword qi of the Avici Dao Sandao.

The leaders of Group 4 and Group 2 in the distance were extremely shocked when they saw this scene.

"Oh my God! Is this the master's strength?"

At this moment, Tianyu showed his terrible strength, waving the invisible sword qi casually, and one sword qi after another dispersed the sword qi in the air.

After an incense stick of time, the Avici Dao Sandao was naturally forced to disperse, and Gui Hai Yidao's eyes were still red.

His demonic nature was too deep to be completely eliminated in a short time.

Tianyu snorted coldly, and the whole person approached quickly like a ghost.

Although he did not have a truly top-notch light skill, under such a terrifying internal force, he only needed to take a step forward, or jump easily, and make such a simple action, which would form a very abnormal speed.


Tianyu went directly in front of Gui Hai Yidao and stretched out his five fingers to hold his knife tightly.


Gui Haiyidao swung his knife desperately, trying to cut Tianyu in half. However, no matter how hard Gui Haiyidao swung the knife, even if he used all his strength, the knife remained motionless.

"Put down the butcher knife quickly and become a Buddha on the spot!" Tianyu said coldly.

These words seemed to have magical power. In an instant, Gui Haiyidao was stunned in place.

However, the next moment, Gui Haiyidao's demonic nature completely broke out, and the whole person fell into madness.


The sudden change surprised Tianyu a little, because he was caught off guard and the knife was forcibly pulled out by Gui Haiyidao.

At such a close distance, Gui Haiyidao swung the knife quickly, and the blade was like a phantom. The speed was so fast that Tianyu had no time to dodge.


The next moment, the knife in Gui Hai Yi Dao's hand broke.

This scene made the leaders of Group 4 and Group 6 in the distance widen their eyes.

"What, it turned out to be like this?"

They were shocked that Gui Hai Yi Dao could actually snatch the knife from Tian Yu.

But they were even more surprised that even though the knife chopped on Tian Yu's body, it did not cause any lethality at all, and even Tian Yu was safe and sound!

He stood in the void, motionless, looking very relaxed.

The knife in Gui Hai Yi Dao's hand was broken into two sections at this time.

"What kind of martial arts is this, it's so terrible!"

The two team leaders looked at each other and could see the shock in each other's eyes.

They had just fought with Gui Hai Yi Dao, so of course they understood how terrible the Avici Dao San Dao was.

But such a powerful Avici Dao San Dao chopped on Tian Yu's body in a face-to-face situation, and the person was fine, and the knife broke.

Tian Yu's whole body turned golden, and at this time he felt a pain in his shoulder, and he was also a little shocked.

"This Avici Three Sabres is really powerful. If it is a little more powerful, I am afraid it can forcibly break my Vajra Indestructible Divine Art."

Tianyu immediately took action, and when the long sword in Gui Hai Yi Dao's hand broke, he slapped him hard on the chest.


Gui Hai Yi Dao vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Tianyu's power was so huge that there was a force of ten thousand pounds under this palm, and Gui Hai Yi Dao could not bear it at all.

Gui Hai Yi Dao fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

Under Tianyu's order, the people of Fanchen immediately rushed over and took Gui Hai Yi Dao away.

"Watch him well and don't let him get hurt." Tianyu said.

He had a plan in his mind, that is, he must remove the devil from Gui Hai Yi Dao.

But this does not mean that he has to give up the Avici Three Sabres. Instead, Tianyu wants to see how terrifying the power of this sword technique can be when he can completely control the devil in the Avici Three Sabres.

At this time, outside the Evil Valley, the people of the Demon Elimination Alliance arrived.

There are a total of hundreds of people from all the big and small sects, most of whom are second-rate masters, and a few are first-rate masters.

There are also several sect leaders who are outstanding among the first-rate masters.

As for the leader of the martial arts world, that is, the current leader of the Demon Elimination Alliance, the hero Shen Yu, what realm Shen Tiannan is in, Tianyu does not know.

But to be able to become the leader of the martial arts world and sit on this throne for more than ten years, Shen Tiannan must have very good martial arts.

"Eighteen years ago, the tragedy by the Taihu Lake, the eight generations of leaders died tragically, and dozens of martial arts masters were drained of their internal strength overnight. The culprit is the leader of the Evil Valley!"

At this time, Shen Tiannan stood in the front, looking at this Evil Valley, and read loudly with an expressionless face.

"Kill the leader of the Evil Valley and avenge the eight masters!"

Immediately, the crowd was excited, and all the people in the entire Demon Elimination Alliance shouted loudly, and the sound gathered into a torrent, spreading far away, so that everyone in the entire Evil Valley could hear it.

But the next moment, all the members of the Demon Elimination Alliance from various sects were stunned.

I saw that in the Evil Valley, second-rate masters kept flying out.

Then the number of people increased, and it seemed that there was no end in sight.

Finally, nearly a thousand second-rate masters all appeared at the entrance of the valley, ready to fight.

Then Dragon Evil, Tiger Evil, and several team leaders of Fanchen appeared one after another.

Seeing these people appear, everyone in the entire Demon Elimination Alliance was speechless.

And Shen Tiannan, the leader of the alliance, also had a stagnant expression.

"When did so many people appear in the Evil Valley?"

Shen Tiannan had not expected that their Demon-Slaying Alliance had not collected much useful information before. The only information was that Tianyu had moved from the Dragon Guard Villa to the Evil Valley.

But they could not imagine that a small Evil Valley would have such a huge strength!

But as the leader of the Demon-Slaying Alliance and the current leader of the martial arts world, Shen Tiannan could only bite the bullet and say: "Where is Tianyu, the leader of the Evil Valley? Call him out quickly!"

"Haha, what a big tone!"

As the voices of the four team leaders fell, Tianyu and the two team leaders fell from the sky at the same time and appeared in front of everyone.

When they saw Tianyu appear, thousands of second-rate masters in the entire Evil Valley shouted in unison: "Meet the Valley Master!"

This mighty momentum scared everyone in the Demon-Slaying Alliance.

Tianyu looked ruthless and said coldly: "You all came from afar, do you really think that we are easy to bully?"

When Tianyu said this, the entire Demon-Slaying Alliance fell silent.

They regretted it at this moment, they were too careless!

Yes, they were indeed very careless. If they had known earlier, they should have inquired about the information before coming.

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