Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 662: Return to the Sea and Become a Demon

Then Tianyu signaled the two evil men to gather all the second-rate and first-rate masters.

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Looking at the densely packed heads on the open space in the valley, this almost gathered all the strength of the Evil Valley.

Everyone looked up at Tianyu on the stone above, and their eyes showed admiration.

Everyone understood that this was the owner of their Evil Valley and the current owner of the Dragon Guard Villa.

Tianyu defeated Tiedan Shenhou in the palace with his own strength and crushed his conspiracy to rebel. This matter spread out, and his reputation was completely resounding throughout the Central Plains martial arts.

"The eight major sects and the martial arts leader have formed a demon-killing alliance, which will arrive in our Evil Valley in a few days."

As Tianyu's voice fell, everyone's face became extremely ugly.

"What? The Demon-Slaying Alliance?"

"How dare the Demon-Slaying Alliance attack our Evil Valley? We must make sure they never return!"

"Please lead us to crush the Demon-Slaying Alliance and capture the leader of the martial arts world alive. He is no longer worthy of being the leader of the martial arts world!"

Looking at the excitement of these people, no one showed any fear, and Tianyu was quite satisfied.

"The Demon-Slaying Alliance is coming fiercely, which is terrible, but our Evil Valley is not easy to bully. In this battle, we must make the reputation of the Evil Valley famous and let the whole world of martial arts see that the fate of those who dare to provoke our Evil Valley is eternal damnation!"

Tianyu's words carried a natural incitement, which made the second-rate masters in the Evil Valley excited after hearing it.

But then someone suddenly came over in a hurry and said a few words in Tianyu's ear.

"What, is there such a thing?"

Then Tianyu immediately disbanded and hurried to the top of the mountain in the Evil Valley.

The mountain behind the Evil Valley is very steep, but at this moment, on the edge of the cliff, a shocking scene is being staged.

I saw Gui Hai Yidao waving a long knife and fighting desperately with several team leaders in the mortal world.


Gui Hai Yidao's knife is very sharp, and the knife energy is crisscrossed. Many stones on the surrounding cliffs are directly cut off and fly around.

This scene is too dangerous. The two team leaders of the mortal world, the leaders of the fourth group and the sixth group, are struggling to deal with Gui Hai Yidao's attack, but it also looks very dangerous.

It can be seen that these two people are still holding their hands, because they know that Gui Hai Yidao is Tianyu's former colleague, so they dare not kill him without understanding.

Tianyu can of course see it, and he knows that Gui Hai Yidao's eyes are bloodshot at this time. He has lost his original humanity and has completely turned into a demon.

"Has the evil nature of the three swords of Avici Dao finally erupted?"

Tianyu looked at Gui Hai Yidao's appearance at this time, and he only knew how to kill, and didn't recognize anyone at all.

He sighed: "No need to hold back, take him down!"

The leaders of Group 4 and Group 6 nodded immediately after receiving Tianyu's order, and then launched a more fierce attack on Gui Hai Yidao.

The long sword of the leader of Group 4 slashed, and the attack instantly became extremely sharp and terrifying, and the sword shadows instantly enveloped Gui Hai Yidao.

The silver long sword in the hand of the leader of Group 6 turned into a long snake, which was very tricky and stabbed at Gui Hai Yidao from all weird angles.

The two of them suddenly joined forces with a sword and a knife, and actually completely controlled Gui Hai Yidao.

But then, Gui Hai Yidao roared to the sky: "Dominate the world!"

Suddenly, his long sword drew a half circle on the ground, and then condensed an extremely terrifying sword energy, and chopped forward frantically.

This knife seemed to have the momentum of a surging river, and the devils were all whistling. The terrifying momentum of destroying humanity was so great that people's faces changed instantly when they just noticed the knife energy.

This knife can directly devour people's souls!

"Three Knives of Avici Road"

Gui Hai Yidao flew into the air and chopped down directly at the leaders of Group 4 and Group 6.

This knife formed a strange picture in the air, with countless knife shadows overlapping.

The second, third, and fourth knives.

Countless knives spread out in the air around, turning the entire valley into a sea of ​​knife energy.

"It's so terrible!"

Facing this knife, the leaders of Group 4 and Group 6 were shocked.

They were almost able to control Gui Hai Yidao by joining forces, but at this time Gui Hai Yidao suddenly displayed Xiong Ba Tian Xia, which put the two of them in a dangerous situation on the spot.

But the leaders of Group 4 and Group 6 were not willing to give up, not to mention that Tianyu was still watching them.

So the two of them roared and rushed forward like wild beasts.

That's right, these two team leaders were fearless and decided to confront Xiong Ba Tian Xia head-on.

However, at the critical moment, an extremely huge force emerged out of thin air, directly rolled up their bodies, and sent them steadily out of the sea of ​​sword energy.

"Back off!"

Tianyu's voice rang in the ears of the two team leaders. Although the two team leaders were a little helpless, they could only nod respectfully and then retreated far away.

Tianyu slowly landed and watched the sword shadow of Xiong Ba Tian Xia crisscross the sky and earth and come towards him.

He deeply understood that in front of this sword technique, the leaders of Group 4 and Group 6 would also die. This sword technique was no longer something that the two of them could contend with.

"What a pity!"

Tianyu shook his head, feeling a little regretful. If Guihai Yidao could control the devil in this sword technique, then with this sword technique, he would be enough to become the top master of the world!

But now, Guihai Yidao was finally gradually controlled by this devil, and completely became a big devil who only knew how to kill.

The sword shadow flew towards Tianyu in an instant, and the sword energy of this sword was endless.

Guihai Yidao kept swinging the sword, and the horror of the three swords of Avici Dao was also fully displayed.

"What an amazing sword technique, but it's a pity that the devil in it is always a failure!"

Tianyu casually commented on it for a few sentences, and then he opened his five fingers, and suddenly burst out five invisible sword energies.

These five invisible sword energies were like five small loaches, and instantly flew into the sword shadows in the sky.

Although the sword energy of the Avici Dao Three Knives was terrifying, when it suddenly encountered the invisible sword energy, it was like white snow meeting the sun and melting instantly.

The invisible sword energy was comprehended by Tianyu from Duan Tianya's phantom sword. The source of this sword energy was the energy of the universe.

All things are transformed by energy. Energy can control all things, and naturally it can also control the sword energy of the Avici Dao Three Knives.

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