Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 646: Execution Grounds

Cao Zhengchun looked around, trying to find Tianyu.

In fact, in order to avoid suspicion, Tiedan Shenhou deliberately did not attend the execution ceremony today.

However, in order to ensure that no one robbed the execution ground, he sent Tianyu to supervise it personally.

Tianyu was not the executioner, but he stood in the corner of the execution ground, watching everything coldly.

The entire execution process attracted many people to watch, not only the common people who wanted to watch the excitement, but also some martial artists who hid in the crowd after putting on makeup.

They did not want to rob the execution ground, but wanted to find out what the situation was between the East Factory and the Dragon Guard Villa.


Because both the East Factory and the Dragon Guard Villa are actually inseparable from many martial arts forces.

For example, the Five Poisons defected to Cao Zhengchun of the East Factory.

And under Cao Zhengchang, there are actually many other thieves and heroes of the green forest.

But now Cao Zhengchun was sent to the prison by Tiedan Shenhou and was to be executed, so those lackeys dared not jump out one by one.

After all, Tiedan Shenhou's reputation was still very loud. Who would dare to go against him?

"Look, Cao Zhengchun is about to die!"

Some people pointed and talked. When the sun shone on the top of his head, the executioner looked up and narrowed his eyes slightly

"Noon has arrived, execute immediately!"

Then he threw a wooden sign heavily on the ground.

The executioner nodded, pulled out the machete behind him, spit out a mouthful of wine, and chopped Cao Zhengchun's neck fiercely.

However, at this moment, for some reason, the executioner suddenly stood still, and the machete in his hand was only three inches away from Cao Zhengchun's neck.

With a puff, the executioner suddenly vomited blood and fell on his back.

"What's going on? Is someone robbing the execution ground?"

The supervising officer was shocked, and all the soldiers rushed to the execution ground, holding swords and looking around vigilantly, but there was no one.

At this moment, everyone suddenly found that it was dark.

Everyone looked up at the sky and was surprised to find out why the sky was dark?

Only Tianyu felt that it was not dark, but someone was using his powerful internal force to force the dark clouds above his head to slowly condense, so as to create such an illusion.

"Can a person's internal force actually move the sky and form such a momentum?"

This method was also incredible to Tianyu.

Who on earth could have such terrible martial arts?

Tianyu immediately became alert, looked up at the sky, and secretly guarded against it.

"Hehe, a group of ants, seeing the Dark Emperor's soul of this seat, why don't you retreat immediately?"

An extremely majestic voice rang in the air, and after hearing it, everyone on the ground was as terrified as if they had encountered a ghost.

"Who is it? Why don't you get out of here?" The executioner shouted immediately.

But then, a ray of light suddenly flashed in the air, and the executioner's head was instantly cut off and thrown high into the sky.

"What, the executioner was killed!"

The execution ground suddenly became chaotic.

And at the moment when this ray of light appeared, Tianyu had already rushed over.

Yes, Tianyu saw through the dark clouds with the angle of the ray of light, and then found the person hiding in the dark.

"Where to go?"

Tianyu used his ultimate lightness skills to chase and kill all the way, but this person did not turn around and flew away quickly.

Suddenly, this huge figure flew back, catching people off guard.


Tianyu secretly said that it was not good, because he was in a forward-rushing posture at this time.

But the man in front of him seemed to violate common sense. He changed direction quickly in the forward-rushing posture and rolled back, and the speed was extremely terrifying.


At this moment, Tianyu felt a sweetness in his throat and could not help but throw himself backwards.

And this figure with red hair scattered, stepped in the void, and laughed terribly.

"Young man, you can block my attack without dying, you are proud enough!"

Then the man did not care about Tianyu, but rushed directly to the execution ground.

At this time, Cao Zhengzhong immediately regained his look of great expectation.

"Is it Lord Emperor Shitian? Come and save me!"

Hearing Cao Zhengchun's voice, Tianyu in the distance immediately frowned.

"It turned out to be the supreme Emperor Shitian in the Western Regions martial arts world. This guy actually came?"

Tianyu had killed Emperor Shitian's only closed disciple before, and once said that he was not afraid of Emperor Shitian coming to the Central Plains martial arts world.

Even if Emperor Shitian came, he would make him come and go!

But after suddenly seeing Emperor Shitian at this time, he really understood that the original reputation was a virtual scholar.

It was an existence that could become the overlord of the Western Regions, and it was definitely not a false reputation.

A group of soldiers rushed over to besiege Cao Zhengchun, but Emperor Shitian looked at them coldly and said with disdain: "Ants!"

Emperor Shitian slapped forward fiercely, and the palm wind fell, and the blood-red light suddenly spread rapidly to the surroundings, like a flood.

It's a pity that this flood is blood-red, a surging sea of ​​blood.

Puff puff puff.

All the soldiers vomited blood, and there were no visible wounds on their bodies, but everyone fell directly to the ground with their backs facing the sky, without any movement, not even twitching.

"What a terrible martial arts!"

Tianyu, who was far away, of course had already felt that Emperor Shitian's palm seemed to be extremely violent, but he did not use any internal force.

He just used an evil method to forcibly detonate the blood and qi in the bodies of these soldiers, causing them to burst and die on their own.

This martial arts is extremely evil and extremely difficult to practice. I didn't expect Emperor Shitian to succeed in practicing it.

"It's really a terrifying big devil!"

Tianyu thought to himself, and then walked directly to the execution ground. Emperor Shitian raised his knife and cut off all the ropes on Cao Zhengchun's body, and then directly input a stream of internal force into it.

After obtaining this internal force, Cao Zhengchun's eyes became brighter and brighter.

After a while, he suddenly felt that his whole body had recovered a lot of strength.

"Hahaha, thank you Lord Emperor Shitian"

However, Emperor Shitian's face turned cold and he said coldly: "I saved you so that you don't forget the promise we made back then!"

As soon as this was said, Cao Zhengchun nodded immediately and said with a smile: "Lord Emperor Shitian, don't worry, I will definitely remember it!"

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