Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 645 Execution of Cao Zhengchun

What's more, Tianyu deliberately drained Cao Zhengchun's internal strength to prevent this guy from colluding with the outside world and breaking through the defense of the Heavenly Prison.

Now Cao Zhengchun has become a complete useless person and can't escape.

And Tianyu also knows that Tiedan Shenhou has been working at this time, trying every means to contact the ministers in the court and put pressure on the emperor to let the emperor issue the order to execute him as soon as possible.

It's getting faster and faster. Tiedan Shenhou will definitely reveal his ambitions.

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Tianyu stood in the square of Hulong Villa, looking at this huge white jade dragon, lifelike.

Recalling the original plot, Tiedan Shenhou used the Star Absorbing ** to revive the dragon suddenly, and he couldn't help but have such an impulse.

At this time, in a secret room in Hulong Villa, Duan Tianya met Tiedan Shenhou.

"Godfather, Tianyu's martial arts are too evil. He has a kind of kung fu that can absorb the inner strength of others, and another kind of kung fu that is very similar to Cheng Shifei, which can turn into a golden man."

Tiedan Shenhou nodded, looking very calm: "I know, you go down."

Duan Tianya was just about to turn around and leave, Tiedan Shenhou suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, how are you doing on Sakura Island?"

Duan Tianya frowned, then responded: "I encountered some obstacles, but as long as you continue to show me some reinforcements, there should be no problem."

Tiedan Shenhou nodded, "Very good, you must remember that the martial arts world of Sakura Island is a mess, so we must find a way to integrate them. This is a great merit, understand?"

Duan Tianya was fooled by Tiedan Shenhou, and immediately nodded and said: "Godfather, I know."

"Go down."

After Duan Tianya left, Tiedan Shenhou stood in the dark secret room, and his whole face gradually became distorted.

"Sakura Island Martial Arts, Western Region Martial Arts, Central Plains Martial Arts, I want them all!"

For a long time, there has been a very close relationship between Sakura Island Martial Arts and Central Plains Martial Arts.

In other words, Sakura Island Martial Arts and Central Plains Martial Arts maintain very frequent communication.

And in the Central Plains Martial Arts, there are many famous sects, and the shadow of Sakura Island Martial Arts can be seen.

It is said that these sects once sent people to Sakura Island, and when that place was still a barren land, they had already begun to spread seeds, and then took root and sprouted, and became many sects in Sakura Island today.

And now the two major sects of Sakura Island, the Yagyu Sect and the Iga Sect, are said to have originated from the extreme swordsmanship of the Central Plains.

It's just that now they call themselves the two major sects, and have denied the fact that they originated from the Central Plains sects.

And now Tiedan Shenhou has sent Duan Tianya to take full charge of this matter. He wants to take control of the Sakura Dao Martial Arts in his own hands.

On the continuous plateau of the Western Regions, thousands of miles away from the Central Plains, there is a lonely palace, standing at the end of the sky and the corner of the sea.

The exterior of this palace is black, covered with many strange patterns.

At this time, a gust of cold wind suddenly blew in the palace, a row of candles were extinguished, and then footsteps slowly sounded.

This person is very strange. His footsteps are very clear and abrupt, but his figure is illusory, as if he does not exist in this hall at all.

"You seem to have not had this emotion for a long time."

Suddenly, a hoarse voice sounded, and it was unclear whether it was a man or a woman.

The figure that arrived suddenly appeared at the end of the hall, which looked very strange.

And this time, the two figures slowly overlapped and became one figure.

"I heard that Tiedan Shenhou used the means of framing to send Cao Zhengchun to the Heavenly Prison, and he will be executed soon?"

This majestic voice sounded, and it echoed rumblingly in the entire hall, like a muffled thunder.

The androgynous voice responded: "Yes, I have sent several people to rescue him before, but I met a very powerful boy who ruined the matter."

"Oh, a very powerful boy?"

"In the prison, except for Tiedan Shenhou himself, who else can destroy the lineup you sent?"

This person also understood very well that if he could send several people to the Central Plains martial arts world to rescue Cao Zhengchun and break through the opponent's heavily guarded prison, then the people sent there must be well-known in the Western Regions martial arts world.

However, they did not expect that in the end they did not meet Tiedan Shenhou, but were destroyed by a young man.

"So that's it, it seems that I still have to go to the Central Plains martial arts world in person!"

This majestic voice sounded, and then a very tall man suddenly appeared on the throne above.

This man was tall, with red hair parted and draped over his shoulders, and there seemed to be a third eye faintly appearing above his eyebrows.

"I don't know how long it has been since I last set foot in the Central Plains martial arts world. This time I'm going to the Central Plains, I wonder if those old friends are still alive?"

With one step forward, this majestic figure suddenly disappeared in the hall.

After an unknown amount of time, the androgynous voice slowly sighed and said, "Emperor Shitian, Emperor Shitian, do you know that the Central Plains martial arts world is no longer what it used to be, but is full of many unknown variables!"

Finally on this day, the emperor made up his mind and issued an order to execute Cao Zhengchun.

After issuing this imperial edict, it is said that the emperor stayed in his bedroom for three days and three nights without coming out.

In fact, the emperor was a little hesitant and entangled in his heart when issuing this order, because he deeply understood that although Cao Zhengchun's crimes were capital crimes, most of them might have been deliberately framed by Tiedan Shenhou.

The most important crime was the incident of Cao's ancestral hall, which was also a capital crime, but if it was to check and balance Tiedan Shenhou, the emperor would definitely not kill Cao Zhengchun.

But Tiedan Shenhou was the smartest in this regard. He first used a true story to arouse the emperor's anger, and then caused an uproar, creating public opinion and pressure.

Finally, he framed several things and tied them together. In this way, the emperor had to be forced by everyone's pressure to execute Cao Zhengchun.

"Uncle, uncle, you are really scheming!" The young emperor said helplessly.

Finally, the time for Cao Zhengchun's execution came. He was pushed to the execution ground and would be beheaded immediately at 3:30 p.m.

Cao Zhengchun now looked confused and like an old man.

He had no beard and a pale face, and looked like a ghost kneeling on the execution ground.

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