Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 627 Physical Evidence

I don't know how long it took, but Gui Hai stood up slowly, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and regained his indifferent expression.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

"Okay?" Tianyu asked.

"Okay, Brother Tianyu."

At this time, Tianyu noticed that Guihai Yidao called him big brother. He nodded slightly with a satisfied smile on his face.

From now on, Gui Hai Yida will become a general under his command.

The two caught up with the team. At this time, they were getting closer and closer to Huiyang City in Xijun, only about 20 miles away.

Tianyu estimated that they could reach Huiyang City before dark.

Since this time they were secretly collecting clues to explore the specific situation in Huiyang City, when they saw Huiyang City, everyone split up and staggered the process so as not to alarm the local Dongchang eagle dogs in Huiyang City.

The three platforms and eight seats were assigned to another location, while Tianyu, Guihai Yidao and Shangguan Haitang changed their clothes and entered the city.

After entering the city, Shangguan Haitang lowered his voice and said: "Cao Zhengchun's ancestral hall and ancestral tomb are near Sanli Street in the east of the city. We only need to collect these evidences to complete the task." "

Tianyu nodded, but the most important thing at the moment was to find a restaurant to fill his stomach. Although he had reached the innate realm, he was not completely free from grain. After traveling for so long, everyone was hungry.

Then we found a restaurant and ordered a table full of good food and wine.

Suddenly, the guest at the table next to him threw a big gold ingot heavily to the ground.

"Shopkeeper, 10 kilograms of beef, 5 roast chickens, 20 kilograms of sorghum wine, hurry up."

Seeing this man eating so freely, everyone looked at him involuntarily.

Shangguan Haitang next to him couldn't help but said: "This man's belly doesn't look protruding, how can he hold so many things?" "

But Tianyu shook his head gently, signaling her not to speak rashly.

Because Tianyu has clearly felt that this person's martial arts is very terrifying. At least based on his current innate state, it is impossible to see the depth of the opponent.

In other words, this person is probably also an innate master!

In this restaurant, a well-dressed man turned out to be an innate master.

Tianyu thought silently in his heart, it seems that the water in Yangcheng is quite deep this time!

After eating, when night was approaching, Tianyu, Guihai Yidao, and Shangguan Haitang came to the vicinity of Sanli Street and saw the Cao Family Ancestral Hall located here.

The Cao Family Ancestral Hall is the most important place in Huiyang City, and local official Liu Shaoqiu sent heavy troops to guard it.

Although the Cao Clan Ancestral Hall is open to the public, very few people come to offer incense.

"Cao Gou is really going too far. He treats this ancestral hall as a temple and accepts offerings from others. Have all his ancestors become immortals?" Shangguan Haitang couldn't help but say.

Tianyu smiled coldly, not only did his ancestors become immortals, but he himself was about to become an immortal as well.

Then the three of them pretended to be ordinary people and walked into the Cao family's ancestral hall.

I saw that this ancestral temple occupies a huge area, and there are many Buddha statues and inexplicable sculptures in it. The sculptures look very strange, and they should be the figures of Cao Zhengchun's ancestors.

At this time, some people also burned incense here and prayed for blessings.

Suddenly, Tianyu noticed a little beggar walking in with a broken bowl and a stick in his hand.

"My lords, please be alright, I haven't eaten in two days."

The little beggar was pitifully begging for food from a group of pilgrims. Someone finally couldn't bear it and wanted to throw two steamed buns to him.

But at this moment, two officers and soldiers came over and kicked the little beggar aside with expressionless expressions.

"Go away, this is the Cao family's ancestral hall, low-class people like you are not allowed to enter!"

Then the two officers and soldiers gently lifted the little beggar up like a little chicken and walked out.

Tianyu sighed, such tragic things have happened in all dynasties.

Then he set his sights on the ancestral hall, the plaques and costumes used on the statues, and various items used to offer incense, all of which were royal tributes with exactly the same specifications.

This Cao Zhengchun is so brave, he actually dares to blatantly use the items offered by the royal family, Tianyu thought silently in his heart.

The three of them exchanged glances, and then Shangguan Haitang took the initiative to walk towards the group of officers and soldiers.

"Masters, we have a request. We want to book the entire ancestral hall to pray for my children. Can you be accommodating?"

When the leader of the officers and soldiers heard this, he immediately frowned. It was obvious that this was not in compliance with the rules at all.

However, Shangguan Haitang calmly placed a huge gold ingot in the pocket of the leader of the officers and soldiers.

The leader of the officers and soldiers coughed twice, then straightened his face and said, "Half an hour is enough."

Shangguan Haitang nodded immediately: "That's enough, that's enough, thank you sir."

Then all the people who came to offer incense, as well as the officers and soldiers, retreated, leaving only three people in the ancestral hall.

"Haha, these guys are really stupid, they deceived them easily." Shangguan Haitang couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

The three of them quietly put these royal tributes into their arms, and when the time came, the three of them immediately left the Cao Ancestral Hall.

However, just as he walked outside, in the dark night on the street, the little beggar was still begging for food.

But obviously no one gave him alms, and everyone could guess that this little beggar would hardly survive tonight, because his face was slightly pale, without any trace of blood, and it was obvious that he was about to collapse.

Tianyu couldn't bear it, so he walked up and gave him two copper coins: "Little guy, go buy two steamed buns to eat."

The reason why he didn't give him more silver was because Tianyu knew that if a little beggar like this had wealth on him, it would attract more murderous intentions.

The little beggar knelt down and kowtowed to Tianyu with thousands of thanks: "Big brother, thank you."

It turned out that this little beggar was a stutterer. Tianyu suddenly had an idea and asked: "Do you often come to this Cao's ancestral hall to beg?"

The little beggar nodded and said: "Yes, I have been begging here."

Hearing Tianyu's question, Shangguan Haitang and Guihai Yidao immediately understood what he meant.

If you want to bring down Cao Zhengchun, you need not only real evidence, but also witnesses.

This child looks innocent, isn't he the best witness?

Moreover, even a child said that the Cao clan ancestral hall used royal offerings, and no one would doubt it.

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