Seeing the changes in Gui Hai Yi Dao, Shangguan Haitang also showed worry in his eyes.

Of course Tianyu also understood that the nun in this nunnery was Gui Hai Yida's mother.

Gui Hai Yi Dao's father Gui Hai Bai Lian practiced forcibly to dominate the world until he became obsessed with it. In order to eradicate this big devil for the world, his mother stabbed Bai Lian with a fatal knife at the critical moment.

This matter is top secret. Even Guihai Yidao himself doesn't know about it, but Tianyu does.

"Should we go along?" Shangguan Haitang asked worriedly.


However, Tianyu smiled and shook his head: "This is a family matter, what are you doing? Are you stupid?"

Shangguan Haitang was a little stunned. He heard the ridicule in Tianyu's words, and his ears turned crimson.

Tianyu is also confused, what's wrong with this girl? She always blushes recently. Is she worthy of being the owner of the No. 1 village in the world?

But Tianyu never noticed that after the incident at Baiyu Villa, Shangguan Haitang, whose life was saved, had quietly had a change in her mood towards him.

What exactly this change is, even Shangguan Haitang himself is not very clear.

Everyone continued on their way, and after about half a day, Gui Hai caught up with the team with a knife.

"Yidao, are you okay?" Shangguan Haitang asked worriedly.

Guihai Yidao forced a smile: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

But Tianyu felt keenly that something was wrong with the aura of Guihai Yida. Could it be that he forcibly obtained the world-dominating swordsmanship from his mother?

Tianyu secretly guessed that this should be the case according to the plot.

The sword technique of Xiong Ba Tian Xia is extremely evil, and it also contains the three swords of Abi Dao. It can be said to be the evil among evils! Once you practice this kind of sword technique, Guihai Yida will become obsessed with it.

However, when everyone was on their way to Xijun Huiyang, Guihai Yida suddenly disappeared.

"You go first, I'll go find him." Tianyu said immediately, and then his figure disappeared into the jungle.

At this time, Guihai Yidao was wildly waving his sword skills in an open space. The sword energy was everywhere, and countless sword shadows turned into terrifying images, cutting down all the trees in the entire dense forest.

Then Gui Hai slashed his figure into an ethereal figure, and one after another terrifying blade lights seemed to emerge behind him.

These pictures are like demons and Buddhas, one terrifying totem after another, and Tianyu in the distance can see it all clearly.

"Did you really learn the three swords of Abi Dao?"

Guihai Yida suddenly felt Tianyu's aura, his blood-red eyes immediately looked in this direction, and then he quickly rushed over with a long knife in hand.

"Dominate the world!"

Guihai roared with his sword and slashed wildly. This sword immediately transformed into a terrifying sight like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, which could affect people's will.

"This kind of sword technique is really terrifying." Tianyu commented.

Then he directly stretched out a finger, condensed all the fallen leaves scattered around into the shape of a sword, and thrust it out into the void.

Sword Qi and Saber Qi clashed with each other, and a terrifying shock wave erupted throughout the forest, and countless big trees and boulders were shattered.

In the open space where the two of them were, the ground dropped half a foot deep. Under the violent vibration of Qi, Gui Hai couldn't bear the sword and flew backwards, falling to the ground.

Time passed little by little, and Guihai Yida opened his eyes, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

"Tianyu, was I possessed by a demon just now?" Gui Hai stabbed his throat with a difficult voice.

Tianyu nodded and said: "You have learned the Three Nasal Swordsmanship. This swordsmanship is extremely evil, and the evil nature in it has completely controlled you."

If you either don't learn martial arts like the Abi Dao Three Swordsmanship, or once you learn it, you will get completely caught up in it and be unable to extricate yourself.

Tianyu knew that although Guihai Yi Dao was still a beginner in Abi Dao San Dao, his demonic nature had already been planted.

In the days that follow, he will gradually be completely controlled by this demonic nature and become a demon who only knows how to kill.

"Haha, it turns out that I have become a demon? If you become a demon, then you will become a demon."

Guihai Yidao laughed endlessly, but there was endless desolation in his laughter.

Tianyu knew that Guihai Yida was obsessed with his own life experience, which was the cause of Guihai Bailian's death.

He has always wanted to find out how his father died. This matter is like a knot in his heart, and now it has turned into a demon.

Tianyu suddenly said: "Yidao, I can tell you how your father died, but you must agree to one condition?"

Guihai Yidao did not immediately care about how his father died, but about the conditions Tianyu said.

Tianyu smiled and said: "From now on, you must surrender to me. In other words, if anything happens, you must basically maintain the same position. Can you do it?"

"Why do I surrender to you?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Guihai Yidao's eyes.

Emotionally speaking, he didn't resent surrendering to Tianyu. From the time he faced off against Master Wuhen, he knew that Tianyu's martial arts far surpassed his own.

But now, even if he has learned the three swords of Abi Dao, he is still no match for Tianyu.

But he didn't know why Tianyu, as the secret agent of Dragon Protection Villa, wanted others to surrender to him. What did he want to do?

"Don't try to guess my purpose. In short, just agree to it. Can you do it?" Tianyu asked quietly.

Gui Hai Yidao showed a difficult and resolute look, but Gui Hai Bailian's death always lingered in his mind. Finally, Gui Hai Yidao nodded.


He was cold by nature, but determined. Once he made a decision, he would never change it. Tianyu believed this very much.

"Your father had a life-and-death duel with Qilinzi, Jian Jingfeng and other peerless masters. At this critical moment, someone suddenly stabbed your father's fatal point with a knife."

After Tianyu finished speaking, Gui Hai Yidao seemed extremely excited.

"Who is that person?"

Because he was too excited, his eyes were once again filled with blood red, and there seemed to be a demonic aura all over his body.

"That person is your mother."

After Tianyu finished speaking, he sighed deeply. Things in the world are really tricky.

Gui Hai Yidao could not imagine until his death that the person who hurt his father was actually his mother.

"How is this possible?" Gui Hai Yidao was completely confused.

"My mother killed my father, how is this possible, this is not true!" Gui Hai Yidao muttered to himself, as if crazy.

Tianyu said slowly: "Your father was completely possessed by the devil at that time, and killed countless martial artists. The reason why your mother did this was also for the sake of the people of the world. You should understand her position."

Gui Hai Yidao cried, burst into tears. Of course, he knew that the reason why his mother wanted to kill his father was also for the sake of the overall situation.

But such a cruel reality, he still couldn't accept it, and his heart was really painful!

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