Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 593 The Art of Balance

"Boy, I didn't expect that as a secret agent of Hulong Villa, you would actually practice such evil skills?"

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Karasuma sneered and was about to open his mouth loudly to expose the secret when Tianyu's expression changed and murderous intent filled his eyes.

That's right, Tianyu began to increase his strength, violent power erupted in the palm of his hand, absorbing Karasuma's internal power crazily.

At this moment, Karasuma's whole body was shaking, his face was spasming, and he felt like he couldn't speak at all.

"don't want."

Karasuma struggled to utter two words, and then continued to fall into a state of confusion. His whole body kept shaking, and the shaking became larger and larger. In the end, he was out of control and turned into a puppet.

After Tianyu absorbed Karasuma's internal energy, he felt that the warm power in his body was getting stronger and stronger, his meridians were slowly expanding, and his realm was also rapidly improving.

"It feels so good to absorb other people's inner energy and turn it into your own!"

Now Tianyu finally understands why Hou Zhu, the Iron-Courage God, wanted to suck all the heads of the eight sects to death on the edge of Taihu Lake after he mastered the star-absorbing technique.

Nothing else, just because the inner strength that other people have worked hard to cultivate for a lifetime suddenly enters their body and is used by themselves. This feeling of getting something for nothing is simply addictive.

After more than ten breaths, Karasuma fell down suddenly, his body limply slumped on the eaves, and then rolled down.

With a plop, Karasuma fell to the ground, breaking more than ten bones in his body.

Originally, super masters like this had the body protection of true energy, and they would not be injured even if they fell. But now, after Karasuma's internal energy was drained, he had turned into an ordinary person. After falling, he was only half-breathed. .

"Get the assassin down for me!"

Cao Zhengchun immediately waved his hand, and the men from the Black Arrow Team and the Dongchang men immediately stepped forward and captured Karasuma.

At this time, the human skin mask on his face was torn off, and Karasuma's appearance was clearly seen.

"He's actually an envoy from the Izumo Kingdom?" Cao Zhengchun was shocked.

He also had no idea that people from the Izumo Kingdom would dare to come to the palace to assassinate His Majesty at night.

"There is something fishy about this matter. Why do the envoys from the Izumo Kingdom dare to come and assassinate?" Cao Zhengchun said with some confusion in front of the emperor.

At this time, Guihai Yidao, Shangguan Haitang and Tianyu were all waiting for the arrival of Zhu Wuwu, the iron gall god.

As expected, the iron-courage God Hou Zhuwu was there. As soon as he walked in, he said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, I failed to protect you, please forgive me!"

The emperor waved his hand and exuded a gentle smile: "Uncle, what are you talking about? The envoys of the Izumo Kingdom are too cunning, and no one thought that they would do such a thing. This matter is not Blame no one."

Then the emperor's face darkened and he immediately issued an order: "Surround the Guobin Mansion immediately and capture Princess Xiuli!"

At this moment, the emperor was so angry that he could no longer care about much.

Although Princess Shiurei is the princess of the Izumo Kingdom, the envoy of the Izumo Kingdom actually dared to openly assassinate the emperor. Should he still care about the face of the Izumo Kingdom?

Obviously not!

Izumo Country is just a small border country. It needs to pay tribute to the dynasty every year. If the dynasty wants to destroy Izumo Country, it only needs to spend a little effort.

On the side, Cao Zhengchun's eyes kept moving, and it was obvious that he was thinking of something bad.

But at this moment, no one expected that Tianyu would actually take the initiative to stand up.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say!"

"Oh? I remember that you seem to be the new dragon guardian agent. If you have anything to say, just say it directly." The emperor said.

Tianyu nodded, and then responded: "I am just a little confused. No matter how powerful Karasuma is, Ouchi is under the protection of Dongchang, and with Eunuch Cao's peerless martial arts, how can he let Karasuma Being so close to His Majesty and not even noticing?"

After this question was asked, everyone was dumbfounded. Cao Zhengchun immediately turned pale, stretched out a hand, and pointed at Tianyu tremblingly.

"Boy, you, don't slander anyone!"

He never expected that Tianyu, as a newcomer, would dare to target him like this in front of the emperor.

If you say such a thing, doesn't it mean that you are derelict in your duties?

Seeing Tianyu say this, with Tie Dan next to him, Zhu Wuwu's eyes flashed with an incomparable light, but his identity was of no small importance, and he could only remain silent at this juncture.

Gui Hai Yi Dao, who was next to him, also immediately said: "Your Majesty, I also have this doubt, why did Dongchang not respond to the assassin's invasion?"

Tianyu took the words and said: "Your Majesty, if I hadn't happened to discover Karasuma's invasion tonight, wouldn't he be a threat to you with such a strong skill?"

After Tianyu said this, he completely poked the soft spot in the emperor's heart. No matter what, his life came first.

Tonight, the assassin Karasuma is so powerful. If he really comes to the palace, wouldn't his life be in danger?

Thinking of this, the emperor's face suddenly became gloomy as if water was dripping from his eyes. He shouted coldly: "Cao Zhengchun!"

When Cao Zhengchun heard that the emperor was angry, he was so frightened that his whole body trembled and he quickly knelt on the ground: "Your Majesty, forgive me. Your Majesty, forgive me. It was indeed my negligence tonight!"

The emperor wanted to punish Cao Zhengchun severely, but he suddenly saw Zhu Wusi, the Iron-hearted Marquis, next to him, and his heart was immediately moved.

As an emperor, he deeply understood a principle, that is, the art of balance.

There are two fierce tigers in the court, namely Zhu Wusi, the Iron-hearted Marquis, and Cao Zhengchun, the East Factory.

These two have been fighting for a long time, and it is an open secret in the entire dynasty.

As the emperor is the true son of heaven, he certainly understands that in order to maintain his rule, he must maintain a delicate balance between these two people.

Once this balance is broken, any one party overwhelms the other, which is extremely disadvantageous to his imperial power.

So he wanted to punish Cao Zhengchun, but he suddenly realized this at this time, and his whole body broke out in cold sweat.

"Cao Zhengchun, I will punish you to face the wall for three days and reflect on your mistakes. Are you convinced?"

Hearing that the emperor only punished him to face the wall for three days, this punishment seems a bit too childish, right?

Everyone else was a little surprised, but Cao Zhengchun was stunned for a moment, then he immediately reacted and kowtowed: "Thank you, Your Majesty. I thank Your Majesty for your order."

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