Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 592 Cao Zhengchun's little thoughts

Among this group of people, there was an old eunuch with white eyebrows, steady steps, wearing a python robe, and a gloomy face. This man was Cao Zhengchun, a factory worker in the East Factory.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. I will definitely capture this thief immediately!"

The emperor's face was very ugly at this time. He was taking a bath, but what happened to him made him lose the mood to take a bath.

"Hurry up, I want to live!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Cao Zhengchun turned around and rushed out with the elite men from the east field, including the black-clad archery team and the leader of the party.

"Surround this palace for me!"

Under the command of Cao Zhengchun, the black-clad archery team surrounded the palace on three levels inside and three outside.

Dense arrows were aimed at Tianyu and Karasuma in the night sky. The arrows were very sharp and powerful. Once they were hit by these arrows, they would be killed or injured on the spot.

Moreover, the entire black-clad arrow team has more than 500 people. Once they are launched in unison, it will be like a violent storm, and generally no one can escape.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝔰π”₯𝔲.𝔫𝔒𝔱

The Black Arrow Team has done experiments before. Even the average first-class masters cannot withstand a single blow. Only the innately strong can ignore this Black Arrow Team.

"Cum for me!" Cao Zhengchun gave the order directly with cold eyes.

"Swish swish"

The magic arrows of the Black Arrow Team were launched into the night sky together.

"No, stop it now!"

At this moment, the No. 1 secret agent of Hulong Villa, Gui Hai Yida, and the No. 1 secret agent of Xuanzi, Shangguan Haitang, arrived.

Gui Hai Yi Dao wanted to stop Cao Zhengchun's behavior. Cao Zhengchun suddenly said coldly: "Gui Hai Yi Dao, what do you mean? Are you and this traitor together?"

Gui Hai Yi Dao sneered, and then said: "Cao Zhengchun, you are so slanderous. I am just telling you that there is someone from Hulong Villa here. If you accidentally hurt him, can you bear it?"

"Haha, it turns out that the people at Hulong Villa are assassins. I really learned a lot today!"

Cao Zhengchun immediately confronted each other, but he did not issue an order for the black-clad arrow team to stop, but allowed them to continue the second round of attack.

Or it can be said that Cao Zhengchun wanted to kill Tianyu here more than catching or destroying Karasuma as an assassin.

As long as he is given the slightest chance, as many people as possible in Hulong Villa will die.

As for the assassin, it would be better if he didn't die and could still be captured alive. It doesn't matter if he dies. The worst he can do is just get a few words from the emperor.

Covered by the storm and arrows in the sky, Tianyu's figure became extremely difficult.

At this moment, he knew that the situation was very critical. Karasuma in front was covered with a layer of flames. When the black arrows touched the flames, they burned quickly and could not hurt him at all.

"The body-protecting real energy can actually reach this level?"

Tianyu was getting more and more surprised. He didn't expect that Karasuma's strength seemed to be stronger than that of Mr. Wuhen.

"As expected, he is worthy of being the national master of a country. Even for a small place like Izumo Country, the title of national master should not be underestimated!"

Tianyu nodded, and then his whole body immediately turned into a golden man.

However, it is difficult to have a second person in this scene, and it is obvious that there are two reasons.

First: The clothes Tianyu is wearing, even if the body surface turns golden, only the face can be seen.

But Tianyu protected himself very well and did not let others see the changes in his body.

The second reason is: it is late at night, the moon and stars are sparse, and few people can notice the changes in the sky.

Only a top expert like Cao Zhengchun suddenly discovered that Tianyu's entire body had turned into a layer of dark golden light.

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

Cao Zhengchun's eyes contracted rapidly, staring at Tianyu who was fighting Karasuma on the eaves.

Dang Dang Dang.

Karasuma struck Tianyu's body with a flaming knife, but after the flaming knife struck, there was a sound of metal collision.

"What, this is impossible!"

Karasuma was shocked. He didn't expect that not even the flame knife could destroy Tianyu's body defense.

After one strike, the opponent actually stood motionless. How could he fight?

Karasuma's scalp suddenly went numb. He had never seen such weird martial arts before. He quickly got up and punched Tianyu's chest hard.

With a bang, Karasuma couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and suddenly took a few steps back, shaking his palms desperately.

That's right, he punched so hard just now that it actually hurt his hand.

"Boy, what kind of martial arts are you doing?" Karasuma gritted his teeth and asked viciously.

Tianyu smiled and said: "This is my unique magical skill in the Central Plains. You and other small border countries will never be able to understand it."

After saying that, he stepped forward like a leaf and punched out with both fists.

Of course Karasuma knew how powerful he was, and he didn't dare to take Tianyu's attack head-on. He could only use the flame knife to fight Tianyu at close range.

However, Tianyu reacted very quickly this time, and immediately came to Karasuma's side at an extremely weird and twisted angle, and stretched out a hand to put on his shoulder.

"Star Absorbing Technique!" Tianyu's eyes were like lightning.

The sky was turning and attracting stars. Karasuma immediately felt that something was wrong.

He felt that the internal force in his body was out of his control. All the internal force in his meridians, like water in a river, flowed into the ocean.

And this force was too huge. He wanted to struggle and resist, trying to control the flow of his internal force, but he unexpectedly found that he was just in vain. No matter how hard he tried, the internal force didn't listen to his command at all.

This feeling was too terrible. A feeling of weakness kept coming from his whole body, making him a little unstable.

"Boy, stop it." Wu Wan shouted in a low voice.

He knew that his internal force was losing rapidly, and at this moment, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

"I heard that more than ten years ago, the leaders of the eight major sects in your Central Plains martial arts world had their internal force sucked dry by someone on the edge of Taihu Lake. Could it be this evil martial arts?"

At this moment, Wu Wan was shocked. He didn't expect that he would see this evil martial arts again.

Moreover, Wu Wan and Tian Yu both understood that once this martial art was spread, the person who used it would be condemned by thousands of people.

Because this kind of martial art absorbs other people's internal energy for its own use, it is itself resisted by the entire martial arts world.

Everyone worked hard to cultivate their internal energy, but in one day it became the property of others. If this is not the most evil martial art, what is it?

And apart from anything else, the descendants of the eight major sects would not let such a person go first.

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