Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 59: Team annihilation

"You... this is murder!" The man fell to the ground, his face in pain, and he shouted in horror.

Tianyu smiled: "I have never known how the selected space can wipe out people. Today I will let you perform it live!"

As soon as the voice fell, the man on the opposite side suddenly screamed, his face changed drastically, and he seemed to be in extreme pain.

The 30-second countdown has ended, and the system is killing him in seconds.

Then the man's body began to melt slowly

Tianyu was not wrong, it was indeed melting! Just like a burnt paper, it turned into ashes all over the sky with a slight breeze.

Really ash and smoke!!!

In just a few short breaths, the man who overturned the table had completely disappeared, leaving only ashes all over the ground.

Everyone's face changed, and they had a deep awe of the means of selecting the space.

At this moment, the system's prompt sound sounded again.

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"The system has been successfully executed. Please complete the task within 72 hours, otherwise it will be considered a mission failure."

Everyone accepted the same task, which was to eliminate Chu Renmei in this world, and it must be within three days.

And the rule of the summoning space has been continued, that is, there is no punishment for mission failure.

Because when the mission fails, either you die in the mission world or you are personally wiped out by the summoning space. There is no other way to go, so there is no punishment.

The mission has begun. At this time, everyone should look for clues and complete the mission as much as possible.

But none of the thirteen people in the living room moved.

Tianyu smiled faintly and said, "I'm in a hurry. If you don't do it, I'll leave!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, then all took off their disguises, slowly approached Tianyu, and surrounded Tianyu.

"So you've seen through us a long time ago, you're worthy of being a famous person in the Summoning Space!"

"Don't blame us, blame yourself for provoking someone you shouldn't have provoked, the bounty is too high!"

"Tianyu, you should end your life, at least it will be quicker, so you don't have to suffer the pain of the flesh, and you've made so many of us stronger with your life, you've earned it!"

Tianyu was really shocked by these people's words, he didn't expect someone to be so shameless.

However, he was too lazy to pay attention to these nonsense, and said calmly: "You guys are talking too much nonsense, can you hurry up, I'm in a hurry?!"

"Tianyu, you're looking for death, brothers, come together!;!"

As soon as the voice fell, most of the other Summoners rushed towards Tianyu, and some chose to step back, intending to benefit from the fisherman.

Obviously, although these Summoners all had their eyes on Tianyu, they were not united. !

But this is normal, because before entering the mission world, they could not meet each other. Obviously, after discovering Tianyu, everyone reached a tacit agreement to cooperate.

It has to be said that interests move people's hearts! ! !

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

Using the Qi to control the knife, the black knife and autumn water flew out of Tianyu's body in an instant and began to strangle these selected summoners.

The selected summoners who have just reached the fourth level are actually not very strong. Most of them are at the black iron level in comprehensive evaluation.

Let alone advanced skills, even special items such as black knife and autumn water may not be available.

It is difficult to find a second super pervert like Tianyu in almost the entire selected summoning space.

But it is also true that if they are strong enough, they will not choose to cooperate and use the advantage of numbers to ambush and kill Tianyu.

It's a pity that in the face of absolute strength, no matter how many there are, it will not play a big role. These selected summoners who have no advanced skills can't resist the attack of Tianyu's flying knife at all.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After one wave, most of the thirteen people had fallen to the ground, holding their bleeding necks tightly, staring at Tianyu, unbelievable.

They obviously didn't expect Xie Tianyu to be so powerful. So many people couldn't even get close to him, and most of them died first.

And the remaining people who were still alive were horrified after seeing this scene, and then they fled without looking back.

"Crazy, crazy!"

"You guys are really crazy!!"

"Such a strong person, you dare to ambush and kill, and cooperate with me, cnlm."

Some people completely collapsed, retreating and shouting, scared by Tianyu.

But he obviously forgot that when they were flirting with each other before, he was also one of them.

Originally, they all thought that Tianyu was at most the black iron level. This time, the 14 black iron-level strong men attacked Tianyu together, which should be foolproof.

Then they never expected that Tianyu was so powerful and had special skills.

Special skills are hard to obtain in the summoning space. It can be seen from the fact that Tianyu has received four or five SSS-level super god evaluations, but only has a few skills.

"Want to run? Can you run?"

Tianyu snorted coldly, and the black knife Qiushui moved as he wished, continuing to harvest the remaining lives.

Since these people want to use their heads to exchange for benefits, they must be prepared to leave their lives.

Under the pursuit of the flying knife, the remaining few people were all left on the spot. Tianyu left only one person alive, the man who just collapsed and cursed.

Seeing Tianyu coming over, the man shouted repeatedly: "Ah, Tianyu, it's none of my business. It's them, it's all their idea. They asked me to deal with you!!!"

The tendons of this guy's legs had been cut by the black knife Qiushui. Now he has no ability to run, so he pushed all the responsibility onto others.

However, Tianyu was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, and said directly: "Now I ask you questions and you answer them. If you say a wrong word, they will be your fate!"

"Okay, okay, Tianyu, you can ask whatever you want to know, I will tell you everything I know!" The man nodded repeatedly, terrified and dared not look directly at Tianyu.

"You decided to deal with me after seeing me. Is it for the 500,000 points reward from the Bright Alliance?"

"Yes, yes!"

Tianyu asked curiously: "Although 500,000 points are not a small amount, there are so many of you, and each person will not get much. How do you plan to divide it?"

"Well, we just decided to work together, and we haven't had time to discuss how to divide it. However, most people will die in this mission world."

Although it was not explained clearly, Tianyu understood it instantly. These people will fight each other after killing him, and only those who get out alive can get the 500,000 points.

Tianyu nodded and asked again: "Then how did you know that I came to this mission world today?"

The man immediately replied: "We are not in the same group. I don't know the others. I have been guarding near the rooftop since early in the morning, and then waiting for you to appear. I guess the others are similar. There is no loophole in the summoning space!"

Hearing this, Tianyu's questions were explained.

"Very good, thank you very much for your cooperation!"

"God Tianyu, don't worry, I will never dare to appear in front of you again after I get out."

"Go out?" Tianyu said in confusion: "Did I say that you can get out alive?"

"Ah!!! God Tianyu, you, you didn't promise."

Tianyu said expressionlessly: "I just promised you that I won't let you die as painfully as they did. You can go on your way with peace of mind!"

After the words fell, the black knife Qiushui suddenly appeared and pierced the man's brain directly.

The man did not feel the most pain, and he fell down powerlessly.

So far, the selectors who came to participate in the "Mountain Village Old Corpse" mission world this time have not started yet, and they are close to being wiped out, leaving only Tianyu alone.

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