Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 58: The old corpse in the mountain village

After a whole day of rest, Lin Xueer was still investigating the information, and Tianyu couldn't sit still.

Now he was constantly targeted, and it was difficult to move forward without strength. He needed to improve his strength as soon as possible.

So early the next morning, Tianyu re-entered the selection space and came to the sky-diving platform.

Although he had come very early, there were still many people on the sky-diving platform.

Some people took the initiative to accept the task like Tianyu to become stronger, and some people were summoned forcibly after the one-month deadline.

Looking at these people of all kinds, Tianyu ignored them, but he saw an interesting thing next to the sky-diving platform.

It was a dark solid wood table, with a faint luster on it, which was obviously not an ordinary thing.

The tabletop was divided into two parts, one black and one white. The black part had a big "can't" written on it, and the white part had "can".

If it was just this, it would not attract Tianyu's attention. The main reason was that there was a sentence at the intersection of black and white, "Will Tianyu get an SSS super god rating in the next level?"

This scene made Tianyu laugh and cry. Someone was betting on him!

Let's not talk about other things for now. This table alone is not ordinary. At least it is a magic weapon in the world of immortals. It is really generous to use it like this!

In addition, there are many people at the table who are interested in this.

"Haha, Tianyu will definitely get an SSS super god rating in the next level. Is there any need to consider this? I bet 1,000 points!"

"I don't have so many points, only 500. I can barely have a little soup. I also bet on Tianyu!"

"I heard that this table was prepared by Long Lao. He really cares about the people of the world and wants us to have some soup!"

The above are all discussions of Long Guo people, who are full of admiration for Long Lao's approach.

Of course, the country can't pay for these people to make money out of its own pocket. There are others who pay for it.

In addition to the Dragon people, there are not too many people who dislike Tianyu, so there are people of all kinds of other skin colors standing near the black table.

There are 10 billion people in the world, and Dragon Country only accounts for 2 billion, which is only one-fifth.

So the number of people standing in front of the black table far exceeds the Dragon people in front of the white table.

With the existence of these people, not only will there be people who buy into it, but even Dragon Country itself will have a bite of meat.

Tianyu wanted to laugh at such a scene, and he also planned to go up and play, but unfortunately he didn't have any points for selection, so he had to give up.

Of course, that was just an excuse. The real reason was that it was written on the black and white tables that Tianyu himself could not bet!

Tianyu was not angry about this. It was right for the country to do so. He would do the same if he were in his place.

He himself was the person involved and could manipulate the market at any time. The country was also afraid!

He shook his head with a smile, and didn't look at it any more. He raised his foot and stepped onto the fourth floor of the sky terrace.

Originally, he wanted to go to the fifth floor, but he couldn't step on the fifth floor before he passed the fourth floor.

"Selection and Summoning Space, I was forced to summon before, why can't I go to the fifth floor?" Ask the Selection and Summoning Space as soon as you have a question.

"The Selector Tianyu, forced summoning does not count as ascending to the rooftop, and the number of steps cannot be increased!"

Then the Selection and Summoning Space also gave Tianyu a suitable explanation, which is to prevent someone from exploiting loopholes.

If someone uses a low-level forced summoning card to summon a boss above the 50th floor to the world of the fifth floor difficulty, wouldn't it be possible to infinitely brush the number of floors of the rooftop?

This is not allowed by the Selection and Summoning Space! ! !

"Okay, I want to enter the "Mountain Village Old Corpse" mission world and accept the mission to eliminate Chu Meiren!"

That's right, this time Tianyu chose this world with female ghosts, because it's professional!

He has Maoshan Taoism, isn't it just right to deal with a Hong Kong ghost?

This is taught by the most famous Master Lin Jiu in the area. Is there any problem in catching ghosts in their place?

It's still five minutes of preparation time, and when the time is up, you will enter the mission world.

When Tianyu opened his eyes, he found that this time was different from the past, that is, everyone was gathered in a big house.

After a careful look, there were fourteen people besides himself, and fifteen people including himself.

"There are quite a lot of people this time! It seems that the competition is still very fierce." Tianyu secretly observed everyone. It was the first time he encountered such a situation.

At the same time, he also noticed that these people were doing the same thing as him, and their eyes often glanced at him.

"Is this a thought about me? Interesting!" Tianyu sneered.

"Please note that the target of this mission is very special. You must drink a special water source to meet it. Please drink a glass of water within thirty seconds, otherwise it will be judged as giving up the mission and the system will kill you!"

With the cold reminder sound of the summoning space, a table appeared in the middle of the room, with fifteen glasses of water neatly placed on it.

Tianyu nodded in understanding. This water is the medium that triggers Chu Renmei. After drinking it, Chu Renmei will chase you.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the water that suddenly appeared, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Tianyu sneered, "Only thirty seconds, when are you going to make your move?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone was shocked and rushed to the table, each grabbing a glass of water.

During this period, Tianyu clearly saw several people flirting with each other, their eyes constantly looking at him.

Then one of them slipped very exaggeratedly and stretched out his hand to push directly to the table.

The other few people quickly took a glass of water in their hands, and one of them wanted to take a second glass.

You know, the amount of water prepared by the system for the selected summons is just right, not even one more!

If the table is overturned, then the remaining people will definitely not be able to drink water, and they will be wiped out by the system after 30 seconds.

At present, there is only one person who has no water in his hand, that is Tianyu, and the purpose of these people is obvious.

The man who pretended to fall and overturned the table couldn't help but sneered at Tianyu, took a glass of water from someone else, and was ready to drink it.

But at this moment, the man was stunned, because the cup of water that should have been delivered to him disappeared!

Where is the water?

The man immediately looked around anxiously and finally found where the cup of water had gone.

Tianyu came not far from him at some point and held the water handed to him in his hand.

With a sneer at the man, Tianyu raised his head and drank the water clean, smacking his lips and said, "It's just ordinary tap water, no special taste?"

At the same time, the man's companion was also stunned. Tianyu's speed was too fast before, so fast that he didn't react, and the cup in his hand disappeared.

"You, you drank my water?" The man was shocked and angry, staring at Tianyu with eyes that almost burst into flames, as if he wanted to stare Tianyu to death.

Tianyu sneered and spread his hands, "No, this cup of water is mine, your cup is over there!"

While speaking, he also pointed to the water stains and broken cups on the ground that had seeped into the ground.

"I'm going to kill you!" The man's face was hideous and terrifying. He lost his mind in an instant and rushed towards Tianyu frantically.

In response, Tianyu just raised his right hand and punched out lightly.

Instantly, an unmatched force acted on the man, knocking him out in an instant.

However, Tianyu was very measured in his attack, and simply knocked the opponent away without causing him any injuries.

This was not because Tianyu was soft-hearted. Since the opponent wanted to trick him, he would let him experience the annihilation of the selected space!

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