"Brother Tianyu, now that Cao Zhengchun of Dongchang is causing trouble to the imperial court, we at Hulong Villa are vowing to defend justice. God expects him to treat virtuous people and be thirsty for talents. Why don't you come back to Hulong Villa with me?"

Tianyu shook his head, sighed, and then said: "I am an idle person, and I can't stand the constraints of rules. I'm afraid it will embarrass Dragon Dragon Villa!"

He had to tell the ugly story first, because if he didn't, Gui Hai Yi Dao would be suspicious.

Who knew that Guihai Yida smiled heartily and said: "Hahaha, Hero Tianyu, with your martial arts skills, God Hou will never make things difficult for you. As long as we maintain the same stance on dealing with Cao Zhengchun, that's it!"

"Well, I have nothing to do anyway, so I'll go with you to Hulong Villa!" Tianyu nodded.

At this moment, a hundred miles away from Wudu Villa, Mr. Wuhen, covered in blood, fled in a hurry

Although his speed was very fast, it slowed down visibly to the naked eye.


Finally, Mr. Wuhen couldn't hold on anymore, and the injuries on his body gradually became serious. The cracks on the surface of his skin extended like dense spider webs.

"What a terrible method. What kind of martial arts is this?"

Mr. Wuhen fell into a group of bushes and grass, quietly recuperating, recalling the scene not long ago in his mind, full of horror.

That kind of martial arts seems to be able to forcibly absorb all external objects, and the most frightening thing is that it can also absorb internal energy!

Combining the rumors around Taihu Lake more than ten years ago and the scene just before his eyes, Mr. Wuhen immediately judged the terrifying properties of this martial art.

"No, Hulong Villa will definitely find a way to recruit this person. Once he takes refuge in Hulong Villa, Eunuch Cao will definitely not be a match for God Marquis Tidan. He must find a way to inform the news back and make plans in advance!"

After recovering for a while, Mr. Wuhen stood up, took out a carrier pigeon from his arms, wrote a letter in a hurry, and then threw the carrier pigeon into the sky.

The homing pigeon flapped its wings and flew into the distance, then disappeared after a while.

"I hope the stall owner can see this homing pigeon early and tell Eunuch Cao to take precautions!" Mr. Wuhen thought silently in his heart.

On the other side, Guihai Yida had recovered some of his injuries and took Tianyu to Hulong Villa.

Today's scene at Wudu Villa was also seen by martial arts people all over the world. Everyone knew that a young knight was born and was about to become famous all over the world.

Half a day later, the two returned to Hulong Villa. Hulong Villa was a large village with a wide and magnificent square in front of it.

In the square, there is a giant dragon carved from white jade stone that is extremely conspicuous.

However, this dragon symbolizes the imperial power of the world, and the dragons of Dragon Guard Villa also mean that they want to protect the current emperor so that the imperial power can last forever.

Hulong Villa is surrounded by many tall buildings, and the main hall in the middle is where God Tietan usually works.

At this time, all the spies in the guardrail and guardlong villa, as well as the Tietan Shenhou, were all concentrated in the main hall.

When they suddenly saw that Guihai Yida had brought a strange young man with him, everyone showed doubts.

"Yidao, who is this person?"

An extremely handsome young man with fair and tender skin asked doubtfully.

Tianyu just glanced at him and knew that he was a woman disguised as a man. After all, no man would be so handsome. Just thinking about it, he knew that this was Shangguan Haitang, Xuanzi's number one secret agent.

Gui Hai slashed at Shangguan Haitang and shook his head, indicating that he should not ask casually. Shangguan Haitang was even more surprised.

This person's identity is so mysterious that he can't even ask?

She understood that in front of Gui Hai Yida, unless he really couldn't say anything, he would tell her everything and would not hide anything.

At this time, Zhu Wuwu, the iron gall god who was sitting on the chair directly above the hall, also looked at Tianyu, but he learned about the existence of such a person before other spies.

When Guihai Yida returned from Wudu Villa, another group of his spies had already told him about Tianyu's existence.

At this moment, Hou Zhu, the brave god of iron, ignored it and quietly opened the faucet next to his left hand, wrote the word "Tianyu" on the note, and then stuffed it in.

At this moment, in the secret room under the faucet, thousands of threads started to move like spider webs.

Dozens of people began to search for Tianyu's message among tens of millions of scrolls.

At this time, in the main hall, Tianzi's No. 1 secret agent Duan Tianya, Di's No. 1 secret agent Gui Hai Yidao, Xuanzi's No. 1 secret agent Shangguan Haitang, and the latest Huangzi's No. 1 secret agent Cheng Shifei, the four of them followed the instructions Standing in order of ranking.

Tianyu, on the other hand, stood in another direction, looking at his nose and his eyes, waiting for questions.

Hou Zhuwu, the iron courageous god directly above him, spoke: "I heard that Young Master Tianyu defeated Master Wuhen at Wudu Villa and used an extremely advanced kung fu to shower Master Wuhen with money. Easily broken?"

As Zhu Wuwang's words fell, his eyes gradually became majestic and sharp, scanning the sky tightly like a bottomless black hole.

Tianyu knew that Zhu Wusi was trying to find out the secret deep in his heart. He smiled and said, "To be honest, I once learned some kung fu from a mysterious knight, but he repeatedly told me not to pass on this kung fu to others. Please forgive me, Lord God!"

Tianyu would certainly not admit that he had learned the Star Absorbing Art, and he also deeply understood that if he dared to say that he had learned the Star Absorbing Art in Hulong Villa, Zhu Wusi would not let him go.

No matter how much Zhu Wusi, the Iron-hearted Lord of God, doubted in his heart, as long as Tianyu did not use this martial art in public and did not directly admit it, he had no way to do anything.

At this time, Gui Hai Yidao stood up and said, "Godfather, Tianyu's martial arts are stronger than Tianya's. He is enough to be the number one spy of our Hulong Villa. Please accept him into our Hulong Villa."

After hearing Gui Hai Yidao's words, Duan Tianya next to him suddenly felt unhappy.

He frowned slightly and said unhappily: "Meet Yidao, this person's origin is unknown, how can you be so casual?"

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