Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 586: Scare Master Wuhen

However, just when the sword of Master Wuhen came to Tianyu in an instant, Tianyu's toes lightly touched the branches and flew out like a big bird.

At this moment, Master Wuhen's attack suddenly broke out, and the sword energy condensed from all the broken petals and leaves on the forest burst out in all directions.

The tens of millions of sword energies were densely packed and spread wildly in all directions in irregular directions, naturally covering Tianyu's figure.

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At this moment, Tianyu immediately silently recited the skills, and his whole body became extremely hard. The leaves shot on his skin, and even a white spot could not be left.

And this move. It is the indestructible magic skill of Vajra!

It's just that Tianyu did not turn on the active enemy state, but only turned on the passive defense, so his whole body did not turn into a golden man, but his skin became dozens of times stronger than the normal state.

But this state is enough to deal with any attack from Wuhen.

Boom boom boom.

The leaves kept flying and flew towards Tianyu, but after each leaf hit Tianyu, it made a sound of iron and stone colliding, and then fell softly to the ground.

"What? How is this possible?"

Mr. Wuhen looked at the scene in disbelief, his eyes widened, his mouth slightly opened, and his mind was in chaos.

"This is impossible!"

Mr. Wuhen didn't believe it, and then stretched out a hand, sucking all the petals and leaves falling in the air into his palm, and then suddenly burst out again, scattering forward, another move of flowers and money raining all over the sky.

And this time, Mr. Wuhen attacked with hatred, and the power was more than twice as strong as before.

But Tianyu was not going to be passive anymore, he planned to take the initiative.

"Star Absorbing Technique."

Tianyu silently said in his heart, and then stretched out a palm, and the Star Absorbing Technique emitted a crazy pulling force, solidifying all the flowers and money raining all over the sky.

At this moment, the strange scene appeared again, making Master Wuhen feel that something had happened that made his scalp numb.

All the petals and leaves were still in the air, as if they would obey.

Master Wuhen couldn't believe it and shouted, "Open it for me!"

Then he waved his palm again, and the terrifying internal force was like a flood and beast, irrigating fiercely, blowing the petals and flying towards Tianyu.

However, in just a breath, all the petals changed direction, gathered around Tianyu's body, and gradually floated.

The pulling force emitted by Tianyu's heart compressed all the petals and leaves, condensing them into a sphere the size of a table tennis ball.

This scene made Master Wuhen's eyes shrink sharply in the distance.

"What kind of martial arts is this?" Master Wuhen muttered to himself.

In his mind, his thoughts went back to the Taihu Lake more than 10 years ago.

At that time, the eight major sect leaders on the Taihu Lake were inexplicably sucked of all their internal strength by a mysterious technique, and died of exhaustion. This technique seemed to be somewhat similar to Tianyu.

When Master Wuhen thought of this, he looked at Tianyu again with a look of horror.

"Did you kill the eight major sect leaders of Taihu Lake back then?"

When this was said, all the martial artists below were shocked.

"Oh my god, the eight leaders died in his hands, no way?"

"I remember our leader once said that each of the eight leaders is a first-class master. To kill all eight of them at the same time, only those who have entered the innate realm can do it. Could it be that this young man is actually a master of the innate realm?"

"I didn't expect that this was actually a big devil. We actually misjudged him before."

At this moment, people were talking about it, their faces were terrified, and they looked up at Tianyu in the sky, as if they were looking at a devil.

Tianyu sneered, and the small sphere in his palm gradually floated with his mind.

"Since you say it is, then it is!" Tianyu said.

Then he pushed the sphere in his hand forward suddenly, and with a bang, the sphere exploded instantly at this moment, and all the petals and leaves burst more violently than before.

These petals and leaves became hidden weapons that were invincible, and flew towards Master Wuhen all over the sky.

This move was originally a rain of flowers and money from the sky of Wuhen Gongzi, but at this time Tianyu used the heart-absorbing method to forcibly absorb them, and then used his internal force to push them back, which was much more powerful than before.

Although Wuhen Gongzi tried his best to resist, these petals and leaves hit him, still causing him considerable injuries.

Escape! Escape immediately!

At this moment, this was the only thought in Wuhen Gongzi's mind, and he immediately turned around and ran away.

However, how could Tianyu let him go? At this time, Tianyu used his Qinggong and quickly chased in the direction of Wuhen Gongzi.

But Wuhen Gongzi's Qinggong was too fast, and the hidden weapon Qinggong was the two famous skills of Wuhen Gongzi!

Wuhen Gongzi's figure was like a white cloud, and it disappeared in front of him in the blink of an eye. Tianyu could only sigh in despair.

"What a pity, if I could absorb his internal force!" Tianyu thought silently in his heart.

What he lacks most at this time is his internal strength. Once his internal strength is fully developed, combined with the indestructible power of the Vajra, he can run rampant in this world, which is no problem at all.

After arriving on the ground, Guihai Yidao immediately came over and said very gratefully: "Thank you so much, hero, for saving me. I wonder what your name is, hero?"

Tianyu nodded and said with a smile: "Easy to say, my name is Tianyu."

"Oh, it turns out to be Da Xia Tianyu."

Guihai Yidao intended to make friends with him. After all, the Iron God Hou Zhuwu was very eager to get such a strong man, so Guihai Yidao had already had some ideas in his mind and wanted to introduce Tianyu to Hulong Villa.

"Brother Tianyu, don't you know where he is from?"

Hearing Gui Hai Yida's question, Tianyu immediately understood what he meant, smiled and said, "I am the head of Black Wind Village, and I have been invited to participate in the Five Poisons Conference this time!"

"Black Wind Village?"

Guihai Yidao thought quickly in his mind, but he couldn't remember which copycat it was. He thought silently in his heart that it was probably an unknown bandit copycat.

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