Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 583: Eliminating the Five Poisons

In this way, they finally did not make any noise and were strangled to death.

Such a horrific scene immediately made everyone present completely quiet.

But at this time, a cold voice sounded from the sky: "Those who have lost their conscience and poisoned the martial arts world will die!"

As this cold voice sounded, a handsome young man dressed in black slowly landed.

He held a knife in his hand, a very strange knife, and both sides of the knife were not opened, just like a piece of black iron.

However, when everyone saw his appearance clearly, they all took a breath of cold air.

"It's the number one spy of Hulong Villa, Gui Hai Yi Dao is here!"

Then all the martial artists present showed ecstasy

"Hahaha, this time we are saved, the spy of Hulong Villa is here, let's see how the Five Poisons will end?"

The five people standing on the eaves looked at each other, and they could see the solemnity in each other's eyes.

"Master Gui Hai, we convened the Five Poisons Conference on the orders of the Eastern Factory's Eunuch Cao. Please don't meddle in other people's business!" said the Toad among the Five Poisons.

Gui Hai Yi Dao slowly landed on the eaves opposite. He looked very calm, as if he had merged with the surrounding space.

"According to the order of the God of Hulong Villa, the Five Poisons have poisoned the martial arts world and harmed martial artists. They will be killed without mercy!"

Gui Hai Yi Dao didn't seem to want to say anything else. He directly pulled out the long sword on his body and chopped forward frantically.

With a swish, the terrible sword energy spread forward. This violent sword energy directly split the roof of the Five Poisons Villa completely, forming a deep gully.


The Five Poisons screamed immediately, knowing that they were no match for Gui Hai Yi Dao.

They waved their sleeves frantically, and a group of poisonous creatures flew towards Gui Hai Yi Dao.

However, there was no sign of these poisonous creatures in Gui Hai Yi Dao's eyes. He casually swung a knife, and the knife energy was crisscrossed, strangling all the poisonous creatures in the air.

Tianyu in the crowd saw this scene and immediately showed a thoughtful look.

"Is this all Cao Zhengchun has?"

Just as Tianyu was thinking this, Gui Hai Yi Dao had already chased Wu Du behind him.

"Gui Hai Yi Dao, you have to think clearly, doing this is to tear your face with Cao Gonggong!"

Wu Du screamed miserably. They felt the breath of death was close at hand, but Gui Hai Yi Dao always looked like a dead man, with no emotion on his face.

"Ba Dao slash."

Gui Hai Yi Dao raised the Ba Dao in his hands high and slashed forward suddenly.


This knife directly submerged Wu Du's figure completely in it, and the knife energy crisscrossed hundreds of meters, destroying hundreds of trees in a forest outside Wu Du Villa.

Seeing this knife, all the martial artists in the Wudu Villa turned pale, only Tianyu sat there, holding a bowl of Wandu Shenporridge in his hand and drinking silently.

"This knife skill is not bad." Tianyu commented casually.

The people around him were all dumbfounded when they saw him still drinking Wandu Shenporridge here

"Brother, stop drinking, we just drank a little because we had no choice, why are you addicted to it now?"

A kind-hearted martial artist hurried over to persuade Tianyu, but Tianyu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I'm just hungry now, drink some porridge to fill my stomach."

After hearing his words, everyone around was completely speechless, and then everyone just thought he was mentally disordered and had some problems, and ignored him.

Gui Hai's knife flew back and landed on one of the eaves again, and the bodies of Wu Du were scattered outside Wu Du Villa. All five people were hit by a fatal knife, destroying all the meridians in their bodies.

"Gui Hai Yi Dao's sword energy is very domineering, he is indeed a domineering person!"

Even Tianyu, after feeling his sword skills at this time, had to admit that Gui Hai Yi Dao was likely to enter the innate realm.

However, Tianyu was a little confused at this time. Why didn't Gui Hai Yi Dao leave immediately after executing Tie Dan Shen Hou's order?

The next moment, Tianyu quietly felt the changes in the air around him, and then he suddenly realized it.

"So that's how it is. Things are getting more and more interesting." Tianyu muttered to himself.

As soon as the voice fell, a drizzle suddenly fell from the sky.

The rain was very hazy and dreamy at first, but in the end, the sound of raindrops became louder and louder, and it fell on the building, making a crackling sound.

"It's strange, there is a big sun everywhere else, but it's raining heavily in Wudu Villa?"

The martial artists in the villa quickly hid under the eaves, looking at this strange scene, feeling a little confused.

But only Tianyu himself knew that this rain was not caused by the sky, but by human beings.

Gui Hai Yidao, who was standing on the eaves, suddenly frowned and looked up at the sky.

A handsome man in white floated down like a feather, without any weight, drifting slowly with the wind, and slowly fell on the eaves.

This man wore a bamboo hat on his head, lowered his head slightly, and his appearance could not be seen clearly.

White clothes, white sleeves, white robes, white shoes, all white, even holding a white fan in his hand, the whole person looked like there was no other color.

"Mr. Wuhen, you are finally here." Gui Hai Yidao said softly.

Hearing what Hui Hai Yidao said, all the martial artists below were shocked.

"Oh my God, it is Mr. Wuhen who came in person?"

"It is said that Mr. Wuhen's strength has reached the innate realm, and he is the eighth super strong man on the current imperial city Tianwu list!"

"No, hasn't Mr. Wuhen always been neutral? Why is he now actively participating in the fight between Dongchang and Hulong Villa?"

Hearing the discussions of these martial artists, Tianyu also learned a lot of information. It turned out that someone in the current dynasty has formulated a Tianwu list. Those who can be on the list are all peerless strong men in the martial arts world, and this Mr. Wuhen is ranked eighth on the Tianwu list.

"I wonder what my ranking is now?" Tianyu thought silently.

At this time, the atmosphere on the roof of Wudu Villa was completely solidified, and the raindrops in the air were all still, and then slowly flew towards Gui Hai Yidao.

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