Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 582 The Five Cruel Poisons

On the official road, several fast horses galloped past, causing a cloud of dust.

Suddenly, they found a person walking on the official road in front of them. His pace was neither fast nor slow, which looked a little strange.

"Do you want to kill me? Get out of here, grandpa!"

The people on these fast horses were dressed like government agents and roared in front of them.

At this time, Tianyu turned back and glanced at them, but continued walking towards the official road without any expression. He actually did not occupy the middle of the road, but for some reason, these people seemed to be deliberately competing with him?

"Boy, if you don't get out of the way, then wait for death!"

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝘴𝘩𝘢.𝘯𝘦𝘡

So these agents pointed their horses' heads directly at Tianyu's back and galloped away.

At the moment when they were about to collide, Tianyu's entire body was in disarray, and he flew directly upwards, landing on the back of one of the horses.

He stretched out two fingers, gently lifted the catcher up, and then threw him toward the official road next to him like a chicken.


The policeman immediately screamed and rolled out dozens of meters away.

Several other detectives immediately knew that the man in front of them was not easy to mess with, and immediately grabbed the rope in their hands, then turned back and pulled out the long knife.

"Boy, do you know who we are?"

"Haha, I don't care who you are, I only know that you are recklessly riding horses and hurting people in official ways. What kind of crime should you do?"

Tianyu's words left these detectives speechless for a long time.

"What's more, you are still members of the official family. How dare you be so arrogant and wanton? Is there no royal law in this world?"

Tianyu's words made these detectives even more speechless.

"Boy, you're awesome, let's go!"

In fact, these detectives were very discerning and knew that Tianyu was very skilled and that the other party kept claiming justice, so they did not dare to offend him, but Tianyu clearly saw the identity tokens on them.

"It turned out to be someone sent by Lord Tietan. It seems that this time the Five Poisons Conference will become very lively!"

Tianyu immediately drove his horse and continued walking towards the distance of the official road. After an unknown amount of time, he went to a villa and vaguely saw a mountain villa.

There is a faint layer of green mist outside the villa. You don't need to think about it to know that this is the poisonous gas produced by poisonous substances that have been nourished for many years.

The poison gas has actually reached such a level. One can imagine how terrifying the amount of poison is in this villa.

"Sure enough, this is the home of the Five Poisons. It's like entering a poison cave."

Tianyu arrived at Wudu Villa, and someone immediately came to receive him.

The people who can come to Wudu Villa are all people from the world who have received the invitation. Tianyu showed the invitation in his arms, and immediately several men with cold bodies and strange clothes took him in.

When you walk into Wudu Villa, you can see some strange flowers and trees planted in the surrounding area.

If you look carefully, you will find small reptiles or various other poisons among these trees.

Looking around, almost the entire Wudu Villa looks like this.

"Wouldn't it be disgusting to live in such a place?" Tianyu thought silently in his heart.

Then one after another, everyone arrived, at least hundreds of people from all walks of life, all gathered in Wudu Villa.

"Hahaha, thanks to all of you, come and taste my Ten Thousand Poison God Porridge today. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed!"

The sound of laughter sounded, and five figures flew out of the villa and landed on the eaves.

These 5 people, 4 men and 1 woman, are all dressed very strangely, with bright complexions, white lips, and an unhumanly ferocious look in their eyes. Just looking at this appearance can make a child stop crying.

"Are these the five poisons?"

At this moment, Tianyu looked at these five weirdos carefully and immediately saw their realm.

"It turned out to be five second-rate masters."

Tianyu understands that although each of the Five Poisons is only second-rate, the true combat effectiveness they can exert is definitely not inferior to that of first-rate masters.

What's more, if these five people join forces, even ordinary first-class masters will not be their opponents.

Otherwise, Cao Zhengchun would not have entrusted them with such an important task.

"Everyone, please take a seat!"

Centipede, one of the five poisons, waved his hand. Although all the people in the world were anxious, they had no choice but to sit down.

Then a waiter brought in bowls of porridge and placed them on the wooden table in front of everyone.

"This Ten Thousand Poison God Porridge is made by combining dozens of kinds of spiritual herbs and elixirs that are special products of our Wudu Villa. It is rich in nutritional value. Please try it!"

Scorpion, one of the Five Poisons, waved his hand and seemed very generous, but everyone cursed him in their hearts.

I saw that the top of the bowl of porridge was glowing green, with disgusting blisters, and I knew it was poisonous at a glance.

However, this poison will not kill people on the spot, but will gradually control people's minds, forcing everyone to obey their orders.

"Oh, that's all. I'm already old anyway, so I'll just die!"

An old man shook his head and sighed, then drank the Five Poison God Porridge in one gulp. After drinking it, he looked safe and sound, sitting there with a calm expression, but everyone knew that he must be very panicked in his heart.

At this time, under the coercion of the Five Poisons, the major Jianghu people had no choice but to pick up the Ten Thousand Poison God Porridge in front of them and drink it mouthful by mouthful.

Many people drank it lightly, and then they had the urge to vomit directly, but under the stern eyes of the Five Poisons, no one dared to spit out the Ten Thousand Poison God Porridge, so they had to endure the torment and continue to drink it slowly.

Suddenly, a Jianghu person couldn't bear it anymore, pulled out the long knife on his body, and roared: "Five bastards, dare to use such a dirty method to threaten us, aren't you relying on Cao Gou behind you?"

After that, several men next to him drew their knives at the same time and rushed towards the Five Poisons together.

"Haha, so brave!"

The spider among the Five Poisons suddenly opened its mouth, and a white light shot out of its mouth.

The white light turned into a huge net, falling all over the place, catching all the people in the martial arts world.

They struggled desperately, but the more they struggled, the tighter the net became.

"Let us go, you beasts!"

These martial artists waved their long swords, trying to cut the net.

However, gradually, the net shrank very tight, and the flesh of several people was strangled by the net, leaving deep blood marks.

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