Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 574 Human, That’s Enough

"Haha, of course you don't care about my appearance, but you must be very concerned about this person's appearance, right?"

The evil god sneered, and he stretched out his hand in the void behind him, and a girl was slowly caught in his palm.

This person was none other than Zhao Ziqiu, but at this moment, Zhao Ziqiu's eyes were confused, as if he had become a walking corpse and lost his consciousness.

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"What did you do to her?" Tianyu's voice was cold, cold to the bone.

"Don't worry, I won't kill him now!"

After the words fell, the evil god threw his other hand into the air, and an invisible huge funnel slowly took shape.

When the hourglass appeared, Tianyu had already vaguely guessed his purpose. Sure enough, the evil god laughed wildly and said: "The countdown to death has begun. When all the sand in this hourglass flows down, it is the time for all the people in this world to say goodbye!"

Tianyu knew that the evil god must have chosen the most appropriate place to avoid all cause and effect entanglements at this time.

When this time comes, everyone in this world will instantly lose their self-awareness and then become the people enslaved by the evil god.

Just as he thought before, this world will not lose any bricks and tiles, and it may even develop more terrible technological power, but the most desperate thing is that the master of this world has been replaced by another evil existence, quietly, without people noticing at all.

The original master of this world is not even a slave. They don't even have their own consciousness. At most, they can only be regarded as machine workers on the assembly line.

"When this becomes my world, I will make it better, far more than you stupid humans can contribute!"

The evil god seemed very excited, watching the sand in the hourglass constantly flowing out, and his mood was difficult to suppress.

At this time, the ability of the seven emotions and six desires was vaguely unstable, and all kinds of emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, resentment, and sorrow turned into words and flew out of his body.

The evil god would be very afraid of the outflow of such emotions before, but at this moment he seemed fearless.

Or maybe it was because the great work was about to be completed, so he didn't care at all, and at this moment, he showed his expectation for the future scene.

"The strongest of mankind, as the final end of this grand event and the chapter of entering a new era, so I invite you to be a common witness!"

The evil god laughed wildly, and his words were extremely arrogant, while Tianyu in the distance was only concerned about what kind of state Zhao Ziqiu was in.

At this moment, Zhao Ziqiu woke up, his eyes regained clarity, and after seeing Tianyu in the distance, he immediately shouted loudly: "Tianyu, run away quickly, he wants to control everyone in this world."

Zhao Ziqiu didn't care about his own life until this time, but cared about Tianyu, asking him to run away quickly.

The moment this sentence came out, Tianyu knew that he was completely finished.

"It seems that you, a girl, really make it impossible for me to escape from reality!"

Tianyu said something that no one else could understand, and Zhao Ziqiu's eyes shed cold tears, and her heart became desperate.

Suddenly, Zhao Ziqiu turned around and punched the evil god's nose hard, which instantly crooked the evil god's nose.

The evil god was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that this little girl would be so cruel.

"Girl, you are really powerful!"

The evil god snorted coldly, and the next moment a current appeared in Zhao Ziqiu's body, which immediately knocked her out.

"I advise you not to hurt her, otherwise, I will bury you and this world together!" Tianyu said seriously.

I don't know when, a cool breeze blew on the streets around, and the leaves fell. The evil god actually felt a chill in his body.

"Impossible, this must be an illusion. I have already perfected my abilities. Am I still afraid of this human?" The evil god said to himself silently.

At this time, the sand in the hourglass flowed faster and faster. Tianyu also knew that the matter was urgent and he had to take action immediately.


The next moment he moved, turning into a flash of lightning, moving forward at an extremely fast speed, going all out, even bursting out his potential, making his body go to the extreme.

Such a terrifying speed, even the evil god did not react. With a bang, Tianyu's close-range punch, with the blessing of violent power, weighed more than a thousand pounds, and one punch directly knocked the evil god away.

The evil god did not react at all, his mind was in a mess.

"What kind of power is this? Is this the limit that humans can exert?"

Relying on his collection of emotions of humans in this world, he can also enter their minds and know that the greatest limit of human power in this world is those so-called strongmen and extreme fighting champions.

But the evil god never thought that Tianyu's power has surpassed those people too much.

"If this seat is not perfect, this punch may smash this seat to death!" The evil god thought silently in his heart.

At this time, Zhao Ziqiu woke up from his coma again

"Tianyu, run quickly, you are not his opponent!"

Zhao Ziqiu cried and shouted, her hair all stuck to her face by tears, she looked pitiful.

How much she hated her weakness, if she could fly freely in the sky like them, it would be great, then she could help Tianyu.

"It's all my fault, if I hadn't added the little butterfly, and did so many stupid things under his instigation, I wouldn't have hurt you!"

Zhao Ziqiu had learned the truth from the evil god, and understood that she played a very important role in the process of all this cholera.

It can even be said that to some extent, she is equivalent to a pusher.

If it weren't for her series of actions, the evil god would not have been able to harvest the last key emotion, the power of love.

However, at this time, a scene that Zhao Ziqiu didn't expect happened.

In the night, the evil god had no room to fight back, and was beaten by Tianyu like a sandbag, flying around.

"Human, you've had enough!"

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