Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 573: Facing the Evil God

The strange creature raised its head and roared towards Tianyu in the night sky, but the next moment he was completely submerged in thunder.

At the moment when the strange creature was destroyed, the familiar figure appeared again, but this time it was not the body of the evil god, but a human who looked ordinary.

But the moment Tianyu saw him, two words immediately rang in his mind: evil god.

That's right, he dared to be absolutely sure at this time that this guy was definitely the evil god, and he was the evil god who had reached the perfect state.

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"I didn't expect that you have been completely perfect. I guess you are also good at harvesting the emotions of the human world, right?" Tianyu snorted.

At this time, the figure of the evil god may be right in front of him, or he may be far away in the sky, but he used an incomparable means to put his own projection directly into Tianyu's eyes.

"Human, you are very powerful and the only one in the world who can threaten me, but I have to tell you something very sad now."

The evil god's voice was cold and dark, and it sounded in Tianyu's heart. Tianyu listened quietly without saying a word. He knew that this guy must have something else to say.

The evil god continued: "I have harvested your most critical emotions in my hands, and it is this emotion that allows me to reach the state of perfection!"

At this moment, hearing his words, thousands of thoughts flashed through Tianyu's mind

"My most important emotions, what emotions do I have?"

Tianyu thought silently, he was not inclined to any of the joys, anger, sorrows, and joys.

When he came to this world, his emotions were very calm, just to solve the pollution of the evil god, and it was also a task. He could not have some very extreme emotions, that was not the real Tianyu.

Suddenly, a thunder flashed in Tianyu's mind, and a face slowly emerged, that is Zhao Ziqiu.

How is it possible?

If Zhao Ziqiu affects my emotions, does it mean that I have already developed love for her in my subconscious that I am not even aware of?

At this moment, Tianyu felt confused for the first time.

"Perhaps you don't know that the little girl's love for you has gradually melted the softest part of your heart, but you just don't want to admit it!"

The voice of the evil god slowly sounded, like a terrible devil's sound, one note after another hitting Tianyu's heart.

"No, you are lying, I have never loved her." Tianyu said coldly.

As soon as this was said, the evil god laughed loudly, and his laughter was full of various ironies.

"You are really deceiving yourself. If you don't have this emotion, I can't harvest it. How can I reach this perfect state now?"

Tianyu's face was a little ugly, and his figure looked bleak and lonely under the night, and a group of people from the Anti-Weird Alliance in the distance ran over. They saw the scene in front of them and felt very confused.

"What is Mr. Tianyu doing? Why is he standing there stupidly?"

In everyone's eyes, there was a strange picture. In front of them was a strange creature gradually dying in the thunder, and its cry became weaker and weaker. There was nothing around, not even a bird passing by.

And Tianyu was just like this, staring at the vast night sky in the distance under the empty night street.

"Is Mr. Tianyu insane?" someone said in surprise.

"No, could it be that Mr. Tianyu was hit by his evil trick when he was fighting against this strange creature?"

At this time, the fat man suddenly realized it, and his face suddenly looked very ugly. At this time, the words of the evil god continued to think in Tianyu's heart

"All the emotions of people in this world are already in my body, except for yours, so if there is no love, I can't complete the last piece of the puzzle."

Until this time, Tianyu was still silent, and his mind was blank.

Tianyu didn't know how to describe this feeling. He admitted that he had a complex emotion towards Zhao Ziqiu, but he was never sure whether this emotion was love or something else.

The iron-like facts were in front of him. The evil god harvested his love, so he could make his own strength perfect.

"Could it be that I really have fallen in love with Zhao Ziqiu?" Tianyu asked himself silently in his heart.

"Young man, tomorrow at this time I will let everything come to an end completely. See you then."

As the evil god's voice fell, the figure in Tianyu's pupils slowly dissipated, like a mirage, and never came.

At this time, He Tianyu had already woken up and saw a group of people around him, stretching out their hands and waving in front of him.

"What are you doing?" Tianyu asked.

"Ah, Mr. Tianyu, you are awake. We were really scared just now. We thought you were grinding!" The fat man said worriedly, sticking out his tongue.

"It's okay, you guys go back first."

"By the way." Tianyu suddenly remembered something and continued to remind him: "At this time tomorrow, you must tell everyone not to go out. Everyone must lock the door of the room tightly and stay at home. Do you understand?"

"Ah, Mr. Tianyu, why is this?"

Everyone felt incomprehensible, because now the weirdness has begun to wreak havoc, especially in the second half of the night.

So the people who were fighting against the strange alliance also concentrated their firepower and focused on defending various street areas in the second half of the night.

But at this moment, Tianyu asked them not to come out. What does this mean?

"You won't be wrong if you listen to me!"

Tianyu threw down a sentence, and his figure gradually disappeared in the night sky.

At midnight the next day, Tianyu arrived on time. The whole city was silent and no one left home.

Everyone would listen to Tianyu's words. After all, at this moment, everyone's only hope was placed on him.

Tianyu came to a street, looked at the vast night sky, and slowly said: "Evil God, I'm here, where are you?"

"I've been behind you for a long time!" The voice of the evil god sounded.

Tianyu slowly turned around and saw the source of pollution in this world, a middle-aged man about 40 years old, about 1.7 meters tall, fat and medium complexion.

The most important thing is that he has a face of the general public. If he is thrown into the vast sea of ​​people, he will be forgotten after one look.

"It's hard to imagine that this appearance is the source of the unforgivable disaster!" Tianyu said with a sneer.

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