In addition to the Dragon Kingdom District, other districts were also discussing it. A selector who had just come out of the 18th-level mission world was immediately invited to the bar by his friends to discuss the matter.

"Hey, Brad, first of all, congratulations on passing the 18th-level "One Punch Man" test. How was it? What rating did you get?"

After the selector named Brad heard this, he shrugged his shoulders and said: "What other evaluation can there be, it's just B grade."

The partner next to him said: "B-level? It's already very good. No one has ever been able to get a good rating in the "One Punch Man" mission world. Even Adam Smith is only A-level."

"That's a thing of the past. Don't forget the broadcast just now. That damn Tianyu got a super rating again!" Another person said.

"What? A super comment?" Brad was shocked: "Really? That guy from Tianyu found explosives?"

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Someone next to him said: "Of course it's true. Almost everyone heard the broadcast. Brad, you should be in the same group as Tianyu. Can you tell us how he did it?"

"Sorry, I don't know much." Brad said slowly: "But one thing is strange, that is, after we entered the mission world, it didn't take long before the test even started. Tianyu had already Became No. 1!”

"What? How did he do this? Did Tianyu cheat?"

"Who can cheat in the selection space? I guess it is very likely that Tianyu has traveled to the past. Only in this way can it be explained."

"This is the only possibility"

"So that's it, what a perfect plan!"

"But how he found Blast and defeated Blast, I can't figure out."

"Forget it, don't think about it, it's really a headache."

A white light flashed, Tianyu appeared in the selection space, and the system reward prompt sounded: "Dear selector Tianyu, you have completed the task and you will receive the following rewards this time."

"Selection points: 60,000 points!"

"Strength attribute +40 points!"

"Golden Treasure Chest x 1!"

"Multiplayer mission card x 1!"

Tianyu's expression changed when he heard the system beep.

Tianyu was not surprised to receive a super-god evaluation in this mission world.

Orochi and Boros died in his hands. He also won the first place among S-class heroes and defeated Saitama.

Although the means of victory are not glorious, no matter what, the facts are the facts.

This is the limit of what he can do. Even if he had to do it over again, he would not be able to do better.

In addition, a multiplayer copy card actually appeared as a reward for this mission. This was the first time Tianyu encountered such a thing. Driven by curiosity, Tianyu immediately came to his personal space.

After entering his personal space, Tianyu began to check his harvest this time.

This time I still got 4 rewards, namely draft points, attribute points, multiplayer mission cards and gold treasure chests.

The selection points are a full 60,000 points, obviously because the difficulty has become higher.

As for the points, they can be dealt with later. Now Tianyu is very good about the multiplayer mission card.

I went directly to the shelf and picked up the multiplayer copy card. The system immediately sent a prompt.

"Multiplayer mission card: As the name suggests, it is a mission pass that can be participated by multiple people. It is recommended to invite partners to participate in the mission. The rewards are very rich, and the rewards will not be shared based on the number of people. Note: For specific information about the mission world, Prompt after use is required.”

Tianyu was in a daze when he saw the prompt. Is it gone now?

There will be more prompts after you need to use it. Tianyu frowned, not knowing whether this card is good or bad.

But since the system prompts that the rewards are abundant, it must not be a bad thing.

"Maximum limit is 10 people"

There are only a few people who have a good relationship with Tianyu, and he himself can't even get enough of them.

"Forget it, let's not think about it for now, let's open the treasure chest first."

Tianyu took out the golden treasure box. He was still looking forward to this golden treasure box.

After opening boxes so many times, Tianyu has figured out the rules of treasure box rewards. Under normal circumstances, there is an 80% chance that the things found in the boxes are related to the mission world.

So Tianyu is looking forward to the golden treasure chest in front of him. This is from the One Punch Man mission world. If Saitama's ability can be unlocked, it will really make a lot of money.

With anticipation and excitement, Tianyu opened the golden treasure box.

"Congratulations on getting Saitama's experience card!"

"Saitama Experience Card: After use, your strength, speed and defense will be temporarily increased to 99999 for 30 minutes."

"Note: This item is a one-time consumable and can only be used once."

"Note: This item is recyclable and the system recycling price is 100,000 recruitment points."

After hearing the system prompt, Tianyu stared blankly at the Saitama experience card in his hand, not knowing what he was thinking.

Before opening the box, he thought it would be best to get Saitama's abilities, and he would make a lot of money. After opening the box, he didn't expect to actually get Saitama's abilities, but this was a one-time use.

It's a rip-off. If the system can't recycle it, and the recycling price given is not bad, Tianyu would probably vomit blood.

But after thinking for a long time, Tianyu still didn't exchange the Saitama experience card in his hand for the selection points.

It has to be said that Saitama is very powerful. This guy's experience card can actually improve so much.

If Tianyu has such attributes, he will really kill gods and Buddhas.

Even if it is just an experience card, it may be very useful. For example, in the next mission world, if Tianyu encounters an enemy that he cannot defeat, having this card in hand is equivalent to an extra ability to save his life, and he can also kill the enemy.

So Tianyu plans to keep the Saitama experience card for emergency use as a trump card. Anyway, he is not short of selection points now.

After doing all this, Tianyu temporarily lost his mind about the remaining rewards and returned directly to the real world.

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