When they returned to the headquarters of the Hero Association, in the conference room, Bang and others found that the faces of Tornado and others were not normal, as if they had suffered a major blow and were discouraged.

Atomic Samurai couldn't help asking: "Hey, what happened? Why are you not happy after defeating the invaders?"

Tornado snorted coldly and didn't answer. Child Emperor and Flash Flash were also silent, which made everyone puzzled.

When Tianyu and the smiling president came to the conference room, Atomic Samurai found that Tornado and others looked at Tianyu with awe.

Two days later, Tianyu saw Saitama in front of him.

"Saitama, I'm leaving."

Today is the last day of the mission, Tianyu plans to say goodbye to Saitama and leave.

"Ah? Teacher, where are you going?"

The innocent Saitama didn't know what Tianyu meant by leaving.

Tianyu smiled and said, "Go to an unknown place and continue to practice."

Qiyu then reacted: "Teacher, are you leaving here?"

"Yes." Tianyu nodded: "Maybe the next time we meet, it will be a long time later."

Qiyu hurriedly asked: "Teacher, can you take me with you?"

Tianyu shook his head: "Teacher has nothing to teach you anymore, and you are also needed here. In the future, there will be more powerful monsters that others cannot resist. You should stay. As a hero, you must not forget your responsibilities!"

"Yes, teacher!"

Qiyu's eyes were full of reluctance, but he had to listen to the teacher's words.

Tianyu smiled and said, "The teacher will leave this house to you. There is also a sum of money in the safe. The teacher can't use it, so it's left for you to spend. Don't be frugal. It's not good for your health to always eat discounted food."


Qiyu was sad and didn't know what to say. The teacher was like a reborn parent to him.

"Also." Tianyu smiled and said, "You are not young anymore. I hope that when the teacher comes back next time, I can see your wife and children."

Qiyu didn't feel anything after hearing this. As a straight man, he didn't think of finding a partner.

Seeing this, Tianyu smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying nothing more.

"Okay, Qiyu, the teacher is gone. Remember to practice when we meet next time. Don't stop training every day!"

Qiyu nodded quickly: "Teacher, please rest assured, I will work hard!"


Tianyu nodded seriously, stepped on the flying sword, flew into the sky, and disappeared into the sky.

When he arrived at a place where there was no one, he took the flying sword back to his personal space, and then silently chanted to return.

The next moment, Tianyu disappeared from the spot without a trace.

"Congratulations to Tianyu, the chosen one, for his outstanding performance in the world of "One Punch Man" on the rooftop mission. He completed three missions perfectly within the mission time and received a perfect evaluation: SSS!"

A loud broadcast sounded in the square of the summoning space. When most of the chosen ones heard the broadcast sound, they were just slightly stunned, and then did what they had to do, without taking it to heart at all.

It was normal for Tianyu to get a super god evaluation.

However, many of the chosen ones were very surprised, especially those who knew the world of "One Punch Man" mission, and they were even more surprised.

For the three missions in the world of "One Punch Man", those who knew it understood the difficulty of this mission very well, and there was almost no possibility of cracking it.

The first two missions were easy to say, and the difficulty of completing them was not great, but they might not get a good evaluation, but the third mission was different.

The third mission was to defeat the strongest person by force. In the eyes of everyone, the strongest person in "One Punch Man" was recognized as Blast.

This person is not only the strongest, but also extremely mysterious. Almost no one knows where he is.

To complete the third task, according to the normal routine, you must first have the strength to defeat Blast, and you also need to know Blast's whereabouts and be able to find him.

Almost no one can complete the first two items. Under normal circumstances, most of the selected summoners are only at the advanced bronze level when they reach the 18th floor of the Sky Platform. Those with better talents can barely break through the silver level.

With such strength, in the world of "One Punch Man", let alone defeating Blast, even those S-level heroes can't beat him.

In addition, it is almost impossible to find Blast. Even the top leaders of the Hero Association don't know where Blast is. How can others find him?

Of course, there is another problem that no one knows, that is, except Tianyu, no one knows that the strongest person in the "One Punch Man" task world is not Blast, but the bald devil Saitama.

Even Tianyu doesn't plan to hand over this strategy to the extraordinary team, because even if it is handed over to the extraordinary team, no one can defeat Saitama.

Even he himself was just taking advantage of it. Those who grew up step by step according to his strategy, without the first pass rewards of these mission worlds, could not compare with him at all, and it was even more impossible.

"Damn, Tianyu Master completed three tasks in excess. Did he kill the strongest monster, and then got the first place of S-class hero, and defeated Blast?"

"Hiss! It's too fake, how did he do it?"

"The first two tasks are easy. As long as you are strong enough, there is a chance of completion. Tianyu is naturally strong enough. But for the third task, where did Tianyu find Blast?"

"Tianyu is really too powerful. Even such a task is not difficult for him!"

"Alas, I remember that I got a C-level comprehensive evaluation when I passed the "One Punch Man" task world. Compared with Tianyu, I am simply a waste!"

"Are you stupid? Why don't you compare with Tianyu? Isn't this asking for trouble?"

"I am very curious. How did Tianyu complete these three tasks? Who is the strongest monster? How did he get the first place in the S-level hero? And where is Blast? I am preparing to complete the One Punch Man task. It would be great if Tianyu could publish the strategy, and don't let the extraordinary group eat alone."

"You are thinking about shit"

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