Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 410: Complete Crush

"Come on, let me see what else you can do?" Tianyu said with a calm expression, waving towards the sentry robot.

What happened next completely changed the little girl's view of mutants.

In the little girl's memory, no powerful mutant can be an opponent of the Sentinel robot! ! !

But the big brother in front of me actually crushed the Sentinel robot in all directions. This is really incredible! ! !


Tianyu punched the sentry robot in the head, knocking the sentry robot to the ground, and half of its head was lost.

While fighting, he said calmly: "What's wrong? Apart from using your hands and lasers, don't you know any other way to attack?"

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Tianyu strode over, grabbed the sentry robot by the neck, and said coldly: "If you only have these two moments, then you are useless!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a chill coming over him. The entire body of the sentry robot in his hand began to become cold.

White frost and ice appeared on the body of the sentry robot, spreading along Tianyu's arms toward Tianyu's body.

In the blink of an eye, half of Tianyu's body was frozen. This sudden scene surprised Tianyu.

"It turns out that you can't release low-temperature ice directly at the enemy like Iceman, but you need to touch it to freeze the opponent!" Tianyu said lightly: "It seems that although you can simulate the abilities of other mutants, you are still unable to freeze them. There are great limitations!”

The sentry robot didn't care what Tianyu was saying. Seeing that the powerful enemy seemed to be frozen, he immediately increased the intensity of the freezing and quickly spread to Tianyu's body.


Almost in the blink of an eye, Tianyu was completely frozen and turned into a big ice sculpture, exuding cold air. When the little girl next to him saw it, he felt desperate.

But the next moment, Tianyu suddenly felt a slight vibration.


With a crisp sound, all the ice cubes attached to Tianyu's body were instantly shattered and scattered on the ground. It was really the ability to shake the fruit.

Tianyu still remembers that in the original work of One Piece, Whitebeard himself was also frozen by Aoki Pheasant, and he also used the Shock Fruit to escape easily.

Now that I have experienced it myself, I find that it is still very simple.

Patting the ice crystals on his body, he smiled and said: "Not bad, not bad. The attack just now was very effective. I feel cold all over now!"

The sentry robot looked at Tianyu with some confusion. It seemed that mutants like Tianyu were something he had never received before and were beyond his understanding.

However, he was still faithful in executing his goal, raised the spear in his hand, and stabbed Tianyu.


There was a sound of metal handing over, and it seemed like it was stabbed on steel. The spear in the sentry robot's hand broke instantly, but Tianyu was fine.

With the full-level iron block, strong physical fitness, and abundant mana, even Tianyu himself didn't know how strong a physical attack would be needed to break it.

As if seeing Tianyu using his abilities, the electronic eyes of the sentry robot became obviously redder.

The next moment, the skin on his body began to harden bit by bit, but there were glitches, flickering.

"Are you trying to copy my ability?" Tianyu was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "I am different from those mutants. The game ends here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tianyu strode up to the sentry robot and kicked the sentry robot to the ground with a sweeping kick.

Then he held down the sentry robot's head with his left hand and pressed it firmly to the ground.

The sentry robot immediately put up a fierce resistance. His skin turned lava-like red for a while, turned into pale white ice for a while, and even turned into steel.

Unfortunately, no matter which mutant ability he used, it was of no avail. Tianyu's palm was like a Mount Tai, suppressing him and keeping him motionless. High temperature and freezing attacks had no effect on Tianyu.

In front of Tianyu, the sentry robot was like a helpless girl meeting a strong and lusty man.

Tianyu then picked up the demon-suppressing sword, aimed it at the sentinel robot's neck, and slashed it down.

Like a hot knife cutting through butter, the Sentinel robot's head fell off without any hindrance.

Then he found his core and pierced it with a sword. The crimson eyes of the sentry robot had lost their luster and dimmed completely.

The body that was still struggling lost its vitality at this moment and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

“Oh my gosh!!!”

The little girl ran out of her hiding place, looked left and right, and saw the broken Sentinel robot lying on the ground. She couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is incredible. Sir, is that the end of that Sentinel robot?"

"That's right, I've already eliminated him!" Tianyu didn't say much, just said something perfunctory.

"Sir, you are so powerful!" The little girl looked up at Tianyu, her eyes full of admiration, but she seemed very polite, and there was no trace of malice.

Tianyu looked at the little girl. This little guy was probably only thirteen or fourteen years old. He was very petite, with light red hair. His facial features were very delicate, and his skin was very white. However, he was dirty all over and had spots on his little face. Lots of dust and oil stains.

"I saw you collecting them." Tianyu pointed to the little girl's satchel and asked, "What is the use of these discarded components?"

Regarding Tianyu's question, the little girl answered without any precaution: "Uncle Mark needs them. I help Uncle Mark collect them. Uncle Mark will give me something to eat when he gets the chance!"

It turned out that they were exchanging things for food. Tianyu nodded clearly and asked, "Where is the Uncle Mark you mentioned?"

"Inside our camp."

"Can you take me to see him?"

"Of course!" the little girl said happily: "Sir, mutants as powerful as you are really rare. Everyone will definitely welcome you!"

At this moment, another aircraft that was exactly the same as before suddenly appeared in the distant sky.

After seeing the aircraft, the little girl's face instantly turned pale, and she said in horror: "Oops, those monsters are coming again, sir, let's get out of here quickly!"

"I can't leave anymore!" Tianyu said calmly.

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