"Huh?" The little girl was stunned when she didn't feel the attack.

Soon, the little girl realized that there must be a powerful mutant who saved her.

She looked left and right, trying to find the mutant who saved her, but the sentinel robot in front of her would not let her go.

Even if the attack missed, even if the arm was suddenly broken, the sentinel robot was still expressionless and quickly chased the little girl.

The sentinel robot was colder than the T-1000. Apart from chasing the target, there was no other emotion in its eyes.

The sentinel robot caught up with the little girl again, raised the sharp blade in the other hand, and stabbed it towards the little girl's heart. The little girl was frightened and her face turned pale.


The sound sounded, but it was not the sound of stabbing the body. The little girl closed her eyes and waited for a long time, but did not find the pain coming from her body. She couldn't help but open her eyes and carefully checked.

The sharp blade of the sentinel robot was right in front of her, almost touching the tip of her nose.

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But that's all. No matter how hard the sentinel robot tried, the sharp blade couldn't go any further.

There was a strong hand that tightly grasped the sharp blade of the sentinel robot, making it impossible for him to kill the little girl.

Looking along this hand, the little girl saw a tall Chinese man.

Of course, among humans, this Chinese man is considered very tall, but in front of the three-meter-tall sentinel robot, he is relatively short.

But it was such a person who was able to grab the sharp blade in the hand of the sentinel robot, making it impossible for him to go any further!

Even with the simple wisdom of the little girl, she could see that the Chinese man in front of her was definitely a very powerful mutant, with infinite strength.

"Little ghost, go to the side and wait for me first, don't run around!" Tianyu said lightly.

But his eyes were fixed on the sentinel robot, with interest in his eyes.

According to the performance in the movie, the sentinel robot is very powerful and can simulate the abilities of many mutants.

Not only can it turn into a fireman, but it can also turn into an iceman, and it can even imitate the abilities of the Ganglishi, and it also has a strong self-repair ability, which is really incredible!

So Tianyu is very interested in how this thing is made

At the same time, he also wants to test how strong this guy's combat power is, which is very important for Tianyu's next plan.

In terms of strength, Tianyu has tested it, and the sentinel robot's strength is not as great as his.

Of course, it is also possible that the sentinel robot will become more powerful after it turns into the form of Ganglishi.

Tianyu remembers a detail. In this plot, the sentinel robot can actually tear off Ganglishi's arm after imitating Ganglishi's ability

At present, it seems that either Ganglishi's arm is too fragile, or the ability of the sentinel robot has been amplified.

But at least Tianyu feels that although this guy's strength is strong, it is not so strong that it is outrageous.

After hearing this, the little girl immediately rolled and crawled to the side, and the sentinel robot also gave up the little girl at this moment, and looked at Tianyu with its scarlet electronic eyes.

In his sight, Tianyu was also red, and was also a target for pursuit!

Immediately, the face of the sentinel robot cracked quickly, and a laser shot out from it, directly hitting Tianyu.

Tianyu raised his arm to block in front of himself, and at the same time launched his powerful defensive ability.

In fact, if you really compare, his defensive ability is far inferior to his offensive ability.

But at this moment, it is to test the strength of the sentinel robot, so it’s okay to resist it.


The fierce laser hit Tianyu directly. When the laser touched Tianyu's arm skin, Tianyu's face changed immediately.

The temperature of the laser fired by this guy is very high, at least above 2000℃! ! !

No wonder in the original prequel, the sentinel robot used lasers to melt the steel door.


The arm made a burning sound, Tianyu frowned, and immediately rushed over and punched the sentinel robot in the face.


The sound of impact rang out, and the entire face of the sentinel robot was smashed to pieces. The laser naturally went out instantly, and the entire huge body fell directly to the ground.

Tianyu did not pursue the victory, but stood in place, looking at the burnt part of his arm, and frowned slightly.

This little burn was nothing to him, but the thought of thousands of sentinel robots attacking him with lasers at the same time could still endanger his life.

In other words, the laser of the sentinel robot could cause danger to Tianyu, and this must be remembered well and prepared.

Next, Tianyu planned to continue to experiment with the other abilities of this sentinel robot, so he stood still.

He wanted to find out all the attack abilities of this guy, so as to facilitate the next plan.

"Sir, let's leave here quickly, he is not dead yet, he will kill us!" The little girl said anxiously beside him.

Although the Chinese mutant in front of him was powerful and terrifying, the little girl knew the horror of the sentinel robot, and she still thought that slipping away now was the best way.

But the Chinese brother stood still, seemingly waiting for the Sentinel robot on the ground to recover.

The face of the Sentinel robot on the ground was magically repairing itself, and even the broken arm before, it was unknown when it began to grow gradually.

The material used to make the Sentinel robot is not metal, but a special material developed based on the deformed skin of the model girl, which can simulate the abilities of other mutants, including Wolverine's self-healing ability.

But this is actually normal. If it really uses metal, no matter how many come, it is not Magneto's opponent! ! !

Seeing that the Sentinel robot will soon recover, Tianyu couldn't help but sigh in amazement.

"It won't be a killing machine that can kill all mutants. It's really amazing. It seems that if you want to completely destroy it, you may need to destroy its core components, right?"

After a while, the Sentinel robot stood up again, staring at Tianyu with a pair of scarlet electronic eyes, still very cold.

The little girl was immediately frightened and shrank in the corner, but she seemed to have a conscience and didn't leave Tianyu and run away.

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