"Jarvis?" Tony shouted, but got no response.

"Noisy, noisy, I'm entangled in the cable!" Ultron said something inexplicable, and then said: "I can only kill Jarvis!"

"Who did you kill?" The captain asked seriously.

"I didn't want to at first. To be honest, that guy is pretty good. I like him a little, but he shouldn't stop me."

"Who are you?" Thor picked up the Thor's hammer on the table and asked, "Who sent you?"

Ultron himself did not answer, but played a recording: "My idea is to design a suit to protect the world!"

This voice is familiar to everyone, it's Tony Stark's.


Dr. Banner's face was solemn, and he couldn't help but look at Tony, and Tony's expression was a little ugly.

"It's me." Ultron replied, and then said: "I'm going to carry out the mission!"

"What mission?" Black Widow Natasha asked.

"Create an era of peace!!!"

As soon as the voice fell.


The wall next to him was suddenly broken, and many iron suits flew out of the warehouse.

All these iron suits were controlled by Ultron and attacked everyone directly.

Everyone was a superhero, so their skills and reactions were naturally amazing, and they immediately started to fight back.

Soon, the sound of gunfire and roars continued, and Tony's house instantly became a mess.

Natasha was very smart, and she actually hid behind Tianyu in the first world: "Macho man, it's your turn!"

Tianyu glanced at Natasha speechlessly, and then clenched his fist.


A ball of deep purple thunder appeared on Tianyu's fist, and at this time, a steel suit flew towards Tianyu and fired an energy cannon.

Tianyu easily blocked the energy cannon, raised his right fist, and punched it out.


The huge thunder fist suddenly appeared in the house, and everyone nearby felt the scorching heat and strong paralysis.

As for the steel armor that rushed over, it was instantly blown apart by Tianyu's punch, and broke into countless parts.

Under the high temperature of thunder, these parts with low melting points turned into ashes before they fell to the ground.

Everyone saw their eyebrows jump, especially Tony, whose face was as black as the bottom of a pot. He could already imagine what would happen if he was hit by this punch after wearing these armors. If he was not beaten to death, he would be electrocuted or burned to death!

Even Tianyu himself was a little surprised. After adding the damage of thunder, the power of his punch was quite strong!

"Bang! Bang!"

Natasha took out a pistol and fired two shots at a distance, then looked at Tianyu in surprise: "The last time I saw you, I didn't seem to see you use this trick. It's really amazing!"

"I have a more powerful trick here. Do you want to try it?" Tianyu teased, and then strode towards a certain direction.

There was a scepter there, and a gem on the scepter was shining. It was the mind gem.

He knew the plot, and of course he also knew that Ultron launched this attack in order to steal the Mind Stone so that he could make a strong enough body for himself.

Unfortunately, in the original work, his plan failed, and Vision was created by chance.

Of course, the current Ultron will not fail like in the original work because the Mind Stone is targeted by Tianyu, and he can't take it away! ! !

As for what to do with Vision, whether he will not be able to appear under the influence of Tianyu, Tianyu doesn't care about these. His purpose is his own mission, and everything else must be put aside.


A sound of breaking through the air came, and a steel armor quickly flew towards the scepter, trying to take the scepter first.

Unfortunately, such a speed has no effect on Tianyu at all. Tianyu waved his hand, and the scepter flew towards him and fell into his hand, and then Tianyu looked at Ultron with a smile.

"Who are you? Why is there no news about you in my database?"

Ultron stared at Tianyu, and Tianyu's appearance completely disrupted his plan.

"Maybe your database is not updated in time enough." Tianyu asked: "Now that the thing you want is in my hand, what are you going to do?"

Ultron stared at Tianyu, then waved his hand, and suddenly those steel armors that were fighting with other superheroes got rid of their opponents and rushed towards Tianyu.

Tianyu saw this situation without any fear, and calmly drew out the demon-killing sword, and the thunder ability of the Nine Tribulations Thunder Gang Jue was activated.


A thunderous explosion sounded, and the next moment, purple-black violent thunder appeared on his demon-killing sword, turning it into a thunder sword, which looked majestic, like a weapon of the gods.

Then Tianyu clenched the long sword and swept it out with a sword!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!.!"

At least four or five steel armors were cut off by this sword, and traces of melting thunder appeared at the broken ends.

Then Tianyu used the long sword in his hand to slash, stab, and thrust upward.

These were all common moves, but they were very effective. In a few breaths, all the steel armors that besieged Tianyu fell to the ground and turned into a pile of scrap copper and iron.

Tianyu held the thundering demon-killing sword and stood among the fragments of the armor, like an undefeated god of war.

With Tianyu's current strength, it would be a joke for these armors to try to steal something from him.

Facing the energy attacks of these steel armors, even if Tianyu stood still, the Sixth Marine Style could easily resist them.


The thunder dissipated, but the demon-killing sword was still full of cold light, and there was no trace of damage from the thunder on the sword.

Seeing this, Tianyu was very satisfied. The demon-killing sword was indeed a magic weapon. Not only was the material surprisingly strong, it could also accommodate various elements, even the most destructive thunder.

"I'm really sorry for ruining your banquet." Seeing that the situation was over, Ultron started to talk: "Tony, I know you have good intentions, but you didn't think carefully enough.

You want to protect the world, but you don’t want to change it and don’t allow humans to evolve. How is this possible? There is only one way to protect this world."

"So much nonsense!"

Tianyu was too lazy to listen to Ultron's words, and took out the demon-killing sword in his hand.


The sword control technique directly hit Ultron's head, pinning Ultron to the wall.

Of course, this will not kill Ultron. Now Ultron is an intelligent life. As long as there is a network and a computer, it is its habitat.

"I was once bound, now I'm free"

After Ultron dropped these words, he disappeared, leaving a mess on the ground.

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