Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 345 The Birth of Ultron

In this kind of serial mission world, each stage is coherent, which means that what each Summoner experienced and did in the first stage will affect the second stage, and the original plot characters still remember you.

From this point of view, it seems to be a paradox, because the people who participate in the mission world each time are different, and the impact is also different.

So after the second stage, the tasks of each Summoner began to change.

"Our hero is back, should everyone applaud and welcome him?" Tianyu smiled and looked at the Avengers in front of him.

But no one applauded, everyone looked at him strangely, except for the captain and Tony, everyone now knew what Tianyu had done.

"This stranger, I don't think I invited you!" Tony spoke first, his tone was very impolite.

A few years have passed, Tony has experienced a lot of things and has become much more mature, but he still hates the guy who stole his armor in front of him.

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The captain then said to Tianyu: "If you return Tony's armor to Tony, I think everyone will welcome you."

Tianyu heard this and spread his hands and said: "I'm sorry, Tony, your armor was damaged when I was fighting the aliens."

Tony didn't continue to worry about the armor. In his opinion, after such a long time, the armor was not maintained and should be damaged.

"Tell me, what are you doing here?" Tony asked bluntly.

"Can I sit down and have a drink?" Tianyu answered irrelevantly.

After hearing this, everyone looked at Tony. The good old Dr. Banner felt that the atmosphere was a bit bad, and couldn't help but say: "Tony, I think this..."

"My name is Ronan!" Tianyu reminded: "You can just call me Ronan."

"Okay, Ronan Tony, I don't think Ronan has any ill intentions. At least he saved New York. We don't need to be so hostile to him!"

Hearing what Dr. Banner said, Tony remained silent. Silence is sometimes a default.

Black Widow Natasha poured a glass of wine for Tianyu and said: "Ronan, you can sit here and stay away from the stingy guy."

After hearing the word stingy guy, Tony rolled his eyes at Natasha.

"Thank you." Tianyu smiled and sat down. Seeing Thor's hammer on the table, he asked knowingly, "What game were you playing just now?"

Black Widow sat next to Tianyu and answered for him, "Thor said that if you can lift his hammer, you will be qualified to rule Asgard."

"Really?" Tianyu smiled and asked, "Thor, can I try it?"

"Of course! As you please!" Thor sat motionless, looking indifferent.

Tianyu stood up, came to the side of Thor's hammer, then held the hammer handle and exerted force. The hammer did not move at all.

Thor couldn't help laughing, "It seems that you are not worthy of it!"

"Thor, your hammer is really amazing." Tianyu praised, and then changed the subject, "But it is too easy to deceive!"

After the voice fell, Tianyu activated the Nine Tribulations Thunder Gang Jue, and the huge thunder force exploded in his body and spread to Thor's hammer.

"Zizi! Zizi!"

Suddenly, all the current in the room converged on the hammer in Tianyu's hand. The originally clear sky outside also began to gather dark clouds, and the sound of rolling thunder was heard.

Everyone's face changed. They knew a little about the power of Thor's hammer. Now Tianyu was holding Thor's hammer and could summon lightning, just like Thor.

"This is impossible!!" Thor was shocked and couldn't help shouting: "Even if you can lift Thor's hammer, no one else can summon thunder except me!"

Tianyu smiled slightly and put the hammer back without much explanation. What is it?

Tony couldn't stand Tianyu's smug look, so he said calmly: "Okay, little boy, if you want to show off your ability, you have already done it. Is there anything else?"

"Really!" Tianyu suddenly put away his smile and made a serious expression: "When I was wandering in the universe, I met a prophet who told me that humans on Earth will encounter a fatal crisis."

Everyone was stunned, and Hawkeye asked: "Did the prophet tell you what the crisis was?"

Tianyu nodded and looked at Tony: "The danger comes from Tony."

"Don't you think your joke is outdated?" Tony said calmly, and others were a little unconvinced.

Tianyu asked: "Tony, do you have an Ultron plan and are creating an artificial intelligence called Ultron?"

After hearing this, Tony's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help but look at Dr. Banner.

He only told Dr. Banner about the Ultron plan, and Dr. Banner is still his assistant now.

Tianyu continued, "Tony, stop immediately, otherwise it will bring great disaster to mankind!"

"Wait, can you tell me what the Ultron plan is first?" asked the captain.

"I want to know too." Black Widow Natasha looked at Tony.

Tony was about to say something, but at this moment, something strange happened.


A high-decibel noise suddenly sounded, making everyone feel uncomfortable, and then a tattered robot came out.

"Disaster?" A low and cold voice came from the tattered robot: "The real disaster is you!"

Although this robot looks tattered, it looks even more hideous.

The blue electronic eyes reveal a breathtaking gaze that is frightening.

After everyone was surprised, their faces were very solemn, only Tianyu looked relaxed. He knew the plot and of course recognized that the robot in front of him was Ultron.

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