After returning to the real world, Tianyu slept until the afternoon of the next day, and then woke up quietly.

After eating a few bites casually, he began to look for news about the mission world on the fourteenth floor of the Tiantai.

For the Earth, it can be said that now it is a race against time, and it must not be wasted. Even if it is one day late, it may lead to a mess.

He still remembers the news that the spirit told him clearly until now.

Because of this news, not only he, but also Lin Xueer, Long Tianjing and others have been constantly entering the mission world.

"It would be great if I could see the spirit again, so that I can ask for the latest news." Tianyu sighed helplessly.

Only one day of rest each time, even if he knows the plot, it is a bit unbearable.

But then he shook his head, put these thoughts out of his mind, took out the information, and found the official strategy.

"The 14th mission world of the Skydeck is "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron!""

"The missions in this mission world are not fixed. After each person enters the mission, the system will issue different missions."

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

"So the editor cannot give targeted suggestions. You need to play your own role. Let me share with you. You guys get information about the mission."

"Avengers 2: Age of Ultron", this mission world is known by its name. The name "Ultron" is the key goal. Generally speaking, after entering the mission, the mission will be issued. In the past, most of them were centered around Ultron, and only a very small number of the Chosen Ones would receive other tasks. "

"So who is Ultron? According to the information provided by the big guys, Ultron is a very, very, very powerful robot created by Iron Man Tony Stark. "

"Iron Man's original intention of creating Ultron was to protect the earth, but it is obvious that the development of things is beyond Iron Man's control. After Ultron was created, not only did he not act according to Iron Man's will, but he also went the other way and wanted to destroy the world's human beings. "

"If your mission conflicts with Ultron, then You must be careful. "

"There are two young people around Ultron, one man and one woman. The man has pinkish-white hair and is very fast, so fast that he may kill you in seconds before you can react."

"The woman is very beautiful and likes to wear a red coat. Her ability is even more weird. She can affect people's thoughts and make you fall into illusions and unable to extricate yourself. She can also control everything to fight. She is very powerful!"

"These two people are very recognizable and should be easy to recognize. If your mission is the Ultron camp, then you must be careful of the Avengers."

"Especially the Hulk and Thor in the Avengers. These two guys are all monsters. Their comprehensive strength has definitely reached the peak of silver. You must be careful when you meet them. "

"Okay, that's all I can introduce to you. Finally, I remind you that if everyone has the same mission, it is recommended that everyone work together, because the enemy is not only the natives, but also the Chosen Ones."

After reading the strategy post released by the official, Tianyu was slightly surprised. He only knew the mission after entering the mission world. This was the first time he encountered such a mission.

But Tianyu was not worried, because he was very familiar with the Marvel movies.

Then he looked in the strategy section to see if there were any other constructive suggestions, but unfortunately, he didn't find any suggestions, but he did find a lot of posts about Wanda.

Wanda Maximoff, nicknamed Scarlet Witch.

Tianyu randomly clicked on a post, and the comments from netizens were simply unbearable to read.

"Damn, this girl named Wanda has such a great body, and her cleavage is even more amazing. It's a pity that the mission doesn't give enough time, otherwise it would be so cool if I could have sex with that girl all night!"

"A fellow, Wanda's headlights are absolutely super, but it's a pity that I don't have time to conquer her!"

"Fuck, a bunch of guys with horny brains, can they take the mission seriously?"

"The idiots above, everyone is just talking nonsense now, do you think they will still have the mind to think about women after entering the mission world?"

Tianyu closed the webpage speechlessly, condemning this bunch of idle and annoying Chosen netizens in his heart, but in his mind, he couldn't help but think of Scarlet Witch.

Those who have watched the Marvel series know that Scarlet Witch is a girl who lacks love. Her parents died when she was young, and she depended on her brother Quicksilver for life. Later, Quicksilver died unfortunately, and Scarlet Witch collapsed and ran away, instantly killing many Ultron robots.

It is actually very simple to capture such a love-starved girl. Just give her a little care.

In the original plot, why did Scarlet Witch get together with Vision? Wasn't it because in Avengers 2, Vision took Scarlet Witch away at the last moment and saved her life?

Tianyu then shook his head and turned off the computer. Tianyu was not interested in capturing Scarlet Witch.

His pursuit was to complete the task, get a super high reward, and become stronger!

Women were never his goal.

The next moment, Tianyu disappeared from the room and came to the summoning space again. Seeing that it was already past six o'clock in the afternoon, Tianyu did not hesitate and went directly to the rooftop and then climbed to the fourteenth floor.

Standing high and looking far, through the sunlight, the scenery of the entire Dragon Country area is almost unobstructed.

The elf appeared out of thin air and came to Tianyu: "Hello, respected Chosen Tianyu, how can I help you?"

"I want to enter the mission world!" Tianyu said.

"The mission world of this level is "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron", are you sure you want to enter now?"


"Okay, please wait." The elf teleported Tianyu to the white preparation room.

In the preparation room, Tianyu also brought his own gun of death with him.

Although he was not afraid when he knew the plot, it is better to be prepared!

In the preparation room, Tianyu roughly recalled the previous news and estimated that there should be fifty or sixty Chosen in this mission.

According to the previous information, there will be so many people in this level every time.

But after thinking about it, Tianyu didn't care. No matter how many Chosen, it would not affect him!

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