Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 342 Top 100 in the World

Half an hour later.

"Thank you for coming to talk with me. I feel much better."

Lin Xueer smiled gently and said softly: "Are you still so polite to me?"

Then she stood up: "Xiaoyu, you should go back and rest early. I will be back soon."


Looking at Lin Xueer's back as she left, Tianyu's eyes were full of admiration.

There is a saying that women are water, which can warm a man's heart. Tianyu is deeply touched now.

Although Lin Xueer looks cold on the outside, she is indeed gentle and considerate when facing herself.

After having Lin Xueer accompany him to talk, his feeling of exhaustion suddenly decreased a lot, and confidence and strength returned to Tianyu again.

But women who can do this are limited to gentle women, and in this era, there are very few such women.

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Most of them are unreasonable and self-centered women. When men marry such women home, they are not relaxed, but tired.

Tianyu did not log off in time. He came to his personal space. As a reward for this mission world, he got two new things, one is a black credit card and the other is a wanted order.

Tianyu took the black credit card first, and the system immediately sent a prompt.

"Special item: black credit card, this is a credit card dedicated to the mission world. When the user enters the mission world with a modern social background, he can use this credit card to make purchases with a limit of 100 million US dollars!"

"Note: This credit card cannot be used in the real world."

Tianyu was slightly stunned after receiving the system's prompt. How can I say this black credit card? It is not very useful, but it is also very useful.

At least he will not have to worry about money next time he enters the mission world with a modern social background.

Putting the black credit card back on the shelf, Tianyu picked up the wanted order again.

The so-called wanted order is not a token-like thing, but a rolled-up paper.

The system prompted: "Consumable items: Summon wanted order!"

"This is a wanted order that records a wanted criminal. Eliminating the wanted criminal can earn extra summon points and immediately gain an ability in the hands of the wanted criminal. How to use: Just remove the seal, which contains the wanted criminal's information."

Tianyu was stunned. He didn't expect that there would be such a thing. Who would this wanted criminal be?

After thinking for a moment, Tianyu put the wanted order back on the shelf and didn't rush to open it.

Then, he took out the gold treasure chest and opened it.

"Congratulations on opening the gold treasure chest and gaining a special ability: Danger Sense."

"Danger Sense: Passive ability, when a threat approaches, you will sense it in advance."

"Note: Threat sense can be strong or weak. When the threat sense is very strong, please avoid it in time. It is a crisis that can threaten your life!"

After hearing the system's prompt, Tianyu's eyes lit up immediately. It is worthy of being a yellow-level treasure chest. Sure enough, good things still have to be opened from the gold treasure chest.

On the surface, this passive ability does not significantly improve his combat effectiveness, but it is very useful!

With this ability, Tianyu's ability to save his life will be improved by at least 70% to 80%, which is very important.

If Tianyu has this passive ability in the "Final Destination" mission world this time, he may not be hit by a nuclear bomb!

Even if he is really hit, he at least has time to prepare and react, and he doesn't have to suffer so much!

"This ability is similar to Spider-Man's spider sense, but it should be stronger than spider sense, very good!"

Tianyu was in a good mood and smiled. Now there are only 55,000 points left to be processed.

After thinking about it, Tianyu exchanged 50,000 points of selection and summoning points for 100 free attribute points, and the remaining 5,000 points were reserved.

Then the 100 attribute points were evenly distributed to his four-dimensional attributes.

Name: Tianyu

Call Number: 1008611

Strength: 255

Speed: 255

Physique: 255

Spirit: 225

Special Skills: Danger Sense (Passive), Shushan Basic Swordsmanship (Mastery), Shushan Sword Controlling (Mastery), Ten Thousand Swords (Mastery), Tathagata Palm (Mastery)

Spiritual Root: Thunder Spiritual Root

Skill: Nine Tribulations Thunder Gang Jue (Master)

Call Points: 5000

Strength Rating: Silver Level 5

This is Tianyu's current attribute panel. Very powerful!!!

Tianyu exited his personal warehouse, and with a thought, he came to the global master rankings. He looked at the list, but his name was still not on it.

The next moment, the Lance of the Killing and the Exorcist appeared in Tianyu's hands. At the same time, there was a change at the end of the rankings. The 99th place was squeezed to the 100th place, and the original 100th place was directly squeezed off the list.

And Tianyu's name successfully made it to the 99th place in the global top 100 master rankings!

Looking at his own name, Tianyu's eyes flashed. He calculated that he was still one step away from the top masters on the list.

You know, this is the list of the top 100 masters in the world, which means that among all the masters in the world, these 100 people are the most powerful.

Everyone who can make the list is a big shot, and even national forces want to win over big shots.

Tianyu exhaled heavily and returned the Lance of the Killing and the Demon-Slaying Sword to his personal space.

As the two items disappeared, his name also fell off the list, and the previous 99th and 100th places were restored to their positions on the list.

Then Tianyu went offline and left the summoning space.

Time went back to one minute ago, in the area of ​​the Ugly Country, three summoners were walking together, seemingly preparing to go to the rooftop and enter the mission world.

"Oh, my god! Look at the 99th place on the master list."

"What? Tianyu? Damn it! This is unbelievable!"

"I know him. He just experienced the mission world of the 13th level of the Ascension Talent. He can become one of the top 100 masters?"

"Oh my god, is this person a devil?"

"Huh? Why did his name disappear again? Did we just see things?"

"Impossible, three people saw things at the same time, are you kidding?"

"What happened just now? There was an error in the selection system?"

The three selectors stared at the global master list, confused.

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