Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 3: You need evidence? I have it.

The transmission process was very simple. In less than a breath, the sound of "didi" began to ring in Tianyu's ears, which was the sound of a car horn.

Immediately afterwards, Tianyu smelled the familiar air, and his vision slowly began to recover. A modern city appeared in his field of vision.

The roads are busy with traffic and people coming and going. There are tall buildings all around

Obviously, this is a bustling, modern city.

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"Selector Tianyu, please note that you have responded to Tang Ren's call and the mission has been released."

"Main mission: clearing the grievances of Tang Ren (0/1)"

"Mission time: seven days."

"Note: The shorter the time, the higher the task completion and the higher the settlement level! You will be forced to exit this world after seven days."

At the same time, the system was not willing to be lonely and also popped up options.

"Choose one, receive the selection space mission, and successfully complete it, you will be rewarded with 5,000 selection points!"

"Option two, beat him to death if he fails to complete the mission in the selection space, and he will be rewarded with 10 free attribute points."

"Option three, complete the mission in the selection space without exposing the person behind the scenes, and you will be rewarded with 2,500 selection points plus 5 free attribute points."

Tianyu was not surprised when he heard the system's mission prompt. He had already guessed it before being summoned.

But the system tasks are a bit interesting!

Publish the mission yourself, and let the recruiting space collect the rewards. It's a complete free-for-all!

And judging from this, there is a difference between reluctantly helping Tang Ren clear his grievances and completely finding out the evaluation!

"In that case, I choose three!" If he doesn't help that little girl, Tianyu will feel uneasy!

After carefully looking at the surrounding environment, I found myself outside a bar. Standing at the door were two strong, burly security guards with serious faces.

At the same time, a tall and beautiful woman was walking anxiously towards the bar.

Tianyu couldn't help but be startled. Isn't this beauty exactly A Xiang from Detective Chinatown?

Just like what we saw in the movie, Axiang is beautiful and beautiful. Many people on the roadside are attracted to her and look at her frequently.

"In the movie, Xiang only enters the bar once!"

Tianyu's eyes lit up and he listened carefully to the faint singing coming from the bar. Then he curled his lips and walked straight towards Axiang.

He directly blocked Axiang's path: "Hello, me."

"I'm very busy!" Axiang rejected Tianyu and wanted to walk past Tianyu quickly.

There were too many people chatting up her on the street, and she was very annoyed, especially at this critical moment.

But Tianyu took another step to the side, stopped in front of her again, and smiled slightly: "If you want to save Tang Ren and Qin Feng, I think it would be better if you take me with you. I can help you save him!"

Axiang's face changed slightly and she stared at Tianyu: "Who are you? How do you know what I am going to do!"

"My name is Tianyu, and I'm a detective. To be precise, Tang Ren asked me to help, but I can't get in." Tianyu pointed to the two security guards at the door of the bar.

"How can I trust you? What if you are Tang Ren's enemy and want to kill Tang Ren!" Axiang was very cautious.

Tianyu smiled at Axiang and said word by word: "Maybe you should believe me more. After all, no one would tell lies that are so easy to expose, right?"

Hearing this, Axiang couldn't help but fold her hands on her chest, and looked at Tianyu up and down several times with her beautiful eyes.

"Okay, I'll take you with me, but you'd better make sure what you say is true."

"Mr. Yan is a big shot here who wants to give face to both black and white, so naturally I won't lie."

Tianyu immediately got out of the way and tilted his head in a please gesture.

Axiang raised her feet and moved forward. The two security guards standing at the door of the bar saw Axiang and did not stop her.

But just as they were about to reach out and stop Tianyu, Axiang said: "He is my friend."

The two security guards immediately retreated, and Fang Tianyu also passed by.

As soon as he walked into the bar, Tianyu saw Tang Ren 'dancing' with Mr. Yan on the stage in front of the bar.

At this moment, Tang Ren panicked and confessed the information he knew, "The people who stole the gold were the dead Songpa, Huang Langdon's assistant Tony, a northerner, a Yue countryman, and a man named King Kong."

Mr. Yan took the microphone and looked at Tang Ren condescendingly, "How do I know what you say is true?"

Tang Ren quickly reached out and pointed at Qin Feng in the audience, "He can prove it."

Qin Feng also nodded quickly: "I can prove it!"

Mr. Yan's dance movements immediately froze. He slowly brought the microphone to his mouth, his eyes gradually becoming colder, "Are you kidding me?"

Seeing this scene, Axiang quickly stepped forward and wanted to say that she could prove it.

But just as the words came to her lips, Tianyu spoke first and stole her line: "I can also prove it!"

Immediately, Mr. Yan and his fierce subordinates all turned their attention.

"Who are you!" Mr. Yan asked slowly, his eyes getting darker and darker.

When Tang Ren saw Tianyu, he jumped up in surprise and ran over to hug Tianyu's shoulders. "This is my brother, who came specially to help me solve the case!"

Tianyu secretly thought that he was lucky. Fortunately, Tang Ren knew that he had summoned him. Otherwise, if Axiang found out that he had lied to her, he would have been fed to the crocodiles by Mr. Yan!

Tianyu nodded and took over the conversation unceremoniously: "Mr. Yan, after my investigation, I found that the real gold thieves are the five people Tang Ren mentioned!"

"You're joking too, aren't you?"

Mr. Yan's face was still gloomy, and he obviously didn't believe what Tianyu said.

Ah Xiang was anxious and was about to say that she could prove it.

But at this moment, Tianyu interrupted again and said, "It's normal for Mr. Yan not to believe me. You always need evidence when doing things. I wonder if Mr. Yan wants to see it?"

In an instant, Tianyu felt as if he was stared at by a beast, and his life and death depended on the beast's thought.

This beast was naturally Mr. Yan.

After a long time, Mr. Yan picked up the microphone and said in his weird voice: "Then I will give you a chance, I hope you won't let me down."

"Pa pa!"

Tianyu applauded, "Since Mr. Yan believes in me, I will give you a reward. The gold is in the Buddha statue of Songpa Gongfang, and Mr. Yan can send someone to get it at any time."

"But before that, I hope Mr. Yan will send someone to invite Tony, Huang Landeng's assistant."

"Okay, if you can't get the gold, you three will feed the crocodiles together." Mr. Yan said while holding the microphone and looking at the song request table without raising his head.

Soon, two groups of people under Mr. Yan set out at the same time, going to Songpa Workshop and the police station respectively.

Tianyu sat down leisurely and ate the food on the table without hesitation. He only had a pack of instant noodles for dinner and was a little hungry.

Tang Ren didn't have such a good mentality, and he came over with clumsy hands and feet, "Brother, are you sure?"

"Don't worry, I'm here to clear your grievances." Tianyu waved at him.

"How do you know where the gold is?" Qin Feng looked at Tianyu with some doubts.

He had been to Songpa Workshop and didn't see any problem with the Buddha statue.

Thinking that the evaluation was related to Tang Ren, Tianyu put down the food in his hand and explained.

"There is only one truth! When I went to Songpa Workshop, I saw that the Buddha statue had a small piece missing from the corner of the left eye, and there was gold inside. Do you understand?"

Qin Feng's memory is very strong. What he sees is like a camera shot, and he can remember it without omission.

After hearing Tianyu's explanation, Qin Feng closed his eyes and began to recall, "I know! Your observation is amazing!"

"At that time, I also saw it, but I failed to capture the key information. You are simply a natural detective, better than me!" Qin Feng sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Mr. Yan's brothers all looked at Tianyu with strange eyes. This is our territory. You are just prisoners. Are you so casual?

On the contrary, Mr. Yan's eyes were full of admiration. This young man is calm, calm, and confident. He is a man who can do great things!

Even though his subordinates have not sent back the news, Mr. Yan has believed what Tianyu said.

Later, Mr. Yan received two calls in succession. He put down his phone and looked at Tianyu with admiration, "The gold was found, but Tony ran away. Do you want me to catch him back?"

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