After returning home, there was no one at home.

This body originally had a happy family. When he was sixteen years old, his parents were summoned and could not come back.

In the days that followed, he endured two years alone, and finally couldn't hold on and helped Tianyu.

He casually made himself a bowl of noodles, and after eating, he couldn't wait to enter the selected space.

The selected space is open all day, and you can enter and exit at any time.

The method to enter the selected space is very simple!

From the moment the selected space appeared, a circular chaos pattern appeared on the inner test of the right wrist of all human beings in the world.

And this chaos pattern is the door to enter the selected space.

Just press this chaos pattern and silently say enter the selected space in your heart, and you can enter it.

Tianyu pressed the chaos pattern and silently said enter in his heart.

A red light flashed, and his figure disappeared in the room.

When Tianyu regained his sight again, he found himself in a square.

The square was very large, and there was no end in sight.

At this moment, there were many people coming and going in the square, and people were constantly being teleported in and out by the red light.

The surroundings were filled with hawking and shouting, and it looked very lively.

At the same time, a high-tech holographic projection attribute panel appeared in front of Tianyu.

Name: Tianyu

Summoning number: 1008611

Strength: 7

Speed: 8

Constitution: 7

Spirit: 11

Allocable attribute points: 0

Skills: Driving (skilled), Acting (entry level), Cooking (skilled).

Special skills: None

Fighting skills: None

Points: 0

Strength rating: Mortal (not yet summoned)

After reading his attribute panel, Tianyu was completely confused, especially the words "not yet summoned", which were particularly eye-catching.

After seeing these words, Tianyu finally knew how the original owner died.

The original owner entered the summoning space after reaching the age and created a character. Because of his parents' experience, he did not dare to be summoned, and he was unwilling to give up, and finally died of exhaustion.

The four-dimensional attributes of normal people are all around ten points, but the original owner is so much worse. It is normal for a weak body to die of anxiety.

Including the name "Tianyu" and his current outfit, all are inherited from the original owner.

In order to hide his identity, the original owner chose a wide black robe and a gilded wing mask on his face, which looked pretty good.

Tianyu quite agrees with the original owner's choice of this image.

The summoning space is not a peaceful place where everyone is happy. Everyone is a competitor.

Sometimes when summoned by two hostile people in the same world, the summoners will fight to the death, and offending people is even more common. Hiding your identity is beneficial to your own safety.

What really makes him dissatisfied is that the original owner doesn't even have a decent skill. Driving, acting, cooking, which one is useful for being summoned?

Do you expect others to summon you to cook?

Even if you really encounter such a weirdo, the cooking skills at the skilled level are not enough!

In memory, my parents told the original owner that the skill level is divided into five levels: entry, skilled, proficient, master and grandmaster. The first time you summon the space, you will scan and enter it, and then you can only improve it through the summoning space.

But after knowing the inside story, this useless person did not take the initiative to practice. He had to get it in the Summoning Space!

These can be forgiven. After all, it is not easy for a teenager to survive alone, and the requirements cannot be too high.

What does this name mean? ? ? Afraid of not dying fast enough? ? ?

Tianyu, who was angry, flipped through the memories of the original owner and found out the answer.

Because every time a high evaluation is obtained in the Summoning Space, it will be broadcasted by everyone, and the original owner hopes that his parents can hear it.

Such a reason made Tianyu speechless, but he was not too disappointed. At most, it would increase the difficulty a little, which is nothing!

Moreover, being summoned in the secular area are all worlds without life danger. If you fail, it is just a deduction of attributes.

Of course, the rewards obtained after passing are also pitiful.

And in the Summoning Space, each person has only one chance to be summoned per month.

These restrictions directly show that it is impossible to become a strong person in the secular area.

What can really make people become strong quickly is the Sky Platform in the Extraordinary Area! ! !

No one knows how many floors there are on the Sky Terrace, because among the information released, humans have only reached the 51st floor at most.

Each step of the Sky Terrace represents a summoning world of varying difficulty. Not only are there dangers at every step, but after the mission fails, you will be wiped out by the selected space!

And if you die in the selected world, you will also die in reality! So even if the rewards are extremely rich, not many people are willing to go to the Sky Terrace.

Tianyu turned his head and looked at the extraordinary area. In the center of the extraordinary area, there was a white jade staircase, one end was flat on the ground, and the other end was so high that it was not clear.

No matter what means humans used, no one had seen what was on the stairs, nor did they know how high the stairs were.

But there was a rumor that everyone knew, that is, as long as you climbed to the top of the Sky Terrace, you could enter the legendary South Gate of Heaven.

This rumor was widely recognized, because those who came back alive from the Sky Terrace would become stronger.

After a moment, Tianyu retracted his gaze.

Although he couldn't wait to go to the Sky Terrace to try his luck, people who had not experienced the mundane area could not enter the extraordinary area.

Besides, he had just arrived, so even if he knew the plot, he had to be more cautious, otherwise it would not be worth dying in the extraordinary area.

When he came to the selection platform, Tianyu found that there were many people here, and everyone was very quiet.

After boarding the selection platform, he was ready. After two minutes, he would receive multiple high-difficulty random summoning options.

And the selectors could choose their favorite options from these summoning options.

Tianyu already knew the process, and found a place to stand quietly for two minutes, and a virtual projection screen appeared in front of him.

Many names familiar to Tianyu appeared on the screen: Wang Duoyu's summoning in "The Richest Tomato", Zeng Xiaoxian's summoning in "Love Apartment", Charlotte's summoning in "Charlotte's Troubles", and Tang Ren's summoning in "Detective Chinatown"

When Tianyu saw these names, his eyes flashed.

According to Tianyu's guess, Wang Duoyu's summoning in "The Richest Tomato" was either to help him complete the task of spending 1 billion yuan; or to complete the big task of his second grandfather's test.

The others should be similar, basically they are about solving the difficulties when encountering difficulties in the plot.

This is too simple for Tianyu who knows the plot.

Among them, the one that makes Tianyu most excited is the summoning of Tang Ren in "Detective Chinatown".

Compared with other summoning, this is the most difficult, after all, there will be a little danger, and the reward should be higher.

Most of the other summonings are trivial matters, and the rewards are very low.

So Tianyu directly chose "Detective Chinatown"!

"Hello, Tianyu, are you sure you choose to respond to the summoning of Tang Ren in "Detective Chinatown"? "


As soon as the words fell, the summoning platform under Tianyu's feet dissipated like water splashes, and in a blink of an eye, the surrounding scenery completely changed.

This is a cramped white room with only a life-size mirror in it, and nothing else.

Just as Tianyu was observing the room, the reminder of the summoning space sounded in his ears.

"Dear Summoner, please note that you have five minutes to prepare. The transmission will start in five minutes."

"Prepare? I have nothing. What can I prepare?" Tianyu pinched his chin, feeling helpless.

Only those who have experienced the Summoning Space many times and received rewards have good things. Newcomers like me have nothing at all!

Five minutes later, the Summoning Space prompt sounded in the room.

"Begin the transmission countdown: 10, 9, 8, 73, 2, 1!"

The countdown ends!


The white room in front of him suddenly disappeared, and Tianyu was wrapped in a ball of red light and teleported out of the preparation room.

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