Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 113 Drawing Talismans

After finishing the meal, Lin Xueer was the first to leave the selection space. After Tianyu paid the bill, he began to improve his skill proficiency.

The first is to use Qi to control the sword. This is a skill that requires internal force to activate, so I just gave up and couldn't continue to use it.

Although the Fengshen Kick is claimed to be a technique from the low fantasy world, it also relies on internal strength, so it is also abandoned.

In this way, only the Sixth Form of the Navy and Ice Raid, as well as Maoshan Taoism and basic sword techniques are left.

Both Marine Form 6 and Ice Assault rely on the physical body to be used, so Tianyu can continue to use them.

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Maoshan Taoism requires mana, which can be said to be a professional skill, so it should be retained.

Not to mention basic sword skills, all basic skills are available to all professions and are naturally retained.

There is no need to continue to improve the basic swordsmanship at the master level. The next step is to improve the Maoshan Taoism and the Sixth Naval Style.

The limitations of Maoshan's Taoism are too great. It is only very sharp against ghosts and zombies, and has a mediocre effect on humans, so it is just right to use the Sixth Form of the Navy to make up for it.

Just do it if you want to, Tianyu directly starts spending the selection points to improve his proficiency.

A total of 50,000 points were spent to upgrade the Sixth Form of the Navy to the master level and the Maoshan Taoist Technique to the proficient level.

After thinking about it, Tianyu directly put the skill improvement card he had obtained before on top of the Sixth Form of the Navy.

Skill levels are divided into entry, proficiency, proficiency, master and grandmaster. Now all the six naval styles are at the master level, and the skill improvement card is instantly perfected after use.

Nowadays, Tianyu's skill panel has been greatly changed, and it can be said to be very luxurious.

Name: Tianyu

Selection number: 1008611

Strength: 145

Speed: 145

Constitution: 145

Spirit: 145

Allocable attribute points: 0

Skills: driving (skilled), acting (beginner), cooking (skilled).

Special skills: Extreme Cold Assault (Mastery), Maoshan Taoist Technique (Proficient), Navy Six Styles (Grandmaster), Basic Sword Technique (Grandmaster)

Spiritual Root: Thunder-type Heavenly Spiritual Root

Kung Fu: Three Yang Fierce Fire Jue (Cultivation)

Selection points: 5000

Strength evaluation: Bronze level four

Although the skills have been reduced a lot, the actual combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

And no matter what world he enters in the future, Tianyu will enter with mana, and his skills will always be available.

Because of the existence of the martial arts, he is equivalent to changing his profession, so he will not convert the energy in his body into internal force just because he enters the world of martial arts. It can be said to be done once and for all!

Tianyu didn't intend to keep the remaining five thousand selection points, so he went out and bought various cinnabar, talisman paper, writing brushes, etc., preparing some talismans for himself for self-defense.

Soon, the five thousand selection points on his body disappeared like running water, and were replaced by a complete set of talisman items.

After doing this, Tianyu returned to the real world directly with his things. He had no intention of drawing them in the selection space.

When he returned to his room, Lin Xueer was already waiting for him in the room.

The two chatted for a few words, and then got down to business. Lin Xueer took out a book of information about enchanting people.

Yaorao joined the extraordinary group three years ago, which was when the extraordinary group reached its peak because of Tianxing.

In the past three years, although Yaorao was not active enough, he often wandered around the extraordinary building.

Almost everything about Yaorao is clearly written on it. It can be said that she is the most perfect member of the extraordinary group.

But her performance was so perfect, with no flaws at all. This was the strangest thing.

People who behave perfectly like this disappear for a period of time every year, which makes people suspicious.

"What do you think?" Tianyu put down the information and asked Lin Xueer.

Following the prompts from the god-level selection system, he had determined that Yaorao was an undercover agent of the Alliance of Light, but he did not have any evidence.

So Tianyu had to look at the attitude of the extraordinary group. If the extraordinary group didn't believe it, he wouldn't be able to take action against Yaorao.

"The enchanting information is perfect, but because it is too perfect, it arouses the suspicion of the team leader!"

Lin Xueer flipped the hair beside her ears and continued: "To be honest, even the team leader and I did not perform so perfectly. There are many hidden parts in the information! Including you, so we I can’t believe there is such a perfect person.”

"Then I can take action at will?"

This was related to Tianyu's mission, so he couldn't help but take it seriously.

"No, although the top management has suspicions, they cannot directly take action in the extraordinary group without evidence!"

"I understand, please arrange for a few people to follow me. They must be people with strong shadow hiding abilities."

Tianyu nodded, indicating that he completely understood what Lin Xueer meant.

You can't take action directly in the extraordinary group without evidence. Does that mean you can do it outside the extraordinary group?

And the key point is that there is no evidence, so you want me to be the bait to expose the other party’s flaws?

This matter is not difficult for Tianyu. The god-level selection system has already made it clear that the other party is going to poison! ! !

When the time comes and there are witnesses and evidence, even the enchanting wings cannot escape!

"I will also follow you personally, but you have to be careful. Although Yaorao is not very strong, he is still the chosen one to reach the fourteenth floor of the rooftop. His strength should not be underestimated."

Looking at Lin Xueer's serious expression, Tianyu stretched out his hand and pinched her delicate nose bridge.

A big man on the 40th floor of the Tiantai actually said that the strength of a 14th-floor summoner should not be underestimated?

Lin Xueer didn't react for a while, staring at Tianyu blankly, and then her face turned red quickly.

"Ahem, mistake, mistake!"

Tianyu coughed awkwardly a few times, and reluctantly took his right hand off.

Seeing the pity in Tianyu's eyes, Lin Xueer's face became even redder, and she said "Call me when you take action", then pretended to be calm and returned to her room.

Don't look at her like an iceberg beauty at ordinary times, but that's just because she can't get along with others.

Lin Xueer was abandoned when she was born, and later raised by Tianxing and Han Yanrou. She dared to say that she had never been so close to a man since she was born! ! !

After Tianxing and Han Yanrou disappeared, she rushed to the Tiantai regardless of everything, so her strength was so strong.

After the tenth level of the Tiantai, the one-month interval became a year, so Yaorao took three years to reach the fourteenth level.

Lin Xueer only took two years, and now she is at the fortieth level, which shows how hard she works...

In this situation, let alone falling in love, she has never even had contact with a man.

Now that she has encountered Tianyu's sudden attack, it would be strange if she is not shy.

After watching Lin Xueer leave, Tianyu prepared all the things for drawing talismans to add some trump cards for himself.

Putting out the cinnabar talisman paper and holding the wolf hair brush in hand, Tianyu began to choose the type of talisman.

Because of the proficiency of Maoshan Taoism, difficult talismans cannot be drawn now, but others can be drawn.

"In the future, I will face Yaorao's poisoning, so I'd better draw a few protective talismans!"

Having made up his mind, Tianyu swung his right hand and began to draw talismans. The process was done in one go without any pause in the middle.

When drawing a talisman, it must be completed in one stroke. If there is any pause in the middle, it means failure.

Tianyu was drawing the Six Ding and Six Jia Bodyguard Spell. As he was drawing, he silently chanted:

"Ding Chou prolongs my life, Ding Hai restrains my soul.

Ding You controls my spirit, Ding Wei wards off my disaster.

Ding Si saves me from danger, Ding Mao saves me from disaster.

Jia Zi protects my body, Jia Xu protects my form.

Jia Shen consolidates my life, Jia Wu protects my soul.

Jia Chen calms my spirit, Jia Yin nurtures my truth.

Hurry up as ordered!"

After a while, Tianyu threw away the pen and ink, and a Six Ding and Six Jia Bodyguard Spell was completed, lying quietly on the table.

Take it up and sense it to confirm that there is magic power in it, Tianyu knows that he has succeeded.

"My strength is still too weak, and the consumption of drawing talismans is a bit high. I will draw a few first as a backup, and then rest." Tianyu began to continue drawing talismans.

An hour later, Tianyu finished drawing talismans and obtained a total of two Six Ding and Six Jia Bodyguard Spells, two Tianshi Bodyguard Spells, and three Five Thunder Spells!

The defensive Six Ding and Six Jia amulets can prevent all damage, and the Tianshi amulet is specifically for ghosts.

The Five Thunders amulet is an offensive amulet that can summon a Yang Five Thunders, which has extremely high damage to ghosts.

Of course, for living beings, thunder is also full of lethality, but it is not as restrained as ghosts.

After putting away these amulets, Tianyu fell into a dream peacefully.

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