Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 112 Cultivation Technique

After returning to the summoning space, Tianyu began to check his gains.

As before, the first SSS-level super god evaluation of the mission copy was rewarded with a gold treasure chest.

This was not the first time he opened it, and Tianyu was not excited. After opening it, he got a skill upgrade card. Although there was no new skill, it was still pretty good.

The second reward was the summoning points. Although it was not a lot for Tianyu, it was an astronomical figure for others, a full 50,000 summoning points.

In addition, the choice of the god-level selection system allowed him to convert all his internal strength cultivation in the world of "The Return of the Condor Heroes" into points, which was not much, only 40,000.

In response, Tianyu directly opened the familiar panel and began to improve his strength.

Name: Tianyu


Selection number: 1008611

Strength: 125

Speed: 120

Physique: 125

Spirit: 120

Distributable attribute points: 0

Skills: Driving (proficient), Acting (entry level), Cooking (proficient).

Special skills: Extreme cold assault (proficient), Driving the sword with Qi (proficient), Maoshan Taoism (entry level), Wind God Leg (proficient), Navy Six Styles (proficient), Basic swordsmanship (grandmaster)

Spiritual root: Thunder spirit root

Selection points: 100,000

Strength evaluation: Bronze level 2

It can be seen that because of swallowing the inner elixir of the python, Tianyu's strength and physique have all increased by five points. Although not much, it is better than nothing.

The selection points have skyrocketed all of a sudden, a full 100,000 points, which is simply scary.

For these points, Tianyu had already planned and started to spend them directly.

First, he took out 45,000 points and exchanged them for 90 free attribute points, and increased all four-dimensional attributes to 145 points, and his strength grew to Bronze IV!

Although he could still make his strength stronger, his skill level could not keep up, and his combat power at the same level was too weak.

So Tianyu planned to use the remaining 55,000 points to improve his skill level.

But at this time, Tianyu received a communication video. When he saw that it was Lin Xueer, he answered it directly.

"Sister Xueer, is there anything?" Tianyu was a little confused. He would see her when he went out later. She came in to communicate specially, so there must be something.

Lin Xueer didn't say anything nonsense and said directly: "Team Leader Long has obtained a cultivation method. We don't have many people who can use it. Come and take it away."

Hearing this, Tianyu was immediately happy, but also moved.

The cultivation method of the immortal system, even if it is low-level, is definitely worth a lot of money in the selection space. How could it be useless?

Just like the job transfer in the game, Xiuxian represents a hidden high-level profession, and its value is naturally not bad.

Moreover, the task world of Xiuxian is generally of a higher level, which is not accessible to newcomers at all, which is why Tianyu has only relied on his physical body to fight until now.

"Okay, I'll be there soon." Tianyu did not hesitate, and he was not embarrassed.

Let's not talk about the task strategy given before. At most, every time the SSS-level super god evaluation is given in the future, a task strategy will be given to the supernormal group. The favor can be repaid in any way.

"Longhua Restaurant!" After Long Xueer said the address, she hung up the call directly.

Tianyu temporarily put aside the matter of improving the task proficiency and went to Longhua Restaurant to find Lin Xueer first.

After obtaining the cultivation technique, Tianyu completed the job transfer, and then he still needed the matching skills, so the points should be said after obtaining the technique.

In a few minutes, Tianyu came to Longhua Restaurant.

This restaurant was built by the supernormal group just to have a base in the selection space, open to the entire Dragon Country.

Longhua Restaurant adopts the ancient architectural style. Although it is not magnificent from a distance, it is antique.

Although it is four stories high, it does not feel out of place at all, but is pleasing to the eye.

"Sir, please come this way."

As soon as he entered Longhua Restaurant, a waitress with delicate appearance led the way. It was obvious that Lin Xueer had already explained it.

Tianyu nodded and followed the girl to the third floor of Longhua Restaurant and entered a private room called Lotus Pavilion.

After seeing the private room, Tianyu immediately thought of the fact that he was once called to the restaurant by Lin Xueer for dinner, but the other party ran away without paying the bill. He couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Shaking his head with a smile, Tianyu walked into the Lotus Pavilion, and the girl left consciously.

After Tianyu entered the Lotus Pavilion, some people in the lobby on the first floor left with the news of Tianyu's arrival.

For these people, the extraordinary group still knew more or less, but they were too lazy to care. Anyway, they couldn't take action in the selection space, and they couldn't threaten Tianyu.

"Here, this is the cultivation method, but it's very low-level!" Lin Xueer looked up at Tianyu, threw a book to him, and continued to eat the food elegantly.

The originally delicate mouth was stuffed with food, looking like a hamster, very cute.

"Three Yang Fiery Art", a very ordinary cultivation method, is a street stall product in the world of immortals.

And because it is a fire attribute, it is not very friendly to Tianyu's thunder spirit root, but fortunately it can still be cultivated, it's just not suitable.

But for the selection space, this is already precious, because things in the mission world generally cannot be brought out.

Just like Tianyu, unless he is rewarded by the God-level Selection System, he can't bring it out.

So these things are not some kind of reward, but because they are very special, they can be brought out.

And even at a low level, it is enough for Tianyu, anyway, it just makes him generate mana.

When I reach a higher level in the future, I will go to the fairy world to get it. With the God-level Selection System, it is much easier than others, and I can choose it myself.

Without much hesitation, Tianyu directly picked up the "Three Yang Fiery Art" and slapped it.

"Learning the "Three Yang Fiery Art" requires 120 points of mental power. Tianyu, the summoner, meets the conditions. Do you want to learn it?"

Seeing that he still needs to learn the conditions, Tianyu secretly said that he was lucky. Fortunately, this skill is a street stall product, otherwise he really can't learn it.


After confirming, the book in his hand disappeared directly, and the tyrannical power on Tianyu's body began to transform into the corresponding mana.

In this way, Tianyu can use things like Maoshan Taoism at will, even in the real world.

Unlike the previous world of The Return of the Condor Heroes, because there was only internal force, even if there were skills, they could not be used.

After a while, Tianyu felt that there was energy in his body, flowing along a certain route. Although it was similar to internal force, it was gentle and powerful.

Tianyu was very familiar with this feeling, and he had experienced it before, but now his magic power was stronger.

"Finally, I have magic power. I don't have to use my physical strength to get through any world I go to like before."

Tianyu almost moved himself to tears. Who would have thought how difficult his life was before?

In the mission world of The Smiling Proud Wanderer and the mission world of The Return of the Condor Heroes, if the mission issuer had not chosen to host the body, he could only use his physical body to get through.

These two are okay, but the other worlds are even worse, all relying on the physical body.

That is to say, the current mission world is relatively low-level. If it continues like this, if he encounters flying enemies in the future, he will be a green giant running on the ground and can only be kited to death!

Now I finally don't have this worry. With the mana, I can learn many skills in the future!

The only pity is that the technique is not suitable. Although I can learn it because of my thunder spirit root, the bonus is gone.

When I have a chance in the future, I still have to switch back to the thunder technique. The skill power will be at least doubled.

"Next, I will mainly learn thunder skills. Although there is no gain in the short term, it is the most suitable in the long run!" Tianyu made a choice in his mind.

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