Li Xuan also lowered his head and looked at the ring.

To Li Xuan's surprise, the ring was covered in black on the **** pot.

So looking at it from the perspective of God will be affected, which is why Li Xuan didn't find it before.

"This is what my mother left me, a storage ring, which contains the things you need, Lord Leopard." Ah'Dai smiled and looked at Li Xuan sincerely.

"Is it the essence of light?"

Li Xuan looked at the pale Ah'Dai, and his impression of this stunned Master was greatly changed.

Not because he took out good things, but because of his firm self-harm just now.

"No, it's not the essence of light, but a fruit."

Ah'Dai slowly took out the ring, and in an instant, the ring glowed with light, and then something appeared in front of Li Xuan.

It was a fruit that exuded a divine breath, and a faint holy light shone around the fruit, as sacred as a fetish.

The moment he looked at this fruit, Li Xuan's heart jumped wildly, and his eyes widened involuntarily.

Because this thing is very similar to the fruit that Qin Yue picked up, except for the different attributes.

And the fruit of Qin Yue gave Li Xuan an extraordinary power and a terrifying trump card.

Now that this light-type fruit appeared, Li Xuan instantly realized that if he ate it, he would probably gain an extraordinary ability.

Taking out such a precious thing made Li Xuan completely uneasy. He instinctively stretched out his claws and plucked at the fruit, and said solemnly.

"Are you sure you will give it to me? Do you know its value?"

"Yes, my mother told me, but I'm willing to give it to you." Ah'Dai said seriously, still so sincere.

"Okay, I'll accept it as welcome."

Li Xuan immediately put the fruit of light in his portable space, and then he was relieved.

Of course, he still doesn't have the ability of the Great Perfection, and it seems that it must be the ability of the light type, so he can't take it for the time being.

But these are not problems. With his self-destruction, Li Xuan will gain many extraordinary abilities in the future, so he is grateful.

"Dai, this fruit of light is of great value. Feel free to mention what you want, and I will do my best to help you."


Ah'Dai stammered and didn't know what to say. At this time, when he saw the dozens of moisturizing pills in the box next to him, he hurriedly said.

"Can you give me twenty moisturizing pills?"

"Twenty moisturizing pills? Your fruit of light is extremely valuable. Even if you are given 10,000 moisturizing pills, it is not enough. Why do you want twenty?" Li Xuan wondered.

"Because the **** pot can still be used nineteen times, plus the one just now, it's twenty times, and after twenty uses, it will dissipate." Ah'Dai said based on his deep feeling.


Li Xuan glanced at the **** pot and couldn't see anything for the time being, but with Ah'Dai's character, he wouldn't lie.

So Li Xuan said: "I can give you twenty moisturizing pills, but I owe you a lot of favor. In the future, I will do my best to help you and repay the favor."

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he handed the twenty pills to Ah Dai.

The value of these medicinal pills is almost negligible compared to the fruit of light, but there is a contract between them, which can be repaid one day in the future.

"Thank you, Mr. Leopard."

Ah'Dai didn't think so much. He only thought that Li Xuan was the most trusted Lord Leopard and was willing to give all his good things to Lord Leopard.

Even after he got the medicine pill, he thanked Li Xuan in return.

"You're welcome, handle these medicinal pills according to your wishes." Li Xuan looked at the **** pot and said.


Ah'Dai took a deep breath. First, he picked up a moisturizing pill and started taking it. Soon his strength improved, reaching the level of ordinary Great Perfection.

After his strength improved, Ah Dai put the remaining nineteen medicinal pills into the **** pot and chose to wait silently.

Soon the **** pot began to flash with black light, and nineteen ordinary moisturizing pills advanced in the black light to become blood moisturizing pills.

At the same time, the **** pot slowly dissolved and completely dissipated between heaven and earth, leaving only nineteen medicinal pills.

"What exactly is this?"

Looking at this scene, Li Xuan really couldn't figure out what the **** pot was, so he looked at Ah'Dai.

"I don't know either. I act according to my inner feelings." Ah'Dai scratched his head blankly.

"That's it."

Li Xuan nodded, inexplicably thinking of the birthmark on Qin Yue's cheek.

Every time Qin Yue's birthmark works, it will become smaller. It is very similar to the **** pot. They are both consumables. It seems that the two have something in common.

"Master Leopard, I'm going to give these medicinal pills to the patriarch. You can call me anytime you have orders." Ah'Dai said respectfully.

"Go ahead, you can only take one bloodline moisturizing pill per person, too much will be ineffective." Li Xuan warned.

"Good leopard."


Following Ah Dai's departure, Li Xuan threw the remaining moisturizing pills into the auction house, and then thought about the **** pot and birthmarks.

He always felt that the two belonged to the same category, but he didn't know what it was.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much, let's take a look at that fruit of light. This is a good thing that can improve the ability of the light system to an extraordinary level."

Li Xuan muttered happily, and carefully took out the fruit again, feeling the power radiated by the fruit, Li Xuan was full of surprises.



in the big tent.

The Zhao family was waiting in the tent, looking at the tent door expectantly and apprehensively. At the same time, they were happy that the patriarch reached the bronze level.


The tent was opened, and the stupid Ah'Dai walked in with a pile of medicinal pills and smiled stupidly.

"Patriarch, this is what Master Leopard asked me to bring. There are nineteen in total. Master Leopard said that one person can only eat one, and eating too much will have no effect."

Ah'Dai handed over the nineteen medicinal pills, and didn't mean to take credit for himself. Instead, he attributed the credit to Li Xuan.

"It's that kind of medicine pill. It's good, good, good. It's a good thing that can create nineteen bronze-level masters."

The Zhao family looked at the familiar medicinal pills, and they were all overjoyed. They all showed crazy smiles.

You must know that the elders of the clan have been stuck in the Great Consummation of Black Iron for many years, and they should have broken through long ago. Unfortunately, there is not enough spiritual power to break through.

Now that with this medicinal pill, the elders finally saw hope, so they immediately looked at the patriarch and looked at him expectantly.

"We are in the moment of escape, and every increase in strength can increase a point in safety.

Therefore, anyone who has reached the Great Perfection of Black Iron can take an elixir. "The patriarch said solemnly.

"Many thanks to the patriarch, thanks to the patriarch, hahaha, I'm finally going to advance to the bronze level."

The fifth elder jumped three feet high happily, laughed excitedly, hugged his summoned beast and kissed him fiercely.

The rest of the clan are also very Because all the black iron Dzogchen in the clan have taken the pills, there will still be pills left.

And these medicinal pills will also become opportunities for the clansmen to make breakthroughs in the future, and everyone is naturally very happy.

Of course, Ah'Dai's credit is not small, so everyone unanimously decided that one of them must be reserved for Ah'Dai, and whoever reaches the Great Perfection of Black Iron first, whoever takes the rest, will take it.

After the decision was made, the Zhao family immediately took the medicine pill and began to officially transform.

the other side.

Under the crooked neck tree a few miles away.

The five men in black lying in the grass were completely tired of waiting, and decided not to wait any longer.

"There are too many bugs here. They just bite my **** and make me mad." The deputy captain covered his **** angrily.

"Captain, let's go directly to kill the Zhao family, we are five bronze rank, even if we attack directly, we can win.

The only thing to pay attention to is the white leopard. As long as the white leopard is imprisoned, we will win. " said the thin monkey in charge of the investigation.

"Yes, Captain, the Zhao family stopped and walked, not knowing what they were doing, and that stupid white leopard, who actually cooks by himself, is really sick."

"Doesn't this leopard like to cook? When it is imprisoned, we will cook it and make it into rice. I have never eaten leopard meat."

Several men in black were waiting anxiously, and they all wanted to attack them head on.

"Okay, but you have to find the leopard first and imprison it as soon as possible. As long as the leopard is imprisoned, everything will be stable." The captain thought for a while.

"Captain, don't worry, the white leopard is in the carriage, and I will keep it locked." Thin Monkey investigates confidently.

"Okay, let's go. Today, we not only have to **** the exotic treasure, but also taste the taste of leopard meat."



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