
When everyone in the Zhao family heard this, they were all at a loss, not understanding why.

You must know that now is the time to escape, and it is unwise to stop frequently.

But the Zhao family didn't question Li Xuan's words at all, they all chose to obey and quickly set up their tents.

"Dai, you can't take this medicine pill, the effect is too strong, go and call your patriarch."

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he jumped out of the carriage and walked directly to the tent he had set up. He wanted to see how strong the effect of Blood Moisturizing Dan was, so he could make some arrangements.


The patriarch and several elders, as well as a few well-known juniors, quickly came to the tent and looked at Li Xuan blankly.

"Master Leopard, what are your orders?" The patriarch said respectfully, without any disrespect.

"Eat it."

Li Xuan directly threw the Bloodline Runze Dan over, and closed his eyes to observe from God's perspective.


The patriarch looked at the medicinal pill of unknown origin, and was not afraid that it was poisonous, so he swallowed it directly.

A few elders around and a few well-positioned juniors watched in the tent, guessing what was going on.


The dull voice suddenly sounded, the strong breath rippling in all directions, and the coercion unique to the bronze level enveloped the entire tent.

"This is... Bronze level? The patriarch actually broke through? How is it possible?"

The fifth elder stood up in horror, looked at the patriarch in disbelief, and felt the suppressed aura, the fifth elder was completely restless.

You must know that although the soul of the patriarch has reached the bronze level, it is already difficult to break through because of the heavy damage to his body.

But now, the patriarch has truly reached the bronze level. Such strength is truly shocking.

At this moment, the fifth elder thought of the medicine pill, and suddenly looked at the white leopard, and looked at the silent leopard master.

"Don't tell me, don't tell me..."

The fifth elder stammered and looked at Li Xuan with horrified eyes, feeling that Leopard was becoming more and more mysterious.

Also at this time.

The patriarch slowly opened his eyes, and the aura that belonged to the bronze level was completely stabilized.

The patriarch took a deep breath, suppressed his ecstasy, knelt down to Li Xuan, and said gratefully.

"Thank you, Lord Leopard, the Zhao family, I swear allegiance to you to the death." The head of the Zhao family swore.

Following his words.

All the Zhao family knelt down and looked at Li Xuan and the mysterious and powerful Leopard.


Li Xuan feels that if a family is loyal to him and goes around to help him find materials and improve his skills, it is also very good.

However, Ah'Dai's contribution to this incident is not small. The **** pot made Li Xuan more and more curious, and he wanted to study the **** pot for a long time.

So Li Xuan raised his paw to signal, "A'Dai come here."

"Good... good Leopard."

Ah'Dai hurriedly ran over obediently, but he was also a little nervous when so many people paid attention.

"The thing the patriarch took just now is called Bloodline Moisturizing Pill, which is also a medicinal pill, a treasure that can increase spiritual power.

The patriarch was able to break through to the bronze level, and Ah'Dai also had a lot of credit. He will be trained more in the future. "Li Xuan pointed out directly that he had no intention of taking the credit for himself.

"A'Dai also made a contribution?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Ah'Dai with astonished eyes. They never thought that Ah'Dai also made a contribution.

You must know that Ah'Dai has always been stupid, but this time he actually made a contribution.

This made everyone look at Ah'Dai with admiration, and vaguely guessed that Lord Leopard had discovered Ah'Dai's talent.

"A'Dai, great work! The Zhao family is proud of you!" The patriarch gave A'Dai a thumbs up.

"Dai, thank you, because of you and Leopard, our Zhao family finally has a bronze rank." The fifth elder shouted his thanks.

"Dai, did Master Leopard discover your talent? Make good use of your talent and don't let Master Leopard help you."

"Dai, you are getting better and better, come on!"


The compliments, the approving gazes, and the surprise contained in them made Ah'Dai stunned in place, experiencing the emotion of pride for the first time.

In the past, he was stupid and was always a marginal figure in the family. Although the Zhao family was united, there was no situation of bullying him.

But he has never received so much attention, and it is even less likely that he has received so much praise, especially the praise of patriarchs and elders.

And now.

Because of Lord Leopard's help, the Zhao family's eyes on Ah'Dai changed completely, and it was different from before.

Ah'Dai likes these compliments very much, and prefers the attention of the clansmen, which makes Ah'Dai feel his importance.

"It was Master Leopard's help and digging that changed everything, otherwise I would never have been able to get so much praise."

Ah'Dai was secretly grateful, raised his hand to mold his belly, a trace of firmness flashed on his face again, raised his head and said solemnly.

"Master Leopard, I have something important that I want to tell you alone."


When Li Xuan heard this, he turned to look at Ah'Dai, then nodded and said, "Okay, come back to the carriage with me."

"Yes! Lord Leopard."

Ah'Dai hurriedly nodded and followed behind, slowly took out the sharp dagger, held it tightly in his hand, and followed Li Xuan back to the carriage.

Inside the tent.

The rest of the Zhao family immediately gathered together, surrounded the patriarch and asked questions, to investigate the level and strength of the patriarch.

After confirming again and again, it was confirmed that the patriarch really reached the bronze level~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The Zhao family became more and more excited and worshipped Leopard more and more.

Inside the carriage.

Li Xuan and Ah'Dai returned here again, looking at each other, the atmosphere seemed a little heavy.

"Tell me, what's the matter." Li Xuan asked calmly, gently poking the moisturizing pill in the box next to him with his paws.

"There is one very important thing about my life experience." Ah'Dai spoke slowly and put the **** pot in front of him at the same time.

"Life experience? Aren't you from the Zhao family?" Li Xuan wondered.

"Yes, but my mother is not. My mother is from a mysterious family, that is, the contract survivor." Ah'Dai said seriously.

"Contract survivors?" Li Xuan suddenly became serious, staring at Ah'Dai.

"Yes, contract survivors." Ah'Dai nodded and slowly took off his shirt, revealing his thin upper body.

Then Ah'Dai picked up the dagger, put the tip against his abdomen, and stabbed it sharply.


The red blood spurted out, flowing into the **** pot, Ah'Dai's complexion turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately after the dagger was stirred, a ring soon fell into the black pot as the dagger was brought out.


Throwing the dagger beside him, Ah'Dai hurriedly covered the wound on his abdomen. The bleeding wound started to heal quickly.

Such a scene shocked Li Xuan, but Ah Dai's wound was deep, and it would take a certain amount of time for him to heal himself. During this time, he would definitely bleed a lot.


The white light shone, and the advanced healing technique was released by Li Xuan to treat Ah Dai's injuries.

"Thank you, Mr. Leopard."

Ah'Dai looked at Li Xuan gratefully, and looked down at the ring in the **** pot.


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