The ninety-eighth floor of the Palace of God.

Ye Fan, the bitter monk and others were shocked to the extreme after hearing the story of the lame mother-in-law.

Before they saw the supplies of the Palace of God, they had vague guesses, but after listening to these words, the shock in their hearts simply rose.

To know.

When they passed by the abyss giant just now, the terrifying pressure of the gold level made them feel fear in their hearts.

Not to mention the bitter monk and others, even Ye Fan, the son of destiny, felt dignified from the bottom of his heart.

But such a terrifying gold-level abyss giant was just a soldier in the abyss invasion.

Above the gold level, there are semi-sages, lower-ranking saints, middle-ranking saints, upper-ranking saints, great perfection of saints, and the legendary demigods.

These existences beyond the gold level, everyone has been unable to imagine how powerful and shocking it would be.

The army of one million gold-level, a large number of saint-level masters, and two demigods were actually blocked by Qin Zhantian, who took everything by himself.

In the minds of everyone, they couldn't help but imagine the scene of Qin Zhantian's battle during the battle.

They could feel the terrible pressure Qin Zhantian was under at that time.

At that time, Qin Zhantian had no one to rely on, no teammates to accompany him, no helpers to help him out, all he could rely on was himself, relying on his thin shoulders to support the hope of mankind.

Such a scene shocked everyone, and it was impossible to imagine how tragic the scene at that time was.

Inexplicably, the power of the world shrouded down and enveloped Ye Fan.


In Ye Fan's mind, a picture of Qin Zhantian fighting in the abyss appeared.

That was the scene of Qin Zhantian fighting alone in the army of millions. Blood stained Qin Zhantian's robe, soaked his long hair, and wounds covered his whole body.

Qin Zhantian, who was not strong, fought alone in the tidal wave of enemy formations, fighting **** battles with one person and one knife in all directions. In the attack of two demigod enemies, he tragically blocked the enemy's invasion.

Various sneak attacks, curses, and weakening abilities shrouded Qin Zhantian, insidious traps, green poisonous gas, blood-colored formations, and terrifying space cuts were locked around Qin Zhantian.

The enemy's frantic attack regardless of casualties, and all-purpose battles, they even formed a giant formation, constantly besieging Qin Zhantian, making Qin Zhantian fall into desperation time and time again.

But Qin Zhantian did not despair, because he could not despair. If even he despaired, there would be no hope for mankind, and he could only become hope.

Relying on his mighty strength and tragic Jedi counterattacks again and again, he finally won. His blood-stained body stood above the sea of ​​millions of corpses, leaning on his long sword and screaming in the sky.

That scene made Ye Fan's heart tremble, and he took a few steps back.

"What's wrong with you, Ye Fan?" The bitter monk looked at Ye Fan suspiciously.

"It's okay, I just saw the battle scene of the emperor, it was too tragic, we all owe him." Ye Fan said with a heavy heart.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that the God-Emperor, who bears the infamy, would guard this world alone. The resistance army we built is simply a joke." The bitter monk sighed deeply.

"God Emperor... God Emperor should announce this matter, so that we can help." The red-eyed little beauty in the team said.

"Help? How to help? Don't say that in the past, even now, all our national strengths can't beat an abyss giant soldier? How can we help?

If this matter is announced, it will basically have no effect except to make the world more confusing. "

Ye Fan smiled bitterly and finally understood why the emperor concealed this matter.

It's better not to say some things. Everyone lives in the lies that we make up, and we can continue to survive and maintain the basic order, just like the current world order.

But if someone tells you that there is a terrifying abyss invading, and all human nations combined cannot beat a single soldier, that kind of despair will instantly collapse the world order.

When the world is in chaos, the world does not need others to invade, and he will gradually collapse. Ye Fan finally understands what the emperor is doing.

It's just that Ye Fan was a little puzzled about the witch giant. He couldn't help but look at the lame mother-in-law and said solemnly.

"Mother-in-law, can you tell us about the witch giant? By the way, there is also the sect of the gods. As the sect of the gods that invaded the world, why did the emperor let them occupy the slums of major cities?"

"Because, it's up to you to hold up this world, and the emperor can't hold it anymore."

The lame mother-in-law sighed, which made the hearts of everyone present sank.

Everyone has been speculating about where the Emperor of God went, why he never showed up, and where the people from the previous God's Palace went. In fact, everyone still has a lot of questions.

But now, what everyone is most afraid of is that the emperor can't hold on anymore. If the emperor is gone, what will the world do?

"Listen, I will continue to tell the story of the God Emperor, that is, the deeds after the God Emperor and the army of millions of abyss."

The lame mother-in-law paused for a moment, then continued: "That battle is what we call the loneliest battle in history.

After the battle the name of the Emperor of God resounded in the surrounding world, and also spread to our ears, attracting many admirers, followers,

At that time, the army of millions in the abyss, in addition to invading your world, would also invade a total of 15 worlds around, but because of the victory of the emperor, the 15 worlds ushered in a brief peace,

The world of sharks, the world of little giants, the world of berserkers, the world of madmen, the world of Lingyun... There are too many strong men in the world, who have gone through the world maze and defected to the emperor.

The defectors make up the three generals under the emperor, the twelve commanders, the thirty-six guards, and the army of the emperor. Because we worship the emperor, we are willing to worship him.

For example, the nine commanders are good at healing. She helped the emperor to reshape the lost limbs and heal the internal organs.

It's just that the God Emperor is too strong, and the reshaped limbs and organs simply cannot bear the God Emperor's too strong power, and can only play a supporting role.

But even so, there was still a glimmer of light in the eyes of the Divine Emperor.

Later, we formed the God Emperor's army, holding high the banner of the God Emperor's word "Heaven", and fought in the abyss, weakening the power of the abyss.

The army of the **** emperor was in this area, and the abyss army was defeated. Where the **** emperor's flag passed, the abyss creatures retreated, and no abyss creature dared to approach.

If you enter the abyss in the future, you will have the opportunity to see many flags of the **** emperor, and even after we win, the word 'heaven' will be carved on the mountain wall.

The purpose is to frighten the abyss creatures, so that they dare not approach the area with these words,

Because, here, we have established a huge city of iron and blood in the abyss as the base camp for the abyss. "

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