The lackeys of the abyss world, the world of the evil gods, also stared at this world and joined the ranks of the invasion, and Qin Zhantian was under more pressure.

But Qin Zhantian was too strong, even if two worlds invaded, Qin Zhantian still won the battle, and with his own strength, forcibly blocked the invasion of the two worlds.

Sometimes, Qin Zhantian also thought about telling the world about these things, but during that time mutant beasts were rampant, and people were under the invasion of mutant beasts.

Qin Buhui, the strongest human race on the bright side, gathered the power of all countries in the world to barely block the mutant beast.

If Qin Zhantian told them that two worlds were invading, I am afraid the whole world would be in chaos.

The point is, in the face of gold-level, semi-holy, and holy-level enemies, many masters in this world add up, and they can't beat a gold-level, even the skin.

Even if Qin Zhantian told everyone about the invasion, it would have no effect at all except to increase panic and turmoil.

In addition, the invasion of mutant beasts can exercise human beings and stimulate the slow growth of human beings.

In the end, Qin Zhantian didn't say anything, but walked around the world with his wife and children, killed all the invaders, and silently guarded the world for many years.

Later, Qin Zhantian's son grew up to marry a wife and have children, Qin Zhantian had a grandson, and he worked harder to protect the world.

Only ten years later, a bigger disaster came.

this day.

Qin Zhantian keenly detected that there were spatial fluctuations in the valley outside Qinhuangcheng, a passage from the abyss.

The appearance of this passage made Qin Zhantian realize the seriousness of the matter. He immediately went underground and temporarily sealed the abyss passage.

But the channel opened by the abyss is so easy to be sealed, and the cracks continue to expand, Qin Zhantian feels tremendous pressure.

Facing the even more terrifying abyss, as well as the invasion of the sect of gods and the world of the evil gods, Qin Zhantian was really anxious and felt more and more pressure.

Qin Zhantian wanted to make this matter public, unite all forces and block foreign invasions.

But at this time, the mutant beasts appeared at the half-step gold level. The mutant beasts rioted and attacked the human city crazily. Humans fell into a catastrophe.

Almost all human beings are aware of the great crisis of survival and tremble at the half-step gold level.

Qin Zhantian saw the frailty of human beings, and thought that the basic arms in the abyss were all gold-level, Qin Zhantian sighed, and finally resisted everything alone.

He first used the status of the royal family to position this area as a restricted area, prohibiting anyone from entering, and built it into a large manor.

In the dark, Qin Zhantian was underground and established a temporary battle area to strangle the low-level monsters that occasionally rushed in.

Of course.

The weakest of these low-level monsters are gold-level monsters, and the strong ones are semi-sacred, and they occasionally appear at the holy level.

Except for Qin Zhantian, no one can stop these enemies, not even the aftermath.

In addition to guarding the abyss passage, Qin Zhantian has to attack everywhere to kill the infiltration of the sect of the gods and the world of the evil gods.

It even helps humans from time to time, helping humans to overcome the difficulties of mutant beasts.

He felt his shoulders getting heavier and heavier, and everything was weighing on his shoulders, exhausting him physically and mentally.

As time went by, the abyss involved more energy in Qin Zhantian, he became more and more busy, more and more tired, and even had the idea of ​​giving up.

It's just that every time he comes home and eats the lotus seed porridge made by his wife, Qin Zhantian's fighting spirit is full again, and he resolutely continues to protect the world.


Qin Zhantian's son gradually grew up and reached the gold level, sharing part of the pressure for Qin Zhantian.

Qin Zhantian's grandson is also sixteen years old, his talent is gradually revealed, his strength is gradually catching up, and there is a tendency to become the second Qin Zhantian.

However, the good times did not last long. An invasion of the world of the evil gods caused Qin Zhantian's son and daughter-in-law to die in battle. Even his grandson was severely injured and lost all his cultivation.

On that day, Qin Zhantian held his grandson covered in blood and looked at his son and daughter-in-law who had lost his life. He was heartbroken, but he did not shed a single tear.

Because in this world, anyone can cry, only he can't. He is the last guardian and must be strong.

Qin Zhantian, who was sad in his heart, buried his son and daughter-in-law and sent his grandson to the imperial city.

The grandson who lost his cultivation base is no longer able to practice. Qin Zhantian hopes that his grandson can spend his life peacefully, so he tells Qin Buhui to protect his grandson.

Fortunately, Qin Zhantian's strength finally broke through to a demigod, and he started a big plan, that is, to severely damage the world of the evil god.

That day, he entered the world of the evil **** alone, and in the siege of endless enemies, he slashed the evil **** with a knife, shaking the entire evil **** world.

In that battle, Qin Zhantian's name resounded in many worlds, and he was so shocked that the Strange God Sect suspended the invasion. Only the mighty abyss was not afraid of Qin Zhantian and continued to attack continuously.

The demigod Qin Zhantian was also unwilling to be outdone. He entered the abyss, and in the sky mountain range in the abyss, he slashed 100,000 abyssal creatures and defeated them.

After that, he entered the lake of death, the valley of extinction, the cave of the dead, the giant forest, and many other abyss areas.

half year later.

A huge demigod of the abyss dog race descended, bringing with him eighteen saint-level Great Perfection powerhouses and an army of millions of gold-level giants.

Facing such a tyrannical enemy, Qin Zhantian felt tremendous pressure and felt the crisis of life and death.

What made Qin Zhantian even more desperate was that the world of the evil gods took the opportunity to invade and descended upon a demigod-level evil-god and 10,000 gold-level powerhouses.

Can you imagine? Facing such a terrible enemy, what should Qin Zhantian do alone? He just felt that the world was dark.

But looking at the lotus seed porridge brought by his wife, Qin Zhantian was drinking the warm lotus seed porridge, and he knew that he had to carry it all.


He set off again, and went into the abyss single-handedly, fighting for seven days and seven nights.

In that battle, the sky and the earth were torn apart, the sky and the earth were dull, and the abyss army was defeated and almost died. The blood from those giant corpses gathered together to form a long river of blood that stretched for several miles, shocked the world, and once again established Qin Zhantian's name.

He won another victory, but how difficult this victory was, Qin Zhantian paid a heavy price.

He lost his heart, his left leg, his right arm, his internal organs were all smashed to pieces, and if it wasn't for a demigod, he would be dead.

Blood-soaked Qin Zhantian, relying on the tyrannical vitality of a demigod, dragged his severely injured body back home with a long knife, just wanted to drink a bowl of lotus seed porridge in this warm home.

But when he returned home, what he saw was indeed his wife who had fallen tragically to the ground.

At that moment, Qin Zhantian felt that the sky was about to collapse and the whole world collapsed.

With his only left arm shaking, he picked up his wife in a pool of blood and hugged him tightly.

Tears of blood flowed from Qin Zhantian's eyes, his emotions almost collapsed, and he suddenly seemed to have aged ten years.

He wants to accompany his wife to die, to accompany her forever, and even the whole person slowly loses energy.

Fortunately, Qin Zhantian recovered a little after thinking of revenge. He used the forbidden power without hesitation, and he went back in time to see the picture of his wife's death.

He saw the murderer, a member of the evil energy organization under the evil and also saw his wife lying in a pool of blood, saying something silently.

Qin Zhantian understood what his wife said, that it was to let him continue to protect the world and their only grandson.

Qin Zhantian stood for a long time, finally nodded, and decided to fulfill his wife's last wish and work hard to protect the world.


Qin Zhantian, who had just decided to protect this world, ushered in new bad news. His grandson in Qinhuangcheng was killed.

Originally, Qin Zhantian thought it was the work of the evil god, but through time, he found that it was a member of the royal family of Qin who did it.

The reason is that his grandson wants to become the new emperor of Qin, and wants to help Qin Zhantian to do some auxiliary work through national power to help the world.

However, some people in the royal family of the Qin Kingdom were worried about the throne being taken away. They secretly contacted the evil energy organization and killed Qin Zhantian's grandson.

These royal family members thought they were doing it in secret, but they didn't know that Qin Zhantian, who was a demigod, used the ability to rewind time to see everything.

After losing all his relatives, Qin Zhantian, who was in a rage, finally broke out. In one night, he slaughtered the murderer, cut down the grass, and the entire palace was bloodied.

At this time, Qin Buhui couldn't stand it anymore, thinking that Qin Zhantian had killed too many people in the royal family and wanted to stop it, but was finally hit hard by Qin Zhantian's move.

Qin Zhantian, who was heartbroken, buried the bodies of his wife and grandson alone, and then returned to the Forbidden Land Manor to use his force to create the Palace of God, known as the Emperor of God.

At that time, he was the only one in the Palace of God. He dragged his severely injured body to the bottom floor of the Palace of God, and silently followed his wife's last wish to protect the world that broke his heart.

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