"Wait, the space crack will open soon, all of you will die, wait to die, Jie Jie Jie!"

A strange sound of laughter resounded in the Beast-Fighting Sect, and everyone who heard the sound felt their scalps go numb and their hearts jumped.

When some weak disciples heard the voice, they were shocked by the voice and vomited blood, and their faces were as pale as paper.

The disciples in the sect were originally practicing, but they were all frightened by the sound at this moment, and all looked solemnly towards the forbidden area.

The little fat man who was lazy and eating roast chicken on the reclining chair, fell to the ground and looked in the direction of the forbidden area in fear.


The figures of several monsters stood in front of the little fat man for the first time, protecting him.

These monsters are Lightning Tiger and Thunder Eagle, both of whom were taken in by Li Xuan at the beginning. When Li Xuan left, he ordered these monsters to protect Little Fatty.

At this moment, although the monsters were very scared, they still followed Li Xuan's order to protect the little fat man for the first time.

As silver-level monsters, they still followed Li Xuan's orders and dared to face unknown and terrifying voices at these dangerous times. It can be said that these monsters have done their best to Li Xuan.

Fortunately, the strange sound disappeared and did not continue to appear, otherwise the entire Imperial Beast Sect would be in big trouble.

Inside the forbidden area.

The white-haired saint-level old man was in a heavy heart, especially looking at the crack in the space, the white-haired saint-level old man had a worried face on his face.

He clearly knew how weird that vertical pupil was.

When he was in the abyss fortress, the abyss invasion was blocked, and a small boss used a treasure before he died.

Then the vertical pupil phantom manifested, killing a large number of human powerhouses, causing heavy losses to mankind.

At that time, the entire human race was in despair.

Fortunately, the vertical pupil phantom quickly dissipated, and the human race was able to survive.

But did not expect.

This time, the vertical pupil appeared again, and it still looked like he was about to officially invade, which made the white-haired saint-level old man extremely worried.

"Ancestor Storm, is the abyss planning to officially invade?" A Gold-level Supreme Elder of Tianjian Sect couldn't help asking.

Before this world was invaded by the abyss, human beings paid a heavy price, and finally survived the abyss attack.

But the people at the bottom don't know that such a terrifying attack is just an invasion by a small leader in the abyss, and the top of the abyss doesn't take this world seriously at all.

Now that the vertical pupil is staring at this world, it also indicates that the abyss is about to officially invade, because that vertical pupil is a lord, known as the tyrannical existence of the vertical pupil lord.

If such an existence is serious, the threat brought by it will rise in a straight line, then the world will not be able to bear it at all, and extinction is almost the only outcome.


Everyone at the scene was very worried, and they didn't know what to do, and they all fell into panic.

"Let's move the disciples of the Royal Beast Sect first, and the human race in a radius of ten thousand miles will also move." The white-haired saint-level old man, that is, the ancestor of the storm, said solemnly.

"Yes! Old Ancestor."

Everyone nodded quickly, ready to go to arrange the relocation.

There are many people in the Imperial Beast Sect. The purpose is to rely on the vitality of life to suppress the breath of the abyss and create a stable space crack in disguise.

This was the only way for humans to suppress the abyss breath in the past. If Li Xuan was not born and established various formations, the human race still couldn't find a second method.

"By the way, is there any news from Li Xuan?" Ancestor Storm asked suddenly.

He had high hopes for Li Xuan and wanted to cultivate Li Xuan into a saint-level powerhouse, so he gave Li Xuan the most precious source of dark elements, just to make Li Xuan develop better.

But looking at the current situation, the human race is running out of time. Ancestor Storm only hopes that he can buy more time so that Li Xuan can grow faster.

That's why he asked this sentence, wanting to know where Li Xuan's progress was.

"Ancestor, after Li Xuan left the message, he disappeared completely, we don't know where he is, but he is definitely still alive,

At that time, he left a soul lamp in the abyss fortress. As long as he did not die, the soul lamp would not go out. "The Supreme Elder of Tianjianzong said again.

"Well, he is the only hope of the human race. What we can do is to buy more time to give Li Xuan more time to grow up. Only in this way can the human race have hope."

Ancestor Storm sighed, his wrinkled old face was full of vicissitudes, no one knew that his deadline was only one year left, and he would die after one year.

He only hoped that before dying, the human race could still see hope and see Li Xuan grow up completely.

"Let's go, migrate thousands of people to the abyss fortress."

"Yes! Ancestor!"


The migration work has begun in a mighty manner. Under various orders, human beings within 10,000 miles have begun the great migration, looking for the hope of life in the confusion.

With the development of the migration work, the space crack became larger and larger, and there were more and more densely criss-crossed cracks.

Just like glass, it will shatter one day, and there is not much time left for human beings.


Qin Yue's world.

Inside Blackrock City.

Qin Yue, who became more and more powerful, led the rebel army and finally entered the city and became the lord of the city.

At the same time, Qin Yue led the troops to clean up the remaining members of the False God Sect and Evil Energy Organization in the city, and stabilized Black Rock City even more.

Except for Blackrock.

Rebels around the world are becoming more and more active, occupying every city. For example, Ba Wudi in Baihe City has occupied 18 cities.

Xiao Bubai of Red River City occupied twelve cities, the bitter monk of Black Sea City occupied eight cities, and Ye Fan of Qingyun City occupied three cities...

It can be said that the whole world is caught in the wave of the resistance army, and countless human beings are actively participating in the war, killing the sectarian religion and the evil energy organization.

There are even many forces that have been secretly supported by various countries.

Just like Qin Yue, many people are very optimistic about her, they defected to Qin Yue's account, and provided materials, armor, weapons, and food at the same time.

Originally, Qin Yue didn't plan to occupy Black Rock City. After all, the city owner's wife of Black Rock City and Qin Yue had a good relationship, but they couldn't help Black Rock City defect. The city owner and the city owner's wife directly gave the Black Stone City to Qin Yue, which Qin Yue did not expect.

In addition, the subordinates all hope that Qin Yue will become the city owner, so that the rebels have a place to stay.

In desperation, Qin Yue had to accept this position and became the lord of Black Rock City.

The subordinates also offered to attack the surrounding cities, and also said that they had internal support and could open the city gates as soon as possible.

In short, various strategies and guarantees appeared one after another, and even many people pledged their lives to be able to hold a certain city.

With such a guarantee, even Song Xiaomei was persuaded ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ to expand her power as soon as possible.

Only Qin Yue decisively refused to expand and stayed firmly in Black Rock City.

Because Li Xuan said at the beginning, let Qin Yue act in a low-key manner, and now occupying Black Rock City, it is enough to have a place to stay, and she doesn't want to make extra troubles.

In fact, in her opinion, the position of city lord, the leader of the resistance army, the occupation of the city, and the establishment of the country are not what she wants.

Her greatest hope is to be with Li Xuan every day, take care of Li Xuan's daily life, and grow old with Li Xuan.


The world is too dangerous, she can only improve herself desperately, and only in this way can she be with Li Xuan forever.

Thousands of miles away.

Baihe City, the largest resistance base of the human race.

This is the territory of Ba Wudi. The powerful Ba Wudi relies on his powerful strength and tyrannical control ability to become the most powerful resistance army and is called the leader of the human race.

Therefore, many experts gathered here, and many people came to defect.

Outside the Baihe City Gate, there are endless pedestrians.

A squinting handsome boy with a long knife on his back walked quietly on the dirt road and walked towards the city gate step by step.

He has short purple hair, fair skin, and a slender figure, giving him the temperament of a big brother next door.


When he came to the gate of Baihe City, when he heard passers-by praise Baihe City's unparalleled dominance, the handsome young man smiled mockingly.

His smile was wide, grinning all the way to the base of his ears, and he also showed his teeth, serrated sharp teeth.

Those bloodthirsty shark-like teeth startled the passers-by, and they stepped back again and again, looking at the handsome young man in fear.

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